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Computer Code Collection (radiation transport programs)
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
1DB-2DB-3DBAbstractC00741 PC586 00One-Dimensional Diffusion Code System for Nuclear Reactor.
3DDTAbstractC00605 C6600 00Multigroup Diffusion Code System for Use in Fast Reactor Analysis.
AARE-V1.0AbstractC00846 MNYCP 00Activation in Accelerator Radiation Environments
ACAB-2008AbstractC00758 MNYCP 01Activation Abacus Inventory Code System for Nuclear Applications.
ACDOS3AbstractC00442 C7600 00Calculation of Activities and Dose Rates Produced by Neutron Activation.
ACFAAbstractC00478 I3033 00A Versatile Activation Code for Coolant and Structural Materials.
ACOHAbstractC00191 I3675 00Aerojet COHORT Monte Carlo Code System.
ACRA-IIAbstractC00213 I0360 00Kernel Integration Code System for Estimation of Radiation Doses Caused by a Hypothetical Reactor Accident.
ACRA-TRITAbstractC00283 I0360 00The Tritium Version of ACRA-II, Estimation of Radiation Doses Caused by a Hypothetical Reactor Accident.
ACT-ARAAbstractC00372 CYXMP 00Code System for the Calculation of Changes in Radiological Source Terms with Time.
ADJMOMAbstractC00212 I3675 00Adjoint Moments Method Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
ADOAbstractC00189 I3675 00Aerojet Discrete Ordinates Calculational System.
AbstractC00854 PCX86 00AutomateD VAriaNce reducTion Generator
ADVANTG 3.2.1AbstractC00854 PCX86 01AutomateD VAriaNce reducTion Generator
AIRBORNEAbstractC00263 I0360 00Airborne Contaminants Dispersion Code.
AIRDIFAbstractC00360 C6600 00A Two-Dimensional Atmospheric Radiation Diffusion Code.
AIRDOS-PCAbstractC00551 IBMPC 00Clean Air Act Compliance Software for Personal Computers.
AIREMAbstractC00242 I3691 00Calculation of Doses, Population Doses, and Ground Depositions Due to Atmospheric Emissions of Radionuclides.
AIRGAMMAAbstractC00567 FM380 00A Program For The Calculation Of External Exposure To Gamma Rays From A Radioactive Cloud.
AIRSCATAbstractC00341 DP010 00Calculation of Dose Rate for Gamma-Rays Scattered in Air.
AIRTRANSAbstractC00110 I3675 00Monte Carlo Time and Energy-Dependent Three-Dimensional Radiation Transport Code.
AISITE IIAbstractC00286 I0360 00Reactor Siting Code System.
AKERNAbstractC00190 C0000 00Aerojet Point Kernel Integration Calculational System.
AKERNAbstractC00190 U1108 00Aerojet Point Kernel Integration Calculational System.
AKTIVAbstractC00339 I0360 00An Evaluation of Activity, Afterheat and Biological Hazard Potential of Stainless Steel Structures in Fusion Reactor Blankets.
ALARA 2.7.8AbstractC00723 MNYCP 00Code System for Analytic and Laplacian Adaptive Radioactivity Analysis.
ALBEDO/ALBEZAbstractC00555 IBMPC 00Calculates Attenuation of Radiation in Single and Double Bends.
ALBEMOAbstractC00268 C6600 00Albedo Monte Carlo Code System.
ALDOSEAbstractC00577 IBMPC 00Dose Calculation for Alpha Disc Source.
ALGAM-97AbstractC00152 I3675 00Monte Carlo Estimation of Internal Dose from Gamma-Ray Sources in a Phantom Man.
ALKASYS-PCAbstractC00558 IBMPC 00A Computer Program For Studies of Rankine-Cycle Space Nuclear Power Systems.
ALPHNAbstractC00612 IBMPC 00Code System for Calculating (alpha,n) Neutron Production in Canisters of High-Level Waste.
AMCAbstractC00090 I3675 00Monte Carlo Albedo Code for Neutron and Capture Gamma-Ray Distributions in Rectangular Concrete Ducts.
AMPAbstractC00793 PCX86 00Advanced Multi-Physics.
ANISN-ORNLAbstractC00254 MNYCP 02One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System with Anisotropic Scattering.
ANISN-PCAbstractC00514 IBMPC 00Multigroup One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System with Anisotropic Scattering.
ANITA-2000AbstractC00693 MNYCP 00Analysis of Neutron Induced Transmutation and Activation.
ANITA-4AbstractC00606 MNYCP 01Analysis of Neutron Induced Transmutation and Activation.
ANTE 2AbstractC00131 I3675 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Code in Combinatorial Geometry.
APARNA-IIAbstractC00296 I0360 00Integral Transport Theory Code System Based on Discrete Ordinate Representation in Space and Direction-Slab Geometry.
APUD 3.0AbstractC00637 IBMPC 00Code System for Analyzing, Predicting Consequences of, and Guiding the Response to Nuclear Emergencies.
ARCAbstractC00224 C6600 00Aircraft Radiation Transport Code System, Crew Dose Calculation.
ARC 11.2892
AbstractC00824 MNYCP 02Code System for Analysis of Nuclear Reactors.
ARCON96AbstractC00664 IBMPC 00Code System to Calculate Atmospheric Relative Concentrations in Building Wakes.
AREACAbstractC00438 I3033 00Radiological Emission Analysis Code System.
ARMYL-GAbstractC00297 U1106 00Calculation of Transmission Factors for Gamma Rays from Nuclear Explosions.
ARMYL-NAbstractC00298 U1106 00Calculation of Transmission Factors for Neutrons from Nuclear Explosions.
ARRRGAbstractC00404 U1100 00Calculation of Radiation Dose to Man from Radionuclides in the Environment.
ASFIT-VARIAbstractC00336 H0000 00Gamma-Ray Transport Code System for One-Dimensional Finite Systems.
ASFIT-VARIAbstractC00336 IBMPC 00Gamma-Ray Transport Code System for One-Dimensional Finite Systems.
ASOPAbstractC00126 IRISC 00Multigroup One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System for Shield Optimization.
ASTROSAbstractC00073 I7090 00Calculation of Primary and Secondary Proton Dose Rates in Spheres and Slabs of Tissue.
AT123DAbstractC00417 I0360 00Analytical Transient One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Simulation of Waste Transport in an Aquifer System.
ATM-TOXAbstractC00472 I3033 00An Atmospheric Transport Model for Toxic Substances.
ATTOW-KBAbstractC00132 I0370 00Multigroup Two-Dimensional Removal-Diffusion (Spinney Method) Shielding Code System.
AUS98AbstractC00519 MNYWS 01Modular System for Neutronics Calculations of Fission Reactors, Fusion Blankets, and Other Systems.
BALTOROAbstractC00479 C6600 00Code for Coupling of Monte Carlo and Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Calculations.
BCGAbstractC00578 C0170 00A Code For Calculating Pointwise Neutron Spectra and Criticality in Fast Reactor Cells.
BEBCAbstractC00077 I7090 00Electron Bremsstrahlung Penetration Code for Space Vehicles.
BEDAbstractC00078 I7090 00Electron Penetration Code for Space Vehicles.
BERMUDAAbstractC00616 FV260 03Discrete Ordinates Code System for Shielding Analysis for Use with Fusion and Fission Reactors.
BETA IIAbstractC00117 C6600 00Monte Carlo Bremsstrahlung and Electron Transport Analysis in Geometry.
BETA IIAbstractC00117 I0360 00Monte Carlo Bremsstrahlung and Electron Transport Analysis in Geometry.
BETA-S 6AbstractC00657 MNYCP 01Code System to Calculate Multigroup Beta-Ray Spectra.
BIGGIAbstractC00066 I3675 00Numerical Gamma-Ray Transport Code for Plane or Spherical Multilayer Geometry.
BIGGIAbstractC00066 U1108 00Numerical Gamma-Ray Transport Code for Plane or Spherical Multilayer Geometry.
BIGGI-4TAbstractC00780 I0360 00Gamma Transport in Multi-Region Shield in Planar or Spherical Geometry.
BISON 1.5AbstractC00464 HM200 00One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinate Transport and Burnup Calculation Code System.
BISON-CAbstractC00659 MNYWS 00One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinate Transport and Burnup Calculation Code System.
AbstractC00633 PC386 00Code System to Solve for Release and Transport of Contaminants through Saturated/Unsaturated Media.
BMC-MGAbstractC00291 C6600 00Multigroup Monte Carlo Neutron and Gamma-Ray Shielding Code System for Plutonium.
BOLD VENTURE IVAbstractC00459 I3033 00A Reactor Analysis Code System.
BOXERAbstractC00766 MNYWS 00Fine-flux Cross Section Condensation, 2D Few Group Diffusion and Transport Burnup Calculations
BPPCAbstractC00076 I7090 00Proton Penetration Codes for Space Vehicles.
BREMRADAbstractC00031 I7090 00External and Internal Bremsstrahlung Calculation Code.
BRHGAMAbstractC00350 I3033 00Monte Carlo Estimation of Absorbed Dose from X-Ray Sources in Phantom Man.
BULK_C-12AbstractC00738 PC586 00Code System to Estimate Neutron and Photon Effective Dose Rates from Medium Energy Protons or Carbon Ions Through Concrete or Concrete/Iron.
BURP-2AbstractC00237 C6600 00Calculation of Buildup and Decay of Radioactive Fission Products.
BUSHAbstractC00333 I0360 00A Code to Calculate Radiation Doses Inside Buildings from Routine Releases of Radionuclides to the Atmosphere.
BUTTERCUPAbstractC00779 MNYCP 00A Dual-Layer Photon Buildup Factor Code.
BWR-LTASAbstractC00485 I3033 01A Boiling Water Reactor Long-Term Accident Simulation Code.
CAACAbstractC00476 D0VAX 00Code System for Implementation of Atmospheric Dispersion Assessment Required by the Clear Air Act.
CAACAbstractC00476 I3033 00Code System for Implementation of Atmospheric Dispersion Assessment Required by the Clear Air Act.
CACA-2AbstractC00302 I0360 00Heavy Isotope and Fission-Product Concentration Calculation Code System.
CALKUXAbstractC00594 IBMPC 00Code System to Calculate Exposure Transmission of Medical X-ray Beams Through Barrier Materials.
CALOR95AbstractC00610 MNYWS 00Monte Carlo Code System for Design and Analysis of Calorimeter Systems, Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Target Systems, etc.
CAMERAAbstractC00240 C0074 00Radiation Transport Analysis Code System and the Computerized Man (CAM) Model.
CAMERAAbstractC00240 IBMPC 01Radiation Transport Analysis Code System and the Computerized Man (CAM) Model.
CAP-88AbstractC00542 D0VAX 00Clean Air Act Assessment Package.
CAP-88AbstractC00542 I3090 00Clean Air Act Assessment Package.
CAP-88AbstractC00542 IBMPC 00Clean Air Act Assessment Package.
CAP88-PCAbstractC00542 IBMPC 01Clean Air Act Assessment Package.
CAPS-2AbstractC00074 CDCMF 00Analysis of Structures for Fallout Radiation Shielding.
