Computer Code Collection (radiation transport programs) |
Package Name | Abstract | RSICC Tapelist | Title |
1DB-2DB-3DB | Abstract | C00741 PC586 00 | One-Dimensional Diffusion Code System for Nuclear Reactor. |
3DDT | Abstract | C00605 C6600 00 | Multigroup Diffusion Code System for Use in Fast Reactor Analysis. |
AARE-V1.0 | Abstract | C00846 MNYCP 00 | Activation in Accelerator Radiation Environments |
ACAB-2008 | Abstract | C00758 MNYCP 01 | Activation Abacus Inventory Code System for Nuclear Applications. |
ACDOS3 | Abstract | C00442 C7600 00 | Calculation of Activities and Dose Rates Produced by Neutron Activation. |
ACFA | Abstract | C00478 I3033 00 | A Versatile Activation Code for Coolant and Structural Materials. |
ACOH | Abstract | C00191 I3675 00 | Aerojet COHORT Monte Carlo Code System. |
ACRA-II | Abstract | C00213 I0360 00 | Kernel Integration Code System for Estimation of Radiation Doses Caused by a Hypothetical Reactor Accident. |
ACRA-TRIT | Abstract | C00283 I0360 00 | The Tritium Version of ACRA-II, Estimation of Radiation Doses Caused by a Hypothetical Reactor Accident. |
ACT-ARA | Abstract | C00372 CYXMP 00 | Code System for the Calculation of Changes in Radiological Source Terms with Time. |
ADJMOM | Abstract | C00212 I3675 00 | Adjoint Moments Method Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
ADO | Abstract | C00189 I3675 00 | Aerojet Discrete Ordinates Calculational System. |
ADVANTG 3.2.0 810 | Abstract | C00854 PCX86 00 | AutomateD VAriaNce reducTion Generator |
ADVANTG 3.2.1 | Abstract | C00854 PCX86 01 | AutomateD VAriaNce reducTion Generator |
AIRBORNE | Abstract | C00263 I0360 00 | Airborne Contaminants Dispersion Code. |
AIRDIF | Abstract | C00360 C6600 00 | A Two-Dimensional Atmospheric Radiation Diffusion Code. |
AIRDOS-PC | Abstract | C00551 IBMPC 00 | Clean Air Act Compliance Software for Personal Computers. |
AIREM | Abstract | C00242 I3691 00 | Calculation of Doses, Population Doses, and Ground Depositions Due to Atmospheric Emissions of Radionuclides. |
AIRGAMMA | Abstract | C00567 FM380 00 | A Program For The Calculation Of External Exposure To Gamma Rays From A Radioactive Cloud. |
AIRSCAT | Abstract | C00341 DP010 00 | Calculation of Dose Rate for Gamma-Rays Scattered in Air. |
AIRTRANS | Abstract | C00110 I3675 00 | Monte Carlo Time and Energy-Dependent Three-Dimensional Radiation Transport Code. |
AISITE II | Abstract | C00286 I0360 00 | Reactor Siting Code System. |
AKERN | Abstract | C00190 C0000 00 | Aerojet Point Kernel Integration Calculational System. |
AKERN | Abstract | C00190 U1108 00 | Aerojet Point Kernel Integration Calculational System. |
AKTIV | Abstract | C00339 I0360 00 | An Evaluation of Activity, Afterheat and Biological Hazard Potential of Stainless Steel Structures in Fusion Reactor Blankets. |
ALARA 2.7.8 | Abstract | C00723 MNYCP 00 | Code System for Analytic and Laplacian Adaptive Radioactivity Analysis. |
ALBEDO/ALBEZ | Abstract | C00555 IBMPC 00 | Calculates Attenuation of Radiation in Single and Double Bends. |
ALBEMO | Abstract | C00268 C6600 00 | Albedo Monte Carlo Code System. |
ALDOSE | Abstract | C00577 IBMPC 00 | Dose Calculation for Alpha Disc Source. |
ALGAM-97 | Abstract | C00152 I3675 00 | Monte Carlo Estimation of Internal Dose from Gamma-Ray Sources in a Phantom Man. |
ALKASYS-PC | Abstract | C00558 IBMPC 00 | A Computer Program For Studies of Rankine-Cycle Space Nuclear Power Systems. |
ALPHN | Abstract | C00612 IBMPC 00 | Code System for Calculating (alpha,n) Neutron Production in Canisters of High-Level Waste. |
AMC | Abstract | C00090 I3675 00 | Monte Carlo Albedo Code for Neutron and Capture Gamma-Ray Distributions in Rectangular Concrete Ducts. |
AMP | Abstract | C00793 PCX86 00 | Advanced Multi-Physics. |
ANISN-ORNL | Abstract | C00254 MNYCP 02 | One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System with Anisotropic Scattering. |
ANISN-PC | Abstract | C00514 IBMPC 00 | Multigroup One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System with Anisotropic Scattering. |