CARL 2.3AbstractC00743 PC586 01Code System to Calculate Radiotoxicity, Activity, Dose and Decay Power Calculations for Spent Fuel.
CARMEN SYSTEMAbstractC00487 U1110 00A Code System for Neutronics PWR Calculation by Diffusion Theory with Space-Dependent Feedback Effects.
CARNACAbstractC00238 I3691 00Calculation of Flux and Neutron Spectra in the Case of Criticality Accident.
CARSTEPAbstractC00024 I7090 00Trajectory and Environment Code-Electron and Proton Fluxes Impinging on Spacecraft in Orbit.
CASCADEAbstractC00176 C6600 00Monte Carlo Simulation of the Transport of High Energy Electrons and Photons in Matter.
CASCADEAbstractC00176 I0360 00Monte Carlo Simulation of the Transport of High Energy Electrons and Photons in Matter.
CASIMAbstractC00265 I0360 00Monte Carlo Simulation of Transport of Hadron Cascades in Bulk Matter.
CAVEATAbstractC00169 I3675 00General Purpose Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Radiation Transport Code in Complex Geometry.
CDRAbstractC00182 C6600 00A Constant Dose Range Code System, Using the LANL-NWEF Neutron-Gamma-Ray Air Flux Tape.
CDRAbstractC00182 I0360 00A Constant Dose Range Code System, Using the LANL-NWEF Neutron-Gamma-Ray Air Flux Tape.
CEPXSAbstractC00837 MNYCP 00Coupled Electron-Photon Cross Section
CEPXS/ONELD 1.0AbstractC00544 MNYCP 02One-Dimensional Coupled Electron-Photon Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Code System.
CHAINS-PCAbstractC00604 IBMPC 00Code System to Compute Atom Density of Members of a Single Decay Chain.
CHAINT-MCAbstractC00584 CYXMP 00A Two-Dimensional Model for the Analysis of Contaminant Transport in a Fractured Porous Medium.
CHARGE IIAbstractC00070 C6500 00Space Radiation Shielding Code - Proton and Electron Penetration of Multilayered Slabs and Spheres.
CHARGE IIAbstractC00070 I3675 00Space Radiation Shielding Code - Proton and Electron Penetration of Multilayered Slabs and Spheres.
CHARGE-PCAbstractC00070 IBMPC 00Space Radiation Shielding Code - Proton and Electron Penetration of Multilayered Slabs and Spheres.
CHNSEDAbstractC00671 I0360 00Code System to Model Sediment & Containment Transport.
CINDER 1.05AbstractC00755 PC586 00Code System for Actinide Transmutation Calculations
CITATION-LDI 2AbstractC00643 PC386 02Nuclear Reactor Core Analysis Code System.
CLOUD-MAbstractC00032 I3565 00Gamma-Ray Dose Rate from a Radioactive Cloud-Kernel Integration Code.
CNCSN 2009AbstractC00726 PCX86 01One, Two- and Three-Dimensional Coupled Neutral and Charged Particle SN Parallel Multi-Threaded Code System.
COG11.1AbstractC00829 MNYCP 00Multiparticle Monte Carlo Code System for Shielding and Criticality Use.
COHORT-IIAbstractC00198 I7094 00General Purpose Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code System.
COLLIMATORAbstractC00136 I7090 00Monte Carlo Calculation of the Spectrum of Gamma Radiation from a Collimated Co-60 Source.
COLUMN2AbstractC00534 ALLMF 00Calculation of Effects of Physicochemical Processes on Migration.
COMPRASHAbstractC00072 I3675 00Spinney Removal-Diffusion Shielding Code.
COMRADEX4AbstractC00332 I0360 00Evaluator of Potential Radiological Doses in the Near (< 10 km) Environment of Radioactive Release.
CONDOR-3AbstractC00811 I0370 00Two-Dimensional Reactor Program with Local and Spectrum Dependent Burnup.
CONDOS-IIAbstractC00416 I0360 00Code for Estimating Radiation Doses from Radionuclide-Containing Consumer Products.
CONSTRIP VAbstractC00139 I3675 00Vertical Barrier-Finite Source Plane Gamma-Ray Penetration Code System.
CRAC2AbstractC00419 C0000 00Code System for Calculating Reactor Accident Consequences.
CRAC2AbstractC00419 I3033 00Code System for Calculating Reactor Accident Consequences.
CRRISAbstractC00518 I3033 00Computerized Radiological Risk Investigation System for Assessing Doses and Health Risks from Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
CRRISAbstractC00518 PC586 00Computerized Radiological Risk Investigation System for Assessing Doses and Health Risks from Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
CRYSTAL BALLAbstractC00233 C6600 00Code System for Determining Neutron Spectra from Activation Measurements.
CRYSTAL BALLAbstractC00233 I0360 00Code System for Determining Neutron Spectra from Activation Measurements.
CTFAbstractC00871 PCX86 00CTF is the modernized version of the legacy subchannel thermal hydraulics (TH) code COBRA-TF
CYGASAbstractC00317 I3033 00A Gamma-Ray Attenuation Code System for Large Gamma-Ray Sources Shielded by Coaxial Cylinders.
CYGNUS-C SPHEREAbstractC00232 I0360 00Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System in Spherical Geometry.
CYLDOSAbstractC00389 I0360 00A Cylindrical Geometry Gamma-Ray Flux Attenuation Code System.
DACRINAbstractC00273 U1100 00Airborne Radionuclide Organ Dose Calculational System.
DANTSYS 3.0AbstractC00547 MFMWS 01One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional, Multigroup, Discrete-Ordinates Transport Code System.
DART-V.1AbstractC00830 MNYCP 00Displacement per Atom, Primary Knocked-on Atoms Produced in an Atomic Solid Target
DASH-FPAbstractC00366 C0000 00A One-Dimensional Analytic-Numerical Solution to the Problem of Multicomponent Time-Dependent Diffusion of Fission Products.
DAVEAbstractC00166 I3675 00Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Transport Code System in One-Dimensional Spherical Geometry.
DCHAIN 1.3AbstractC00640 MNYCP 01Code System for Radioactive Decay and Reaction Chain Calculations.
DCHAIN-SP2001AbstractC00712 MNYWS 01Code System for Analyzing Decay and Build-up Characteristics of Spallation Products.
DCTDOSAbstractC00520 IBMPC 00Neutron and Gamma-Ray Penetration in Composite Duct Systems.
DDXCODESAbstractC00583 FM380 00One-, Two- and Three-Dimensional Transport Codes Using Multigroup Double-Differential Form Cross Sections.
DEISAbstractC00455 C6600 00Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste.
DEMON & DEMON RAbstractC00181 I3675 00Demonstration Monte Carlo Code System in Slab Geometry.
DIAMANT2AbstractC00414 PC386 00Multigroup Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System for Triangular Geometry, Release 2.0.
DIF3D 11.2892
AbstractC00784 MNYCP 02Code System Using Variational Nodal Methods and Finite Difference Methods to Solve Neutron Diffusion and Transport Theory Problems.
DIFMODAbstractC00572 I3083 00A Computer Program To Calculate The Leaching of Radionuclides and the Corrosion of Cemented Waste Forms in Water or Brine.
DINT-YAECAbstractC00306 ALLMF 00Evaluator of I1 and I2 Integrals as Used in Long-Term External Gamma-Ray Doses from Routine Atmospheric Releases.
DIPHOAbstractC00140 I3675 00Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Code System-Infinite Medium, Mono-energetic and Isotropic Point Source.
DISDOSAbstractC00170 I0360 00Calculation of Dose Distribution in Human Phantoms Irradiated by External Photon Sources.
DISKTRANAbstractC00533 CYXMP 00Dose Calculations at Detectors from the End of a Cylinder Using DOT IV Scalar Flux Data.
DISKTRANAbstractC00533 I3033 00Dose Calculations at Detectors from the End of a Cylinder Using DOT IV Scalar Flux Data.
DISPERSAbstractC00454 MNYCP 00Collection of Mathematical Models for Dispersion in Surface Water and Groundwater.
DIXY-2AbstractC00812 I0370 002-D Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Neutron Diffusion N X-Z, R-Z, R-Theta Geometry with Perturbation.
DKRAbstractC00323 CY000 00A Radioactivity and Dose Rate Calculation Code System for Fusion Reactors.
DLSAbstractC00264 C6600 00Two-Dimensional Shielding Calculational System with Diffusion Theory and Line-of-Sight Method.
DOORS 3.2AAbstractC00650 MFMWS 04One, Two- and Three-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Neutron/Photon Transport Code System.
DOPEXAbstractC00177 I3675 00Laminated Shield Weight Optimization Code System-Steepest Descent Calculational Model.
DOPEXAbstractC00177 U1108 00Laminated Shield Weight Optimization Code System-Steepest Descent Calculational Model.
DOPEX-1D2CAbstractC00214 I0360 00A One-Dimensional, Two-Constraint Radiation Shield Optimization Code System.
DOSE 1AbstractC00165 I3675 00Gamma-Radiation Dosimetry for Arbitrary Source and Target Geometry.
DOSE-SGTRAbstractC00624 IBMPC 00Code System to Calculate the Integrated Iodine Release to the Environment During a Steam Generator Tube Rupture in a PWR.
DOSFACTER IIAbstractC00400 D0750 00Calculation of Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for Exposure to Photons and Electrons.
DOSFACTER IIAbstractC00400 I0360 00Calculation of Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for Exposure to Photons and Electrons.
DOSFACTER-DOEAbstractC00536 I3033 00Calculation of Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for Exposure to Photons and Electrons.
DOT 3.5AbstractC00276 I0360 00Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Code System.
DPCTAbstractC00580 CYXMP 00A Deterministic-Probabilistic Model For Contaminant Transport.
DRAGON2PARTISNAbstractC00803 PCX86 00Cross-Sections Data Generation for PARTISN4.0.
DRAGON3.05DAbstractC00647 MNYWS 03Lattice Cell Code System.
DTF-69AbstractC00130 C6600 00Multigroup Neutron Transport Discrete Ordinates Code System with One-Dimensional, Anisotropic Scattering.
DTF-INDIAAbstractC00458 I0370 00Multigroup Neutron Transport Discrete Ordinates Code System with One-Dimensional, Anisotropic Scattering.
DTF-IVAbstractC00042 C6600 00Multigroup Neutron Transport Discrete Ordinates Code System with One-Dimensional, Anisotropic Scattering.
DTF-IV MODIFIEDAbstractC00042 I0370 00Multigroup Neutron Transport Discrete Ordinates Code System with One-Dimensional, Anisotropic Scattering.
DTF-TRACAAbstractC00412 U1100 00Multigroup Neutron Transport Discrete Ordinates Code System with One-Dimensional, Anisotropic Scattering.
DTKAbstractC00223 I3675 00One-Dimensional Multigroup Neutron Transport Code System.
DUSTAbstractC00453 I3033 00Albedo Monte Carlo Simulation of Neutron Streaming Through Multilegged Ducts.
DUST-BNLAbstractC00634 PC386 00Disposal Unit Source Term by One-Dimensional, Transient, Finite-Difference, Subsurface Release and Transport of Contaminants.
DWNWNDAbstractC00383 DP010 00Interactive Gaussian Plume Atmospheric Transport Model.
EASY-QAD 2.0.1AbstractC00744 PC586 02A Visualization Code System for Gamma and Neutron Shielding Calculations.
E-DEP-1AbstractC00275 D0VAX 00Heavy Ion Energy Deposition Code System.
EDMULT 6.4AbstractC00430 MNYCP 02Evaluates Electron Depth-Dose Distributions in Multilayer Slab Absorbers.
EDNAAbstractC00104 I7090 00Electron Dose and Number Analysis Code by Kernel Integration.
EDOAbstractC00489 U1110 00A Code System in Fortran V for the Evaluation of Dose During Normal Operation of a Nuclear Power Plant.
EFDOSAbstractC00411 I0360 00Calculation of Effective Committed Dose Equivalents by Inhalation of Radioactive Materials Occurring in Routine Atmospheric Releases from Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities.
EGADAbstractC00206 I0360 00Calculation of Dose from External Gamma-Ray Emitters.
EGS4AbstractC00331 MNYCP 00Monte Carlo Simulation of the Coupled Transport of Electrons and Photons.
ELBAAbstractC00119 I0360 00Electron and Bremsstrahlung Dose Rate Code.
ELEORBITAbstractC00751 PCX86 003-D Simulation of Electron Orbits in Magnetic Multipole Plasma Source.
ELFAbstractC00167 I0360 00Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System for Cylinders and Spheres.
ELGATLAbstractC00295 C6600 00Calculation of Energy Spectra from Coupled Electron-Photon Slowing Down.
ELPHOAbstractC00301 I0360 00Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Electromagnetic Transport Code System.
ELTRANAbstractC00155 C3600 00One-Dimensional Monte Carlo Electron Transport Code System.
EMERALDAbstractC00211 I0360 00Calculation of Activity Releases and Potential Doses from a Pressurized Water Reactor Plant.
EMERALD-NORMALAbstractC00250 I0370 00Calculation of Activity Releases and Potential Doses from the Normal Operation of a Pressurized Water Reactor Plant.
ENEDEPAbstractC00227 GE400 00Energy Deposition Code System for GE 265 Time-Sharing System.
EPRI-CINDERAbstractC00309 C6600 00General Point-Depletion and Fission Product Code System and Four-Group Fission Product Neutron Absorption Chain Data Library Generated from ENDF/B-IV for Thermal Reactors.
AbstractC00745 MNYWS 00Modular Code and Data System for Fast Reactor Neutronics Analyses
ERPEXAbstractC00305 C0073 00Monte Carlo Distributions of Energetic Proton Ranges in Silicon.
ESDORAAbstractC00183 U1108 00Fission Product Inventory and Gamma-Ray Dose Rate from a Radioactive Cloud System.
ESPAbstractC00193 I0360 00General Purpose Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System.
ETRANAbstractC00107 I0360 00Monte Carlo Code System for Electron and Photon Through Extended Media.
EXPALSAbstractC00787 C7600 00Least Square Fit of Linear Combination of Exponential Decay Function.
EXPRESSAbstractC00622 MNYCP 00Exact Preparedness Supporting System.
EXTREMEAbstractC00440 I3033 00Two-Dimensional Discrete-Ordinates Code System with Exponential Expansion of Spatial Variables.
FANTOMAbstractC00375 BESM6 00Monte Carlo Calculation of the Response of an External Detector to a Photon Source in the Lungs of a Heterogeneous Phantom.
FASTER IIIAbstractC00168 U1108 00Monte Carlo Neutron and Photon Transport Code System in Complex Geometries.
FASTER-IIIAbstractC00168 I3675 00Monte Carlo Neutron and Photon Transport Code System in Complex Geometries.
FDKRAbstractC00541 I4381 00Radioactivity and Dose Rate Calculation Code for Fission, Fusion and Hybrid Reactors.
FE3DGWAbstractC00531 D0780 00Code System for Finite-Element, Three-Dimensional Ground-Water Flow Analysis.
FEM-2DAbstractC00260 C6600 00Two-Dimensional Diffusion Theory Code System Based on the Method of Finite Elements.
FEMBAbstractC00340 B6700 00A Two-Dimensional Diffusion Theory Finite Element Program.
FEMRZAbstractC00342 F2307 00A Finite-Element Method Two-Dimensional Multigroup Neutron Transport Code System, (r,z) Geometry.
FEMWASTE/FEMWATERAbstractC00451 C7600 00A Finite-Element Model of Waste and Water Transport through Porous Saturated-Unsaturated Media.
FEMWASTE/FEMWATERAbstractC00451 PC386 00A Finite-Element Model of Waste and Water Transport through Porous Saturated-Unsaturated Media.
FESHAbstractC00676 CDCMF 00X-Y Multigroup Neutron Transport Code System.
FEWA-FEMAAbstractC00477 I3033 00A Finite Element Model of Water and Other Material through Aquifers.
FINELMAbstractC00483 MFMWS 00Multigroup Finite Element Diffusion Code System.
FIPDIGAbstractC00251 I0360 00One-Dimensional Time-Dependent Fission Product Diffusion Code System.
FISP-6AbstractC00538 I3090 00An Enhanced Code for the Evaluation of Fission Product Inventories and Decay Heat.
FISPACT-II 5.0AbstractC00836 MNYCP 03Inventory Simulation Platform for Nuclear Observables and Materials Science.
FISPINAbstractC00413 ICL00 00Nuclide Inventory Calculation System.
FISSP & CLOUDAbstractC00163 MNYCP 01Fission Product Inventory, Release, Transport and Dose Calculation.
FLUKA-TRANKAAbstractC00207 C6600 00Three-Dimensional High-Energy Extranuclear Hadron Cascade Monte Carlo System for Cylindrical Backstop Geometries.
FOCUSAbstractC00390 I3033 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System.
FONTAAbstractC00423 S4044 00Code System For Calculating Individual And Collective Doses From Reactor Accidents Using Pasquill's Plume Model.
FOODAbstractC00403 U1108 00Calculation of Radiation Dose to Man from Radionuclides in the Environment.
FORSSAbstractC00334 C0000 00A Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Code System.
FORSSAbstractC00334 I0360 00A Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Code System.
FOTELP-2014AbstractC00581 MNYCP 04Monte Carlo Simulation of Photons, Electrons and Positrons Transport.
FPGAMAbstractC00386 F2307 00Calculation of Fission-Product Gamma-Ray Spectra.
FPICAbstractC00028 I3675 00Fission Product Inventory Code.
FPIPAbstractC00162 C6600 00Fission Product Inventory Code System.
FPZDAbstractC00603 PC386 00Code System for Multigroup Neutron Diffusion/Depletion Calculations.
FRCRL2AbstractC00231 C6400 00Calculation of Fission-Product Release in Reactor Accident Analyses.
FSCATTAbstractC00186 I3033 00Discrete Ordinates Gamma-Ray Transport Code System in Plane Geometry.
FSCATTAbstractC00186 U1108 00Discrete Ordinates Gamma-Ray Transport Code System in Plane Geometry.
FSKY4CAbstractC00771 PCX86 00Gamma Ray Skyshine Analysis Code.
FURNACEAbstractC00615 C0740 00Code System for Neutronic Calculations in Three Dimension Toroidal Geometry.
G3-6EDAbstractC00075 C6600 00Kernel Integration Code System - Multigroup Gamma Ray Scattering.
G3-6EDAbstractC00075 I3033 00Kernel Integration Code System - Multigroup Gamma Ray Scattering.
GADJETAbstractC00115 C6600 00Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Adjoint Energy Transport Code in Complex Three-Dimensional Geometry.
GAKER-KIRAAbstractC00813 C3600 00Energy Transfer of Protons in H2O or Polyethylene and Deuterons in D2O.
GALE BWRAbstractC00335 U1100 00Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors Gaseous and Liquid Effluents Radiological Assessment Code System.
GALE PWR & BWRAbstractC00335 I3033 00Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors Gaseous and Liquid Effluents Radiological Assessment Code System.
GALE86AbstractC00506 MNYCP 02Calculation of Routine Radioactive Releases in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors.
GAMMOMAbstractC00135 ALLMF 00Gamma-Ray Moments Method Code System.
GAMMOM-IAbstractC00226 I0360 00Gamma-Ray Moments Method Code System.
GANDR/SEMOVEAbstractC00765 PCX86 00Program for Calculating Derivatives of Processed Multigroup Nuclear Data by Discrete Differences.
GASPARAbstractC00463 I3033 01Calculates Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Air Releases of Nuclear Reactor Effluents.
GASPAR IIAbstractC00463 D0780 00Calculates Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Air Releases of Nuclear Reactor Effluents.
GASSAbstractC00080 I7090 00Monte Carlo Calculation of Self Shielding by Encapsulated Gamma-Ray Sources.
GBANISNAbstractC00628 IRISC 00One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System with Anisotropic Scattering with the GroupBand Option.
GENII 2.10AbstractC00737 PCX86 02Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System.
GENII-LIN 2.1AbstractC00728 PC586 01GENII-LIN Multipurpose Health Physics Code System with a New Object-Oriented Interface, Release 2.0.
GENP-2AbstractC00575 ALLMF 00Generalized Perturbation Theory Code System.
GES_MCAbstractC00742 PC586 00Gamma-electron Efficiency Simulator.
GETOUTAbstractC00461 C0176 00A Computer Code System for Predicting One-Dimensional Radionuclide Decay Chain Transport through Geologic Media.
GFX-GAMIXAbstractC00397 I3033 00A Spherical Harmonics Code System for Evaluation of Terrestrial Gamma-Radiation Fields.
GGG-GPAbstractC00564 IBMPC 00Kernel Integration Code System - Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering Using the GP Buildup Factor.
GNOMERAbstractC00625 MNYCP 01Multigroup 3-Dimensional Neutron Diffusion Nodal Code System with Thermohydraulic Feedbacks.
GRACE-IIAbstractC00026 I3675 00Gamma Ray Kernel Integration Dose Rate and Heating Code-Cylinders and Spheres.
GREAT-GRASSAbstractC00143 I3675 00Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code Systems for Fallout Shielding.
GRENADEAbstractC00516 C1787 00Green's Function Nodal Algorithm for the Diffusion Equation.
GRENADEAbstractC00516 D0780 00Green's Function Nodal Algorithm for the Diffusion Equation.
GRSACAbstractC00774 PCX86 00Graphite Reactor Severe Accident Code.
GRTUNCL3DAbstractC00721 MNYCP 01Code to Calculate Semi-Analytic First Collision Source and Uncollided Flux.
GUI2QAD-3DAbstractC00697 PC586 01A Graphical User Interface for QAD-CGPIC, a Point Kernal Code for Neutron and Gamma-Ray Shielding Calculations in Complex Geometry.
HABIT 1.1AbstractC00665 IBMPC 01Code System for Evaluation of Control Room Habitability.
HADOCAbstractC00452 U1100 00Calculates External and Inhalation Doses from Acute Radionuclide Releases on the Hanford Site.