ANITA-2000 | Abstract | C00693 MNYCP 00 | Analysis of Neutron Induced Transmutation and Activation. |
ANITA-4 | Abstract | C00606 MNYCP 01 | Analysis of Neutron Induced Transmutation and Activation. |
ANTE 2 | Abstract | C00131 I3675 00 | Adjoint Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Code in Combinatorial Geometry. |
APARNA-II | Abstract | C00296 I0360 00 | Integral Transport Theory Code System Based on Discrete Ordinate Representation in Space and Direction-Slab Geometry. |
APUD 3.0 | Abstract | C00637 IBMPC 00 | Code System for Analyzing, Predicting Consequences of, and Guiding the Response to Nuclear Emergencies. |
ARC | Abstract | C00224 C6600 00 | Aircraft Radiation Transport Code System, Crew Dose Calculation. |
ARC 11.2892 FEDC | Abstract | C00824 MNYCP 02 | Code System for Analysis of Nuclear Reactors. |
ARCON96 | Abstract | C00664 IBMPC 00 | Code System to Calculate Atmospheric Relative Concentrations in Building Wakes. |
AREAC | Abstract | C00438 I3033 00 | Radiological Emission Analysis Code System. |
ARMYL-G | Abstract | C00297 U1106 00 | Calculation of Transmission Factors for Gamma Rays from Nuclear Explosions. |
ARMYL-N | Abstract | C00298 U1106 00 | Calculation of Transmission Factors for Neutrons from Nuclear Explosions. |
ARRRG | Abstract | C00404 U1100 00 | Calculation of Radiation Dose to Man from Radionuclides in the Environment. |
ASFIT-VARI | Abstract | C00336 H0000 00 | Gamma-Ray Transport Code System for One-Dimensional Finite Systems. |
ASFIT-VARI | Abstract | C00336 IBMPC 00 | Gamma-Ray Transport Code System for One-Dimensional Finite Systems. |
ASOP | Abstract | C00126 IRISC 00 | Multigroup One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System for Shield Optimization. |
ASTROS | Abstract | C00073 I7090 00 | Calculation of Primary and Secondary Proton Dose Rates in Spheres and Slabs of Tissue. |
AT123D | Abstract | C00417 I0360 00 | Analytical Transient One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Simulation of Waste Transport in an Aquifer System. |
ATM-TOX | Abstract | C00472 I3033 00 | An Atmospheric Transport Model for Toxic Substances. |
ATTOW-KB | Abstract | C00132 I0370 00 | Multigroup Two-Dimensional Removal-Diffusion (Spinney Method) Shielding Code System. |
AUS98 | Abstract | C00519 MNYWS 01 | Modular System for Neutronics Calculations of Fission Reactors, Fusion Blankets, and Other Systems. |
BALTORO | Abstract | C00479 C6600 00 | Code for Coupling of Monte Carlo and Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Calculations. |
BCG | Abstract | C00578 C0170 00 | A Code For Calculating Pointwise Neutron Spectra and Criticality in Fast Reactor Cells. |
BEBC | Abstract | C00077 I7090 00 | Electron Bremsstrahlung Penetration Code for Space Vehicles. |
BED | Abstract | C00078 I7090 00 | Electron Penetration Code for Space Vehicles. |
BERMUDA | Abstract | C00616 FV260 03 | Discrete Ordinates Code System for Shielding Analysis for Use with Fusion and Fission Reactors. |
BETA II | Abstract | C00117 C6600 00 | Monte Carlo Bremsstrahlung and Electron Transport Analysis in Geometry. |
BETA II | Abstract | C00117 I0360 00 | Monte Carlo Bremsstrahlung and Electron Transport Analysis in Geometry. |
BETA-S 6 | Abstract | C00657 MNYCP 01 | Code System to Calculate Multigroup Beta-Ray Spectra. |
BIGGI | Abstract | C00066 I3675 00 | Numerical Gamma-Ray Transport Code for Plane or Spherical Multilayer Geometry. |
BIGGI | Abstract | C00066 U1108 00 | Numerical Gamma-Ray Transport Code for Plane or Spherical Multilayer Geometry. |
BIGGI-4T | Abstract | C00780 I0360 00 | Gamma Transport in Multi-Region Shield in Planar or Spherical Geometry. |
BISON 1.5 | Abstract | C00464 HM200 00 | One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinate Transport and Burnup Calculation Code System. |
BISON-C | Abstract | C00659 MNYWS 00 | One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinate Transport and Burnup Calculation Code System. |