HAMAbstractC00267 U1108 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Photon High Altitude Transport Code System.
HARADAbstractC00387 I0360 00Calculation of Daughter Concentrations in Air Following the Atmospheric Release of a Parent Radionuclide.
HEATKAUAbstractC00805 PCX86 00HEATKAU Program.
HEPROWAbstractC00799 MNYCP 00Unfolding of Pulse Height Spectra Using Bayes Theorem and Maximum Entropy Method.
HERADAbstractC00444 CY00I 00Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Computer Code System for Calculating Radiation Damage from Ion Beams.
HERMES-KFAAbstractC00687 MNYWS 00Monte Carlo Code System for High-Energy Radiation Transport Calculations.
HEXAB-3DAbstractC00593 I0370 00Three-Dimensional Few-Group Coarse Mesh Diffusion Code for Neutron Physics Calculation of Reactor Core in Hexagonal Geometry.
HGSYSTEMUF6AbstractC00832 MNYCP 00Model for Simulating Dispersion due to Atmospheric Release of UF6.
HIC-1AbstractC00249 I0360 00Monte Carlo Code System for Calculating Heavy Ion Reactions at Energies > 50 MeV/Nucleon.
HORNAbstractC00568 I3083 00A Computer Code To Analyze The Gas-Phase Transport of Fission Products In Reactor Cooling System Under Severe Accidents.
HYACINTHAbstractC00294 I0360 00Fast Heavy Isotope Point Burnup and Decay Code System - Analytical Solution.
ICOMAbstractC00651 PC386 00Code System for Calculating Ion Track Condensed Collision Model.
IDCAbstractC00384 I0360 00ICRP Dosimetric Calculational System.
IMPACTS-BRC2.1AbstractC00666 IBMPC 00Code System for Analysis of Potential Radiological Impacts.
INAPAbstractC00235 U1108 00Improved Neutron Activation Prediction Code Systems.
INDOSAbstractC00236 DP010 00Conversational Computer Code Systems to Implement ICRP-10-10A Models for Estimation of Internal Radiation Dose to Man.
INDOSE V2.1.1AbstractC00720 PC586 00Internal Dosimetry Code System Using Biokinetics Models
INDRAAbstractC00303 I0360 00A Modular System for Calculating the Neutronics and Photonics Characteristics of a Fusion Reactor Blanket.
INGDOSAbstractC00408 DP010 00A Conversational Code System Designed to Implement NRC Reg-Guide 1.109 Models for Estimation of Annual Doses from Ingestion of Atmospherically Released Radionuclides in Foods.
INREM IIAbstractC00392 I3033 00Computer Implementation of Recent Models for Estimating the Dose Equivalent to Organs of Man from an Inhaled or Ingested Radionuclide.
INREM/EXREMAbstractC00185 I0360 00Beta and Gamma Radiation Environmental Dose Code Systems.
INTERTRAN IAbstractC00473 ALLMF 00A Code System for Assessing the Impact from Transporting Radioactive Material.
INTRUDE-ANSAbstractC00539 D8810 00A Repository Intrusion Risk Evaluation Code.
INVENTAbstractC00540 D8810 00A Radionuclide Inventory and Hazard Index Code.
IODESAbstractC00365 I0360 00A Code System for Calculating the Estimation of Dose to the World Population from Releases of Iodine-129 to the Environment.
IONMIGAbstractC00526 ALLMF 00Code System for Radionuclide Migration Calculations.
IRDAMAbstractC00524 IPCXT 00Interactive Rapid Dose Assessment Model.
ISOGEN IIAbstractC00055 I3675 00Radioisotope Generator Code.
ISO-PC 2.1AbstractC00636 IBMPC 01Kernel Integration Code System for General Purpose Isotope Shielding Analyses.
AbstractC00792 PCX86 00Integrated TIGER Series of Coupled Electron/Photon Monte Carlo Transport Codes System.
JASMINE V.3AbstractC00795 MNYCP 00JAEA Simulator for Multiphase INteractions and Explosions.
JN-METD 2&1AbstractC00208 I0370 00Neutron Transport Code System with Isotropic Scattering, Bare Slabs and Homogeneous Slabs (JN Method 1), Multilayer Slabs (JN Method 2).
K009AbstractC00062 I7090 00Solid Angle Integration Charged Particle Penetration Code.
K019AbstractC00100 I0360 00Shield Thickness Calculation Program for Space Vehicles.
KAMCCOAbstractC00325 I0370 00Three-Dimensional Time Dependent Monte Carlo Code System for Fast Neutron Physics Problems.
KAP-VIAbstractC00094 U1108 00Kernel Integration Code System in Complex Geometry.
KASYAbstractC00814 I0370 003-D Homogeneous Neutron Diffusion in X-Y-Z, R-Theta, Hexagonal-Z Geometry by Synthesis Method.
KDLIBEAbstractC00124 I3675 00Kernel-Diffusion Shielding Analysis System.
KERNELAbstractC00672 IBMPC 00Monte Carlo Code System for Electron (Positron) Dose Kernel Calculations.
KICHE 1.3AbstractC00796 PCX86 00Kinetics of Iodine Chemistry in the Containment of LWRs under Severe Accident Conditions.
KIMAbstractC00376 I3033 00A Two-Dimensional Monte Carlo Code System for Linear Neutron Transport Calculations.
KORIGENAbstractC00457 I3033 00A Modification of the Isotope Generation and Depletion Code System ORIGEN.
KRAKENAbstractC00877 PCX86 00Computational Reactor Analysis Framework.
KRONICAbstractC00229 I0360 00Calculation of Annual Average External (Beta and Gamma Radiation) Doses from Chronic Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
KRONICAbstractC00229 U1108 00Calculation of Annual Average External (Beta and Gamma Radiation) Doses from Chronic Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
KUXAbstractC00515 ALLCP 00Medical X-Ray Shielding Calculation.
LABAN-PELAbstractC00611 IMFPC 00A Two-Dimensional, Multigroup Diffusion, High-Order Response Matrix Code.
LADTAP IIAbstractC00363 C7600 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents.
LADTAP IIAbstractC00363 D0780 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents.
LADTAP IIAbstractC00363 I3033 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents.
LAHET 2.8AbstractC00696 MFMWS 00Code System for High Energy Particle Transport Calculations.
LASERAbstractC00344 I0360 00A One-Dimensional, Neutron-Thermalization, Lattice-Cell Program Based on MUFT and THERMOS.
LEAFAbstractC00312 C6600 00Fission Product Release Calculator-From a Reactor Containment Building for Arbitrary Radioactive Decay Chains.
LEBCAbstractC00052 I7090 00Electron Bremsstrahlung Code.
LEOPARDAbstractC00343 C0000 00A Spectrum-Dependent Non-Spatial Fuel Depletion Code System.
LEOPARDAbstractC00343 IBMPC 00A Spectrum-Dependent Non-Spatial Fuel Depletion Code System.
LG-HAbstractC00087 I7090 00Ray Analysis Cylindrical Duct Kernel Code for Neutrons and Gamma Rays.
LGH-GAbstractC00239 I0360 00Calculation of Gamma Radiation through Partially Shielded Gaps (Buildup Factor Method in Taylors Approximation).
LIE-PNAbstractC00816 I0360 00Pn Neutron Transport in Radial Geometry Cell with Source Problems Calculation.
LINEDOSEAbstractC00468 IBMPC 00A Line Source Shielding Code for Personal Computers.
LINSEDAbstractC00673 I0360 001D Multireach Sediment Transport Model
LIONSAbstractC00247 I0360 00Calculation of Fission Product Inventory, Gamma-Ray Dose Rates and Gamma-Ray Doses by Kernel Integration.
LPGSAbstractC00385 I3033 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure Resulting from Accidental Radioactive Releases to the Hydrosphere.
LPPCAbstractC00051 I7090 00Proton Penetration Code.
LPSCAbstractC00064 I7090 00Proton Penetration Code - Multilayer Slab Geometry.
LRSPCAbstractC00050 I7090 00Range and Stopping Power Calculator.
LSHINSEAbstractC00554 IBMPC 00Calculates Flux and Dose Rate from the Scattering of Radiation in Air.
LSVDCAbstractC00053 I7090 00Space Vehicle Dose Calculation.
LSVDCAbstractC00053 I7090 01Space Vehicle Dose Calculation.
LUIN-IIAbstractC00220 C6600 00Analytical Straight-Ahead Transport Code System-Calculation of Cosmic-Ray Spectra, Fluxes and Ionization in the Earth's Atmosphere.
MADONNAAbstractC00425 I0370 00Two-dimensional Neutron Streaming Coupled Removal-Diffusion-Albedo-Transport Code System.
MAGIKAbstractC00359 I0360 00A Monte Carlo Code System for Computing Induced Residual Activation Dose Rates.
MAGNAAbstractC00158 C3600 00Multi-Source Gamma-Ray Kernel Integration Code System.
MAPAbstractC00150 I3675 00Kernel Integration Code System in Complex Geometry with Special Application to Surface Sources Determined by Discrete Ordinates Calculations.
MARC-PNAbstractC00311 D8810 00A Neutron Diffusion Code System with Spherical Harmonics Option.
MARINRADAbstractC00503 C1785 00Code System Model for Assessing the Consequences of Release of Radioactive Material into the Oceans.
MARMERAbstractC00579 D8350 00A Flexible Point-Kernel Shielding Code System.
MARMERAbstractC00579 PC486 00A Flexible Point-Kernel Shielding Code System.
MATADORAbstractC00689 CDCMF 00Radionuclide Behavior in Containments.
MAVRACAbstractC00023 I7090 00Model Astronaut and Vehicle Radiation Analysis Code.
AbstractC00809 PCX86 00Solve the Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Equation.
MCB1CAbstractC00719 MNYWS 00Monte-Carlo Continuous Energy Burnup Code System.
MCFLAREAbstractC00093 I7090 00Monte Carlo Code to Simulate Solar Flare Events and Estimate Probable Doses Encountered on Interplanetary Missions.
AbstractC00870 MNYCP 01Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System.
AbstractC00699 MNYCP 01Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System with Digital Signal Processing based on MCNP4A.
AbstractC00791 MNYCP 01Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System To Simulate Time-Analysis Quantities.
MCRACAbstractC00562 IBMPC 00Multiple Cycle Reactor Analysis Code.
MCRTOFAbstractC00435 FM200 00Monte Carlo Code System for Calculation of Multiple Scattering of Neutrons in the Resonance Region.
MCRTOFAbstractC00435 I0360 00Monte Carlo Code System for Calculation of Multiple Scattering of Neutrons in the Resonance Region.
AbstractC00804 PCX86 00MCNPX Extension for Using Light Ion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library.
MECC-7AbstractC00156 I0360 00Medium-Energy Intranuclear Cascade Code System.
MEDUSA-PIJAbstractC00349 F2307 00One-Dimensional Lagrangian Code for Plasma Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Fusion Pellet Driven by Ion Beams.
MEGAAbstractC00839 MNYCP 00MEGA: Mechanistic and Engineering Fission Gas Release Prediction Model for UO2 Fuel
MERCURE 4-82AbstractC00142 I3033 00Three-Dimensional Code System for Integrating Multigroup Line-of-Sight Attenuation Kernels by Monte Carlo Techniques.
MESODIF-IIAbstractC00498 D0780 00A Variable Trajectory Plume Segment Model to Assess Ground-Level Air Concentrations and Depositions of Routine Effluent Releases from Nuclear Power Facilities.
MESOIAbstractC00497 D0780 00Interactive Mesoscale Lagrangian Puff Dispersion Model with Deposition and Decay.
MESORAD 1.4AbstractC00677 D0VAX 00Code System for Emergency Response Dose Assessment.
MESYSTAbstractC00706 MNYWS 00Code System to Simulate 3D Tracer Dispersion in Atmosphere.
MEVDPAbstractC00157 C6600 00Primary Radiation Transport Code System - Complex Geometry - Computerized Anatomical Model Man.
MILDOSAbstractC00398 C0000 00Calculation of Radiation Doses from Uranium Recovery Operations.
MILDOS-AREAAbstractC00608 IBMPC 00Calculation of Radiation Dose from Uranium Recovery Operations for Large-Area Sources.
MKENO-DARAbstractC00513 FM380 00Direct Angular Representation Monte Carlo Code for Criticality Safety Analysis
MMCRAbstractC00441 FM200 00Multigroup Monte Carlo Neutron and Photon Transport Code.
MMS3DAbstractC00841 MNYCP 00Method of Manufactured Solutions for 3D one-group SN Equations with escalating order of non-smoothness
MOCAAbstractC00590 IPCAT 00Monte Carlo Criticality Code System for Hexagonal Geometries.
MODELAbstractC00329 I3033 00Models of Trapped Proton and Electron Environments for Solar Maximum and Minimum.
MOMENT IAbstractC00188 U1108 00Moments Method Neutron Transport Code System.
MOMGEM-MOMDISAbstractC00085 I7090 00Moments Method Reconstruction of Scattered Gamma-Ray Distributions.
MONK 6.3
AbstractC00393 I3033 00A General Purpose Monte Carlo Neutronics Code System.
MORSE-ALBAbstractC00394 FM200 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-ANSI STD.AbstractC00127 I3675 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-BAbstractC00368 I0370 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CAbstractC00431 C7600 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 C0000 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 CY000 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 D0VAX 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 I0360 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 U0000 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAAbstractC00474 ALLCP 03Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CVAbstractC00535 HM280 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-EAbstractC00258 I0360 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-EMPAbstractC00588 IBMPC 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-HAbstractC00471 I3081 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-LAbstractC00261 C6600 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-SGCAbstractC00277 C7600 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
AbstractC00655 PC386 00Magnetic Resonance Image Phantom Code System to Calibrate in vivo Measurement Systems.
MTR_PC 2.6AbstractC00674 PC386 00Modular Code System for Neutronics, Thermalhydraulics and Shielding Calculations.
MULTI-KENO2AbstractC00492 FM380 00A Monte Carlo Code System for Criticality Safety Analysis.
MURE V2-SMUREAbstractC00764 MNYWS 01Serpent - MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution.
MURLIAbstractC00378 DP011 00Integral Transport Theory Code System for Thermal Reactor Lattice Cell Calculation.
MUSCATAbstractC00281 I0360 00Calculation of Neutron Currents in Spherical and Cylindrical Cavities by Means of View Factors.
MUSPALBAbstractC00171 ICL00 00Albedo Calculation of Multigroup Spectra of Neutrons Transmitted Through Multilayer Slab Shielding.
MVP-GMVP IIAbstractC00739 MNYCP 00General Purpose Monte Carlo Codes for Neutron and Photon Transport Calculations based on Continuous Energy and Multigroup Methods.
MYRAAbstractC00056 C0000 00Calculation of Shipping Costs and Cask Designs for Irradiated Fuel Elements.
MYRAAbstractC00056 I7090 00Calculation of Shipping Costs and Cask Designs for Irradiated Fuel Elements.
NAAPROAbstractC00722 PC586 00Neutron Activation Analysis PRognosis and Optimization Code System.
NACAbstractC00164 C0000 00Neutron Activation Analysis and Product Isotope Inventory Code System.
NACAbstractC00164 IBMMF 00Neutron Activation Analysis and Product Isotope Inventory Code System.
NAC-PCAbstractC00164 IBMPC 00Neutron Activation Analysis and Product Isotope Inventory Code System.
NACTAbstractC00502 U1100 00Screening Program for Neutron Activation Products.
NAPAbstractC00101 I7090 00Multigroup Time-Dependent Neutron Activation Prediction Code.
NCRP49AbstractC00462 IBMPC 00X-Ray Shield Calculation System.
NESTLE 5.2.1AbstractC00641 MNYCP 04Code System to Solve the Few-Group Neutron Diffusion Equation Utilizing the Nodal Expansion Method (NEM) for Eigenvalue, Adjoint, and Fixed-Source
NITRANAbstractC00582 FM380 00Neutron Transport Code System Based On Anisotropic Scattering.
NMTC/JAERI97AbstractC00694 SUN05 00Monte Carlo Nucleon Meson Transport Code System.
NMTC/JAMAbstractC00717 PC586 00High Energy Particle Transport Code System.
NRCDOSE 2.3.20AbstractC00684 PC586 14Code System for Evaluating Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with a Windows Interface.
NRCDOSE72V1.2.3AbstractC00768 PCX86 03Code System for Evaluating Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with a Windows Interface.
NRNAbstractC00054 C6600 00Multigroup Removal-Diffusion Code System for Planes, Cylinders and Spheres.
NUCCONAbstractC00439 S7800 00A Code System for Calculation of Time-Dependent Nuclide Concentrations, Activity, Gamma-Ray Dose Rate and Biological Hazard Potential of Fusion Reactor Materials Due to Neutron Irradiation.
NUGAM 2&3 SSLABAbstractC00210 I0360 00Monte Carlo Prediction of Photon Transport Distributions.
NUTRANAbstractC00675 I0370 00Code System for Long-Term Repository Safety Analysis.
O5RAbstractC00017 I3675 00A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System.
O6RAbstractC00128 I3675 00A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Transport Code System.
OGREAbstractC00046 I3675 00A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
OGRE-MINAbstractC00409 DGECL 00A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Transport Code System for Minicomputers.
OMEGAAbstractC00433 BESM6 00Monte Carlo Criticality Code System.
ONETRANAbstractC00266 C7600 00A One-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Finite Element Transport Code System.
ONETRANAbstractC00266 CY000 00A One-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Finite Element Transport Code System.
ONETRANAbstractC00266 I3033 00A One-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Finite Element Transport Code System.
OOSIIAbstractC00324 C0000 00Calculation of Isotropic Scattering by Particles for One-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Transport in Slabs by Invariant Imbedding, Orders-of-Scattering Method, Including Check Calculations by Integral Transport Theory and Monte Carlo.
OPEX-IIAbstractC00103 I7090 00Radiation Shield Optimization Code.
OPTIMAbstractC00817 I0370 00Minimization of Band-Width of Finite Elements Problems.
ORIGEN2.2AbstractC00371 ALLCP 03Isotope Generation and Depletion Code - Matrix Exponential Method.
ORIGEN-JENDL32AbstractC00703 MNYWS 00Isotope Generation and Depletion Code - Matrix Exponential Method.
ORION-IIAbstractC00491 FM780 00A Computer Code to Estimate Environmental Concentration and Dose Due to Airborne Release of Radioactive Material.
ORIP_XXIAbstractC00731 PC586 02Computer Programs for Isotope Transmutation Simulations.
ORPHEE VIAbstractC00159 I3675 00Kernel Integration Code System - Attenuation of Fast Neutrons in Cylindrical Layers of Water and Dense Material.
OZMAAbstractC00406 I0370 00Calculation of Resonance Reaction Rates in Reactor Lattices Using Resonance Profile Tabulations.
PABLMAbstractC00402 U1100 00Calculation of Accumulated Radiation Doses to Man from Radionuclides Found in Food Products and from Radionuclides in the Environment.
PADLOCAbstractC00330 U0000 00A One-Dimensional, Time-Dependent Program for Calculating Coolant and Plateout Fission Product Concentrations in a Network of Pipes.
PAGANAbstractC00621 IBMPC 00Code System for Performance Assessment Ground-water Analysis for Low-level Nuclear Waste.
PALLAS-1D(VII)AbstractC00380 FM380 00Multigroup Time-Independent Neutron Transport Code System for Plane or Spherical Geometry.
PALLAS-2DCY-FXAbstractC00391 FM380 00Multigroup Time-Independent Neutron Transport Code System for Plane or Spherical Geometry.
PART61AbstractC00499 IBMPC 01Low-Level Radioactive Waste Impacts Analysis System.
PARTISN 8.29AbstractC00842 MNYCP 00Time-Dependent, Parallel Neutral Particle Transport Code System.
PATCH-7AbstractC00243 C0074 00Three-Dimensional Kernel Integration Code-Explicit Single Scattering Option.
PAVANAbstractC00445 I3033 00Atmospheric Dispersion Code System for Evaluating Accidental Radioactivity Releases from Nuclear Power Stations.
PELSHIEAbstractC00202 C0000 00General Purpose Kernel Integration Shielding Code System-Point and Extended Gamma-Ray Sources.
PELSHIE3AbstractC00202 IBMMF 00General Purpose Kernel Integration Shielding Code System-Point and Extended Gamma-Ray Sources.
PENELOPE2014AbstractC00782 PCX86 01Code System for Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport.
PENELOPE-MPIAbstractC00713 IBMSP 00Code System for Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport.
PENGEOMAbstractC00840 MNYCP 00Tools for Handling Complex Quadric Geometries in Monte Carlo Simulations of Radiation Transport
PEPINAbstractC00285 I0360 00Methodology for Computing Concentrations, Activities, Gamma-Ray Spectra, and Residual Heat from Fission Products.
PERSENT 11.2892
AbstractC00823 MNYCP 02Perturbation and Sensitivity Code for Assembly Homogenized Multi-group Transport Problems
PF-COMPAbstractC00106 C3600 00Building Fallout Radiation Protection Factor Analysis.
PFPLAbstractC00607 D0VAX 00Puff-Plume Atmospheric Deposition Model.
PHITS-2.88AbstractC00778 MNYCP 05Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System.
PHOEL-2AbstractC00327 I0360 00A Monte Carlo Calculation of Initial Energy of Photoelectrons and Compton Electrons Produced by Photons in Water.
PICAAbstractC00160 D0VAX 00Monte Carlo Medium-Energy Photon-Induced Intranuclear Cascade Anal Code System.
PICAAbstractC00160 I0360 00Monte Carlo Medium-Energy Photon-Induced Intranuclear Cascade Anal Code System.
PICFEEAbstractC00175 I3675 00Fission Product Inventory Code System.
PIEDECAbstractC00566 FM380 00A Practical Internal Exposure Dose Evaluation Code.
PIGGAbstractC00138 C3600 00A Multigroup One-Dimensional P-1 Radiation Transport Code System.