BLT-FEMWATER USSO | Abstract | C00633 PC386 00 | Code System to Solve for Release and Transport of Contaminants through Saturated/Unsaturated Media. |
BMC-MG | Abstract | C00291 C6600 00 | Multigroup Monte Carlo Neutron and Gamma-Ray Shielding Code System for Plutonium. |
BOLD VENTURE IV | Abstract | C00459 I3033 00 | A Reactor Analysis Code System. |
BOXER | Abstract | C00766 MNYWS 00 | Fine-flux Cross Section Condensation, 2D Few Group Diffusion and Transport Burnup Calculations |
BPPC | Abstract | C00076 I7090 00 | Proton Penetration Codes for Space Vehicles. |
BREMRAD | Abstract | C00031 I7090 00 | External and Internal Bremsstrahlung Calculation Code. |
BRHGAM | Abstract | C00350 I3033 00 | Monte Carlo Estimation of Absorbed Dose from X-Ray Sources in Phantom Man. |
BULK_C-12 | Abstract | C00738 PC586 00 | Code System to Estimate Neutron and Photon Effective Dose Rates from Medium Energy Protons or Carbon Ions Through Concrete or Concrete/Iron. |
BURP-2 | Abstract | C00237 C6600 00 | Calculation of Buildup and Decay of Radioactive Fission Products. |
BUSH | Abstract | C00333 I0360 00 | A Code to Calculate Radiation Doses Inside Buildings from Routine Releases of Radionuclides to the Atmosphere. |
BUTTERCUP | Abstract | C00779 MNYCP 00 | A Dual-Layer Photon Buildup Factor Code. |
BWR-LTAS | Abstract | C00485 I3033 01 | A Boiling Water Reactor Long-Term Accident Simulation Code. |
CAAC | Abstract | C00476 D0VAX 00 | Code System for Implementation of Atmospheric Dispersion Assessment Required by the Clear Air Act. |
CAAC | Abstract | C00476 I3033 00 | Code System for Implementation of Atmospheric Dispersion Assessment Required by the Clear Air Act. |
CACA-2 | Abstract | C00302 I0360 00 | Heavy Isotope and Fission-Product Concentration Calculation Code System. |
CALKUX | Abstract | C00594 IBMPC 00 | Code System to Calculate Exposure Transmission of Medical X-ray Beams Through Barrier Materials. |
CALOR95 | Abstract | C00610 MNYWS 00 | Monte Carlo Code System for Design and Analysis of Calorimeter Systems, Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Target Systems, etc. |
CAMERA | Abstract | C00240 C0074 00 | Radiation Transport Analysis Code System and the Computerized Man (CAM) Model. |
CAMERA | Abstract | C00240 IBMPC 01 | Radiation Transport Analysis Code System and the Computerized Man (CAM) Model. |
CAP-88 | Abstract | C00542 D0VAX 00 | Clean Air Act Assessment Package. |
CAP-88 | Abstract | C00542 I3090 00 | Clean Air Act Assessment Package. |
CAP-88 | Abstract | C00542 IBMPC 00 | Clean Air Act Assessment Package. |
CAP88-PC | Abstract | C00542 IBMPC 01 | Clean Air Act Assessment Package. |
CAPS-2 | Abstract | C00074 CDCMF 00 | Analysis of Structures for Fallout Radiation Shielding. |
CARL 2.3 | Abstract | C00743 PC586 01 | Code System to Calculate Radiotoxicity, Activity, Dose and Decay Power Calculations for Spent Fuel. |
CARMEN SYSTEM | Abstract | C00487 U1110 00 | A Code System for Neutronics PWR Calculation by Diffusion Theory with Space-Dependent Feedback Effects. |
CARNAC | Abstract | C00238 I3691 00 | Calculation of Flux and Neutron Spectra in the Case of Criticality Accident. |
CARSTEP | Abstract | C00024 I7090 00 | Trajectory and Environment Code-Electron and Proton Fluxes Impinging on Spacecraft in Orbit. |
CASCADE | Abstract | C00176 C6600 00 | Monte Carlo Simulation of the Transport of High Energy Electrons and Photons in Matter. |
CASCADE | Abstract | C00176 I0360 00 | Monte Carlo Simulation of the Transport of High Energy Electrons and Photons in Matter. |
CASIM | Abstract | C00265 I0360 00 | Monte Carlo Simulation of Transport of Hadron Cascades in Bulk Matter. |
CAVEAT | Abstract | C00169 I3675 00 | General Purpose Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Radiation Transport Code in Complex Geometry. |
CDR | Abstract | C00182 C6600 00 | A Constant Dose Range Code System, Using the LANL-NWEF Neutron-Gamma-Ray Air Flux Tape. |