PIPEAbstractC00219 I0360 00Numerical Gamma-Ray Transport Code System for Plane/Spherical Geometry.
PKIAbstractC00573 C0830 00A Point Kernel Integration Code For Radiation Shielding of Loop System.
PLACIDAbstractC00381 I0370 00Monte Carlo Simulation of Gamma Streaming Through Straight Cylindrical Ducts.
PLUDOSAbstractC00313 I0360 00Calculator of Ground Level External Gamma-Ray Dose from a Radioactive Plume.
PLUMEXAbstractC00356 I0360 00A Computer Program to Evaluate External Exposures to a Gaussian Plume by Point Kernel Integration.
PNAbstractC00818 I0370 00MultiGroup Neutron Transport.
POISSXAbstractC00819 I0370 00Poisson Equation on Rectangle with Various Boundary Conditions.
PREMORAbstractC00369 I0360 00A Point Reactor Exposure Code System for Survey Nuclear Analysis of Power Plant Performance.
PREP/SPOPAbstractC00772 MNYCP 00Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Monte Carlo Program and Input Preparation.
PRESTAbstractC00355 I0360 00Calculator of Pressure and Temperature Transient in Containment Studies.
PRESTOAbstractC00549 D8810 00Point Kernel Calculation for Complex and Time-Dependent Gamma-Ray Source Spectra.
PRESTO-IIAbstractC00504 I0360 00Code System for Low-Level Waste Environmental Transport and Risk Assessment.
PRIMEDANA-2AbstractC00490 I3081 00Collapses Multigroup Cross Sections and Obtains Reaction Parameters by Solving Transport or Diffusion Equations.
PRISIMAbstractC00574 IBMPC 00Plant Risk Status Information Management System.
PROBAbstractC00287 I0370 00Multigroup One-Dimensional Transport Code System, Collision Probability Method.
PROCIVAbstractC00488 U1110 00A Code System for Calculating the Protection Factors Against Radioactive Fallout for Apartment Buildings.
PSU-LEOPARD/RBIAbstractC00563 IBMPC 01A Spectrum Dependent Non-Spatial Depletion Code.
PTRANAbstractC00618 PC386 00Proton Monte Carlo Transport Program for the PC.
PURSEAbstractC00338 C6600 00A Plutonium Radiation Source Code System.
PUSHLDAbstractC00271 C0074 00Gamma-Ray Three-Dimensional Calculation of Dose Rates from Plutonium in Various Geometries.
PUTZ 2.1AbstractC00595 IBMPC 00A Point-Kernel Photon Shielding Code.
PVIS-4AbstractC00798 MNYCP 00Pressure Vessel Irradiation Source.
QADAbstractC00048 I0360 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-BSAAbstractC00346 C0000 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-CGGP-AAbstractC00645 MNYCP 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QADMOD-GAbstractC00396 I3033 00Point Kernel Gamma-Ray Shielding Code With Geometric Progression Buildup Factors.
QADMOD-GPAbstractC00565 IBMPC 00Point Kernel Gamma-Ray Shielding Code With Geometric Progression Buildup Factors.
QAD-P5AbstractC00048 C6400 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-QCAbstractC00401 C0000 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-QCAbstractC00401 I0360 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-UEAbstractC00448 H6000 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QBFAbstractC00617 PC386 00Code System to Calculate Radiation Dose Rates Relative to Spent Fuel Shipping Casks.
QBSHIELDAbstractC00599 IBMPC 00Spherical Shield Design for Gamma-Ray Sources Using the Buildup Factor Method.
QUINCE-PCAbstractC00556 IBMPC 00Calculates Absorbed Dose From Skin Contamination.
RABFIN PARTSAbstractC00668 IBMPC 00Code System for Calculating Gaseous Effluent Dose Parameters.
RACCAbstractC00388 CY000 00A Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems.
RACCAbstractC00388 I3033 00A Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems.
RACC-PULSEAbstractC00639 MNYWS 00RACC Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems Modified for Pulsed/Intermittent Activation Analysis.
RACERAbstractC00174 U1108 00Calculation of Potential External Dose from Airborne Fission Products Following Postulated Reactor Accident.
RAD 2AbstractC00122 I7090 00Fission Product Radioactivities Calculation.
RADACAbstractC00627 PC486 02Code System for Calculating Radioactive Decay and Accumulation of Decayed Products Using Integer-Array Arithmetic for Precise Evaluation of the Bateman Equations.
RADHEAT-V4AbstractC00300 FM380 00A Code System To Generate Multigroup Constants and Analyze Radiation Transport for Shielding Safety Evaluation.
RADOSAbstractC00088 I3675 00Gamma-Ray Dose Estimation from Cloud of Radioactive Gases by Kernel Integration.
RADRISKAbstractC00422 DGMV1 00Estimates Radiation Doses and Health Effects from Inhalation or Ingestion of Radionuclides.
RADRISKAbstractC00422 I3033 00Estimates Radiation Doses and Health Effects from Inhalation or Ingestion of Radionuclides.
RADSHIP-2AbstractC00523 FM200 00Code System To Analyze Radiological Impact From Radwaste Transportation.
RADSYSAbstractC00530 I3033 00Code System for Radioactivity Buildup and Radioactive Waste Generation Calculations.
RADTRAD 3.03AbstractC00800 IBMPC 00A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation.
RADTRAD 3.03-EXEAbstractC00800 IBMPC 01A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation.
RAFFLE/2AbstractC00279 C0176 00A General Purpose Monte Carlo Code System for Neutron Transport with Mixed Zone Geometry Option.
RAFFLE/2 MOD 2AbstractC00279 I0360 00A General Purpose Monte Carlo Code System for Neutron Transport with Mixed Zone Geometry Option.
RAIDAbstractC00083 I7090 00Monte Carlo Multibend Duct Shielding Code.
RANCHMDAbstractC00589 D8810 00Radionuclide Chain Transport with Matrix Diffusion.
RAPIDAbstractC00797 PCX86 00RAdial Power and Burnup Prediction by Following Fissile Isotope Distribution in the Pellet.
RASC-2DAbstractC00318 I0370 00Two-Dimensional Removal Diffusion Code Reactor Shielding Design Code System.
RASCAL 4.3AbstractC00783 PCX86 02Radiological Assessment for Consequence Analysis.
RASPAAbstractC00352 C7600 00A Code for the Calculation of Buildup and Decay of Fission Products and Actinides.
RATAFAbstractC00681 IMFPC 01Code System for the Radioactive Liquid Tank Failure Study.
RBDAbstractC00632 IBMPC 00U.S. Army Radiological Bioassay and Dosimetry.
REAC*3AbstractC00443 IBMPC 00Computer Code System for Activation and Transmutation.
REAC*3AbstractC00443 MFMWS 00Computer Code System for Activation and Transmutation.
REBEL 3AbstractC00299 I0360 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
REBEL-2AbstractC00299 ICL00 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
REBEL-2AbstractC00299 C6600 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
AbstractC00822 MNYWS 01Code System for Analysis of Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles.
REBUS 11.2892
AbstractC00822 MNYCP 02Code System for Analysis of Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles.
REBUS3/VARIANT8AbstractC00653 MNYWS 01Code System for Analysis of Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles.
REBUS-PC 1.4AbstractC00708 PC586 00Code System for Analysis of Research Reactor Fuel Cycles.
REDIFFUSIONAbstractC00347 I0360 00One-Dimensional Neutron Removal-Diffusion and Gamma-Ray Kernel Integration or Diffusion Theory Calculator.
REFIT-2009AbstractC00775 PCX86 00Multilevel Resonance Parameter Least Square Fit of Neutron Transmission, Capture, Fission & Self Indication Data.
REFREPAbstractC00570 D8810 00A Near-Field Model For A Spent Fuel Repository.
REPRISK PC 1.02AbstractC00586 PC386 01Repository Risk Assessment Software for Personal Computers.
REST 1;2;3AbstractC00225 I0360 00Fission Product Inventory Code System with Fission Product Escape Model.
RETRACAbstractC00635 D0VAX 00Code System for the Analysis of Material Test Reactor (MTR) Cores.
RETRANSAbstractC00669 SUN05 00Code System For Calculating Reactivity Transients In a LWR.
RHEINAbstractC00585 I3090 00Reactor Code System for Neutron Physics Calculation.
RIBD-IIAbstractC00137 C6600 00Radioisotope Buildup and Decay Code System.
RIBD-IIAbstractC00137 I0360 00Radioisotope Buildup and Decay Code System.
RIBD-IRTAbstractC00382 U1100 00Radioisotope Buildup and Decay Code System.
RICANTAbstractC00569 D8810 00A Computer Code for 2-D Transport Calculations in x-y Geometry Using the Interface Current Method.
RICECCCAbstractC00348 I0360 00A Reactor Nuclide Inventory Code for Calculating Actinides and Fission Products.
RISKAPAbstractC00486 I3033 00Analysis of Increased Risk to Arbitrary Populations.
AbstractC00623 IBMPC 02Radiological Risk Assessment Code System for Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation.
RIVER-RADAbstractC00626 MNYCP 00Code System for Simulating the Transport of Radionuclides in Rivers.
RMET21AbstractC00597 D0VAX 00Detailed Space and Energy Treatment of Neutron Resonances for Homogeneous Mixtures and Cylinderized Reactor Cells.
RRRAbstractC00196 I0360 00Radiation Transport in Air-Analysis of Routine Releases of Short-Lived Radioactive Nuclides.
RSAC6.2AbstractC00125 PC586 03Radiological Safety Analysis.
RSAC-7.2AbstractC00761 PC586 01Radiological Safety Analysis.
RSYSTAbstractC00269 I0360 00Integrated Modular Code System for Shielding and Reactor Physics Calculations.
S3AbstractC00322 C6600 00Kernel Integration Code System--Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering.
S3AbstractC00322 DVX11 00Kernel Integration Code System--Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering.
S3AbstractC00322 IBMPC 00Kernel Integration Code System--Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering.
SABINE-3AbstractC00121 C7600 00Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry.
SABINE-3AbstractC00121 I0370 00Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry.
SABINE-3AbstractC00121 U1106 00Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry.
SABINE-PCAbstractC00121 IBMPC 00Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry.
SACALC3AbstractC00802 PCX86 00Calculates the Average Solid Angle Subtended by a Volume.
SACHETAbstractC00571 D8810 00A Computer Program To Evaluate The Dynamic Fission Product Inventories in the Multiple Compartment System of PWR's.
SAHYB-2AbstractC00820 I0360 00Solution of Ordinary Differential Equation with User-Supplied Subroutine
SAM-CEAbstractC00187 C6600 00Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Complex Geometry (Combinatorial) Code System for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and Forward and Adjoint Gamma-Ray Transport Equations.
SAM-CEAbstractC00187 I0360 00Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Complex Geometry (Combinatorial) Code System for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and Forward and Adjoint Gamma-Ray Transport Equations.
SAM-CEPAbstractC00192 C6600 00Monte Carlo Code System Correlated to the Simultaneous Solution of Multiple, Perturbed, Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Problems in Complex Three-Dimensional Geometry.
SAMSYAbstractC00315 C0073 00A One-Dimensional Multilayer Multigroup Neutron Removal-Diffusion and Gamma-Ray Point Kernel Calculator.
SAND-IIAbstractC00112 MNYCP 03Neutron Flux Spectra Determination by Multiple Foil Activation Method.
SANDORAbstractC00364 C7600 00Isotope Generation and Depletion Code Matrix Exponential Method.
SANDYLAbstractC00361 C0000 00A Monte Carlo Three-Dimensional Code System for Calculating Combined Photon-Electron Transport in Complex Systems.
SAP N-GAbstractC00092 I7094 00Neutron and Gamma-Ray Albedo Model Scatter Shield Analysis Code System.
AbstractC00860 MNYCP 03A Comprehensive Modeling and Simulation Suite for Nuclear Safety Analysis and Design
SCAP-82AbstractC00418 C7600 00Single Scatter, Albedo Scatter, or Point Kernel Analysis Code System in Complex Geometry.
AbstractC00807 PCX86 00Sandia Computational Engine for Particle Transport for Radiation Effects.
AbstractC00826 PCX86 01Sandia Computational Engine for Particle Transport for Radiation Effects.
SCIP V1.1AbstractC00749 PCX86 00Radioactive Surface Contamination Investigation Program.
SCORE-4AbstractC00234 I0370 00Two-Dimensional Multigroup Removal-Diffusion Shielding Code System.
SDCAbstractC00060 I3675 00Kernel Integration Shield Design Code for Radioactive Fuel Handling Facilities.
SEDONEAbstractC00345 I0360 00A Simulator of Tidal Transient Hydrodynamic Sediment Concentrations Conditions in Controlled Rivers and Estuaries.
SENSITAbstractC00405 C7600 00One-Dimensional, Multigroup Cross Section and Design Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Code System - Generalized Perturbation Theory.
SERA-1C1AbstractC00729 MNYCP 01Simulation Environment for Radiotherapy Applications.
SERPENT2.2.1AbstractC00872 MNYWS 01Continuous Energy Monte Carlo Reactor Physics Burnup Calculation Code.
SESOILAbstractC00629 IBMPC 03Code System to Calculate One-Dimensional Vertical Transport for the Unsaturated Soil Zone.
SFACTORAbstractC00310 I0360 00Dose Equivalent to a Target Organ Calculator.
SFAKAbstractC00437 I3033 00Code System for Calculation of the Self-Absorption of Unscattered Gamma Radiation from Fuel Assemblies.
SHADOKAbstractC00216 C6600 00Transport Code Systems, P1 Scattering in Infinite Cylindrical and Spherical Geometries by Polynomial Approximation.
SHADRAC(G-30)AbstractC00084 I7090 00Kernel Integration Code - Shield Heating and Dose Rate Calculation in Complex Geometry.
SHARDAAbstractC00521 C0740 00Sample Heat, Activity, Reactivity, and Dose Analysis for Safety Analysis of Irradiations in a Research Reactor.
SHIELDAbstractC00667 MNYCP 01Monte-Carlo Code System to Simulate Interaction of High Energy Hadrons with Complex Macroscopic Targets.
SHIELDOSEAbstractC00379 ALLMF 00Code System for Space Shielding Radiation Dose Calculations.
SHIELDOSE-PCAbstractC00379 IBMPC 00Code System for Space Shielding Radiation Dose Calculations.
SHREDIAbstractC00284 I0360 00Multigroup Two-Dimensional (x-y, r-o geometry) Neutron Removal-Diffusion (Spinney Method) Shielding Code System.
SIGMA IIAbstractC00118 C6000 00Space Radiation Dose Analysis Within Complex Configurations.
SIGMA IIAbstractC00118 PC486 00Space Radiation Dose Analysis Within Complex Configurations.
AbstractC00691 MFMWS 00Code System for Two-Dinensional Sn-Neutronics and Fluid Dynamics.
SIXTUS-3AbstractC00609 MFMWS 00Three-Dimensional, Nodal, Neutron Diffusion Criticality Code System in Hex-Z Geometry.
SKETCH-N 1.0AbstractC00808 MNYCP 00Solve Neutron Diffusion Equations of Steady-State and Kinetics Problems.
SKYIII-PCAbstractC00289 IBMPC 01Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air.
SKYSHINE-IIIAbstractC00289 D0VAX 00Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air.
SKYSHINE-KSUAbstractC00646 IBMPC 03Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air.
SLDNAbstractC00221 A1000 00Code System for Shielding Calculations by the Method of Invariant Imbedding.
SLDNAbstractC00221 F2307 00Code System for Shielding Calculations by the Method of Invariant Imbedding.
SLDNAbstractC00221 FM200 00Code System for Shielding Calculations by the Method of Invariant Imbedding.
SLDNAbstractC00221 GE625 00Code System for Shielding Calculations by the Method of Invariant Imbedding.
SLDNAbstractC00221 I0360 00Code System for Shielding Calculations by the Method of Invariant Imbedding.
SLIDERULE 1.0AbstractC00704 PC586 01Nuclear Criticality Slide Rule.
SMARTAbstractC00602 ALLCP 00Code System for Calculating Early Offsite Consequences from Nuclear Reactor Accidents.
SMART/MANYCASKAbstractC00482 FM200 00A Program for Calculating Radiation Dose Rates.
SMAUG-13AbstractC00194 C6600 00Calculation of Neutron and Prompt Gamma-Ray Doses Resulting from an Atmospheric Nuclear Detonation.
SNAP-3DAbstractC00434 MNYCP 01Multigroup Complex Geometry Neutron Diffusion Code System.
SNEXAbstractC00353 C0000 00A One-Dimensional Single Group Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System.
SNOWAbstractC00282 I0360 00Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Multigroup Transport Code System in Plane and Cylindrical Geometry with Isotropic and Anisotropic Scattering.
SOFIPAbstractC00358 I3033 00Evaluator of Space Radiation Environment Encountered by Geocentric Satellites.
SOLTRANAbstractC00763 PCX86 00Solving Multi-Dimensional Simplified P2 Transport and Diffusion Problems of Hexagonal Geometry in Fast Reactors.
SOPHIAAbstractC00857 MNYCP 00A Lagrangian-based computational fluid dynamics code for nuclear thermal hydraulics and safety applications.
SOSUMAbstractC00109 I3675 00Multigroup Beta and Gamma-Ray Energy Sources from Activities.
SOURCES-4CAbstractC00661 MNYCP 04Code System for Calculating (alpha,n), Spontaneous Fission, and Delayed Neutron Sources and Spectra.
SPACETRAN 1;2;3AbstractC00120 I3675 00Dose Calculations at Detectors at Various Distances from the Surface of a Cylinder.
SPARAbstractC00228 C6600 00Calculation of Stopping Powers and Ranges for Muons, Charged Pions, Protons and Heavy Ions.
SPARAbstractC00228 I0360 00Calculation of Stopping Powers and Ranges for Muons, Charged Pions, Protons and Heavy Ions.
SPARESAbstractC00148 I3675 00Space Radiation Environment and Shielding Code System.
SPECTRAAbstractC00108 C0000 00Determination of Neutron Spectra from Activation.
SPECTRAAbstractC00108 C0073 00Determination of Neutron Spectra from Activation.
SPECTRAAbstractC00108 C3600 00Determination of Neutron Spectra from Activation.
SPEEDIAbstractC00507 FM180 00Code System for Real-Time Prediction of Radiation Dose to the Public Due to an Accidental Release from a Nuclear Power Plant.
SPOORAbstractC00278 C7600 00Monte Carlo Simulation of the Turbulent Transport of Airborne Contaminants.
SPOT1AbstractC00460 I3033 00Shielding Problem Code Based on Methods of Ono and Tsuruo.
SRAC95AbstractC00716 MNYWS 00Thermal Reactor Code System for Reactor Design and Analysis.
SRNA-2K5AbstractC00789 PCX86 00Proton Transport Simulation by Monte Carlo Techniques.
STACYAbstractC00859 PCX86 00Source Term Analysis Code System.
AbstractC00873 PCX86 01Storage Transportation and Disposal Analysis Resource and Data System.
STERNOAbstractC00057 C0000 00Two Dimensional Gamma-Ray Heating Kernel Integration Code.
STOPOW88AbstractC00790 MNYCP 00Stopping Power of Fast Ions in Matter.
STORMAbstractC00067 I7090 00Solar Flare Radiation Hazard to Earth Orbiting Vehicles.
STRAGLAbstractC00201 C6600 00Calculation of Energy Loss Straggling of Heavy Charged Particles.
STRAINTAbstractC00259 I0360 00One-Dimensional Multigroup Neutron Transport Discrete Ordinates Code System.
STREAMAbstractC00321 C7600 00A Three-Dimensional Cylindrical-Geometry Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Code for Computing Light Transmission.
SUBDOSA-IIAbstractC00270 U1100 00Calculation of External Gamma-Ray and Beta-Ray Doses from Accidental Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
SURFAbstractC00102 I3675 00Conical and Plane Surface Single Scattering Code.
SUSDAbstractC00501 HM150 00Cross Section Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Including Secondary Neutron Energy and Angular Distributions.
SUSDAbstractC00501 I3090 00Cross Section Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Including Secondary Neutron Energy and Angular Distributions.
SUSD3DAbstractC00695 MNYCP 01Multi-Dimensional, Discrete-Ordinates Based Cross Section Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Code System.
SWANAbstractC00248 C0000 00Code System for Analysis and Optimization of Fusion Reactor Nucleonic Characteristics.
SWANAbstractC00248 CY000 00Code System for Analysis and Optimization of Fusion Reactor Nucleonic Characteristics.
SWANAbstractC00248 I0360 00Code System for Analysis and Optimization of Fusion Reactor Nucleonic Characteristics.
SWANLAKEAbstractC00204 C6600 00Cross Section Sensitivity Analysis Code System for One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Calculations.
SWANLAKEAbstractC00204 I3033 00Cross Section Sensitivity Analysis Code System for One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Calculations.
SWAP-9AbstractC00788 C0740 001-D Stress Analysis for Hydrostatic and Elastic Plastic Materials.
SWATAbstractC00714 MNYCP 01Step-Wise Burnup Analysis Code System to Combine SRAC-95 Cell Calculation Code and ORIGEN2.
SWIFTAbstractC00679 C7600 00Code System to Calculate Waste-Isolation Flow and Transport.
AbstractC00686 MNYCP 00Code System to Calculate Waste-Isolation Flow and Transport.
SWORD 7.0AbstractC00767 MNYCP 07SoftWare for Optimization of Radiation Detectors.
SYVAC-D/2AbstractC00690 D0VAX 00Code System For Risk Assessment From Underground Radioactive Waste Disposal In the United Kingdom.
TACT-IIIAbstractC00447 I3033 00Calculation of the Transport of Radioactivity from a Reactor Core.
TART2022AbstractC00638 MNYCP 09Coupled Neutron-Photon, 3-D, Combinatorial Geometry, Time Dependent, Monte Carlo Transport Code System.
TASKAbstractC00184 I0360 00Generalized One-Dimensional Radiation Transport and Diffusion Kinetics Code System.
TDAAbstractC00180 MNYWS 01A Time-Dependent, Multigroup, One-Dimensional, Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System.
TDTAbstractC00256 I0360 00Generalized One-Dimensional Multigroup Time-Dependent Transport and Diffusion Kinetic Code System.
TDTORTAbstractC00709 MNYWS 00Time-Dependent, 3-D, Discrete Ordinates, Neutron Transport Code System.
TERFOC-NAbstractC00596 MFMWS 00Terrestrial Food-Chain Model for Normal Operations.
TESSAbstractC00215 C3600 00Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Code System for Slab and Spherical Geometries.
THIDA-2AbstractC00410 FM380 00Code System for the Calculation of Transmutation, Activation, Decay Heat and Dose Rate in Fusion Reactors.
THTAbstractC00480 I0360 00Three-Dimensional Neutron Coarse Mesh Code System to Evaluate Average Bundle Fluxes and Power in Light Water Reactors.
TIBSOAbstractC00512 MNYCP 00Code System to Calculate Production and Migration of Radionuclides in Nuclear Reactor Systems.
TIMEDAbstractC00292 I0360 00Calculation of Cumulated Activity of a Radionuclide in the Organs of the Human Body at a Given Time After Deposition.
TIMEXAbstractC00274 C7600 00One Dimensional, Time Dependent Multigroup Explicit Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Code System with Anisotropic Scattering.
TIMEXAbstractC00274 CY000 00One Dimensional, Time Dependent Multigroup Explicit Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Code System with Anisotropic Scattering.
TIMEXAbstractC00274 U1106 00One Dimensional, Time Dependent Multigroup Explicit Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Code System with Anisotropic Scattering.
TIMOC-72AbstractC00144 I0370 00Monte Carlo Three-Dimensional Neutron Transport Code System.
TIMOC-ESPAbstractC00432 U1110 00System for Generating and Analyzing Time Dependent Radiation Transport Results by Monte Carlo.
TIRION 4AbstractC00395 I3033 00A Program for Calculating Consequences of a Release of Radioactive Material to the Atmosphere.
TITAN 1.29AbstractC00759 PCX86 04A Three-Dimensional Deterministic Radiation Transport Code System.
TMAP 7AbstractC00858 PCX86 00Tritium Migration Analysis Program
TMMSAbstractC00246 I0360 00Gamma-Ray Penetration Shielding Code System, Transmission Matrix Method.
TOXRISKAbstractC00692 CDCMF 00Code System for Toxic Gas Accident Analysis.
TP1AbstractC00465 I3033 00A Computer Code System for the Calculation of Reactivity and Kinetic Parameters by One-Dimensional Neutron Transport Perturbation Theory.
TP2AbstractC00470 I3033 00A Computer Code System for the Calculation of Reactivity and Kinetic Parameters by One-Dimensional Neutron Transport Perturbation Theory.
TPHEXAbstractC00421 C0173 00Transmission Probability Code System for Calculating Neutron Flux Distributions in Hexagonal Geometry.
TPHEXAbstractC00421 CYXMP 00Transmission Probability Code System for Calculating Neutron Flux Distributions in Hexagonal Geometry.
TPTRIAAbstractC00550 I3083 00A Computer Program for the Reactivity and Kinetic Parameters for Two-Dimensional Triangular Geometry by Transport Perturbation Theory.
TRANSHEXAbstractC00449 U1108 00Two-dimensional Multigroup Collision Probability Code System for Hexagonal Geometry.
TRANSPORTAbstractC00244 C6600 00Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems Design Code System (First- and Second-Order Matrix Multiplication).
TRANSPORTAbstractC00244 I0360 00Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems Design Code System (First- and Second-Order Matrix Multiplication).
TRANZITAbstractC00172 C7600 00Multigroup Time-Dependent Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Code System in (rho,z) Cylindrical Geometry.
TRAPPAbstractC00205 I3691 00Transport of Alpha Particles and Protons with all Nuclear Reaction Products Neglected.
TRD-3AbstractC00362 I3033 00Two-Dimensional Removal-Diffusion Neutron Shielding Code System.
TRECOAbstractC00116 I3675 00An Orbital Integration Estimation of Trapped Radiation.
TREEDEAbstractC00326 C0000 00Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System Based on the Track Rotation Estimator.
TRG-SGDAbstractC00025 C0000 00Calculation of Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rate from a Nuclear Weapon Detonation-Monte Carlo Method.
TRIDENTAbstractC00293 C7600 00Two-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System-(x,y) and (r,z) Geometries.
TRIDENTAbstractC00293 I0360 00Two-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System-(x,y) and (r,z) Geometries.
TRIDENT-CTRAbstractC00377 C0000 00Two-Dimensional x-y and r-z Geometry Multigroup Transport Code System for Large Toroidal Reactors.
TRIGAPAbstractC00600 IBMPC 00A Computer Code for TRIGA Type Reactors.
TRIGONAbstractC00290 U1108 00Two-Dimensional Multigroup Diffusion Code System-Trigonal or Hexagonal Mesh.
TRIPLETAbstractC00230 C6600 00Two-Dimensional, Multigroup, Triangular Mesh, Planar Geometry, Explicit Discrete Ordinates Code System.
TRIPLETAbstractC00230 C7600 00Two-Dimensional, Multigroup, Triangular Mesh, Planar Geometry, Explicit Discrete Ordinates Code System.
TRIPLETAbstractC00230 I0360 00Two-Dimensional, Multigroup, Triangular Mesh, Planar Geometry, Explicit Discrete Ordinates Code System.
AbstractC00806 MNYCP 00Code System for Coupled Neutron, Photon, Electron, Positron, 3-D, Time Dependent, Monte-Carlo, Transport Calculations.
AbstractC00815 MNYCP 00Code System for Coupled Neutron, Photon, Electron, Positron, 3-D, Time Dependent, Monte-Carlo, Transport Calculations.
TRIPOSAbstractC00537 CY00I 00Monte Carlo Ion Transport Analysis Code.
TRISTANAbstractC00511 HM280 00Multigroup Three-Dimensional Direct Integration Method Radiation Transport Analysis Code System.
TRITACAbstractC00560 D8810 00A Three-Dimensional Transport Code For Eigenvalue Problems Using The Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration Method.
TWOTRANAbstractC00195 C6600 00Two-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Transport C System in (x,y), (r,theta), and (r,z) Geometries.
TWOTRAN IIAbstractC00222 C7600 00Two-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Transport C System in (x,y), (r,theta), and (r,z) Geometries.
TWOTRAN IIAbstractC00222 I3691 00Two-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Transport C System in (x,y), (r,theta), and (r,z) Geometries.
TWOTRAN-SPHEREAbstractC00129 C6600 00Multigroup Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System in Spherical Geometry.
UDAD IXAbstractC00685 I0370 00Uranium Dispersion & Dosimetry Model.
UMIBIOAbstractC00680 I3033 00Code System to Model Uranium Mills Bioassay Dosimetry.
UNIMUG3AbstractC00407 C0170 00Solves Multigroup Diffusion Equations in One-Dimensional Systems.
USRHYDAbstractC00197 I3675 00Electron and X-Ray Energy Deposition and Hydrodynamics Code System.
UTMTOXAbstractC00500 D8600 00Unified Transport Model for Toxic Materials.
VALE 1.1AbstractC00613 IRISC 01A Multigroup Diffusion Theory Neutronics Code System for Solving Two- and Three-Dimensional Problems for Triagonal Geometries.
VALE 1.1AbstractC00613 PC386 01A Multigroup Diffusion Theory Neutronics Code System for Solving Two- and Three-Dimensional Problems for Triagonal Geometries.
VARSKIN 4AbstractC00781 PCX86 00Code System for Assessing Skin Dose from Skin Contamination.
VCSAbstractC00262 I0360 00Coupled Discrete Ordinates-Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Protection Factors in Vehicles.
VENTEASYAbstractC00776 PCX86 00Criticality search for a desired Keffective by adjusting dimensions, nuclide concentrations, or buckling
VENTURE-PCAbstractC00654 PC586 02A Reactor Analysis Code System.
AbstractC00855 PCX86 05Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications
VESTA 2.1.5-AURORA 1.0AbstractC00769 PCX86 01A Generic Monte Carlo Code and Depletion Module Interface.
VIM 5.1AbstractC00754 MNYWS 01Continuous Energy Neutron and Gamma-ray Transport Code System.
VIM_NCAbstractC00794 PCX86 00VIM Color Syntax for Nuclear Codes: NJOY, DRAGON, PARTISN, TORT, MONK, and MCNP.
VPI-NECMAbstractC00481 C0740 00Nuclear Engineering Computer Models for In-Core Fuel Management Analysis.
VPI-NECMAbstractC00481 D0VAX 00Nuclear Engineering Computer Models for In-Core Fuel Management Analysis.
VPI-NECMAbstractC00481 PC486 00Nuclear Engineering Computer Models for In-Core Fuel Management Analysis.
VSOP94AbstractC00670 MNYWS 00Computer Code System for Reactor Physics and Fuel Cycle Simulation.
WEERIEAbstractC00426 I3033 00Code System for Assessing the Radiological Consequences of Airborne Effluents from Nuclear Installations.
WHATIF-AQAbstractC00561 B7800 00A Computer Program For Speciation Calculation.
WIMS-ANL 4.0AbstractC00698 MNYCP 00Deterministic Code System for Reactor Lattice Calculation.
WIMSD-5B.12AbstractC00656 MNYCP 02Deterministic Code System for Reactor Lattice Calculation
WRAITHAbstractC00427 U1100 00Code System for Calculating Internal and External Doses Resulting from an Atmospheric Release of Radioactive Material.
XOQDOQ-82AbstractC00316 DGMV1 00Radiological Assessment Code System - Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Effluent Releases at Nuclear Power Stations.
XOQDOQ-82AbstractC00316 I3033 00Radiological Assessment Code System - Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Effluent Releases at Nuclear Power Stations.
XOQDOQ-82AbstractC00316 IPCAT 00Radiological Assessment Code System - Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Effluent Releases at Nuclear Power Stations.
XOQGAMAbstractC00847 MNYCP 00Methodology and Software Routines for Computation of Gamma Radiation Exposures from Finite-cloud Gaussian Plumes
XPORT-PCAbstractC00559 IBMPC 00An Approximation For Black Body X-Ray Transport in Air.
XRAY_AACAbstractC00525 D0750 00X-ray Attenuation and Absorption Calculations.
XSDRNAbstractC00123 C0073 00Multigroup One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Spectral Averaging N Transport Code System.
XSDRNAbstractC00123 I0360 00Multigroup One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Spectral Averaging N Transport Code System.
XSHLDAbstractC00495 IBMPC 00Diagnostic X-Ray Shielding Calculation.
XSUN-2013AbstractC00825 PCX86 00Windows interface environment for transport and sensitivity-uncertainty software TRANSX-2, PARTISN and SUSD3D
ZYLIND-PCAbstractC00557 IBMPC 00An Interactive Point Kernel Program For Photon Dose Rate Prediction of Cylindrical Source/Shield Arrangements.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.