CDR | Abstract | C00182 I0360 00 | A Constant Dose Range Code System, Using the LANL-NWEF Neutron-Gamma-Ray Air Flux Tape. |
CEPXS | Abstract | C00837 MNYCP 00 | Coupled Electron-Photon Cross Section |
CEPXS/ONELD 1.0 | Abstract | C00544 MNYCP 02 | One-Dimensional Coupled Electron-Photon Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Code System. |
CHAINS-PC | Abstract | C00604 IBMPC 00 | Code System to Compute Atom Density of Members of a Single Decay Chain. |
CHAINT-MC | Abstract | C00584 CYXMP 00 | A Two-Dimensional Model for the Analysis of Contaminant Transport in a Fractured Porous Medium. |
CHARGE II | Abstract | C00070 C6500 00 | Space Radiation Shielding Code - Proton and Electron Penetration of Multilayered Slabs and Spheres. |
CHARGE II | Abstract | C00070 I3675 00 | Space Radiation Shielding Code - Proton and Electron Penetration of Multilayered Slabs and Spheres. |
CHARGE-PC | Abstract | C00070 IBMPC 00 | Space Radiation Shielding Code - Proton and Electron Penetration of Multilayered Slabs and Spheres. |
CHNSED | Abstract | C00671 I0360 00 | Code System to Model Sediment & Containment Transport. |
CINDER 1.05 | Abstract | C00755 PC586 00 | Code System for Actinide Transmutation Calculations |
CITATION-LDI 2 | Abstract | C00643 PC386 02 | Nuclear Reactor Core Analysis Code System. |
CLOUD-M | Abstract | C00032 I3565 00 | Gamma-Ray Dose Rate from a Radioactive Cloud-Kernel Integration Code. |
CNCSN 2009 | Abstract | C00726 PCX86 01 | One, Two- and Three-Dimensional Coupled Neutral and Charged Particle SN Parallel Multi-Threaded Code System. |
COG11.1 | Abstract | C00829 MNYCP 00 | Multiparticle Monte Carlo Code System for Shielding and Criticality Use. |
COHORT-II | Abstract | C00198 I7094 00 | General Purpose Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code System. |
COLLIMATOR | Abstract | C00136 I7090 00 | Monte Carlo Calculation of the Spectrum of Gamma Radiation from a Collimated Co-60 Source. |
COLUMN2 | Abstract | C00534 ALLMF 00 | Calculation of Effects of Physicochemical Processes on Migration. |
COMPRASH | Abstract | C00072 I3675 00 | Spinney Removal-Diffusion Shielding Code. |
COMRADEX4 | Abstract | C00332 I0360 00 | Evaluator of Potential Radiological Doses in the Near (< 10 km) Environment of Radioactive Release. |
CONDOR-3 | Abstract | C00811 I0370 00 | Two-Dimensional Reactor Program with Local and Spectrum Dependent Burnup. |
CONDOS-II | Abstract | C00416 I0360 00 | Code for Estimating Radiation Doses from Radionuclide-Containing Consumer Products. |
CONSTRIP V | Abstract | C00139 I3675 00 | Vertical Barrier-Finite Source Plane Gamma-Ray Penetration Code System. |
CRAC2 | Abstract | C00419 C0000 00 | Code System for Calculating Reactor Accident Consequences. |
CRAC2 | Abstract | C00419 I3033 00 | Code System for Calculating Reactor Accident Consequences. |
CRRIS | Abstract | C00518 I3033 00 | Computerized Radiological Risk Investigation System for Assessing Doses and Health Risks from Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides. |
CRRIS | Abstract | C00518 PC586 00 | Computerized Radiological Risk Investigation System for Assessing Doses and Health Risks from Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides. |
CRYSTAL BALL | Abstract | C00233 C6600 00 | Code System for Determining Neutron Spectra from Activation Measurements. |
CRYSTAL BALL | Abstract | C00233 I0360 00 | Code System for Determining Neutron Spectra from Activation Measurements. |
CTF | Abstract | C00871 PCX86 00 | CTF is the modernized version of the legacy subchannel thermal hydraulics (TH) code COBRA-TF |
CYGAS | Abstract | C00317 I3033 00 | A Gamma-Ray Attenuation Code System for Large Gamma-Ray Sources Shielded by Coaxial Cylinders. |
CYGNUS-C SPHERE | Abstract | C00232 I0360 00 | Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System in Spherical Geometry. |
CYLDOS | Abstract | C00389 I0360 00 | A Cylindrical Geometry Gamma-Ray Flux Attenuation Code System. |
DACRIN | Abstract | C00273 U1100 00 | Airborne Radionuclide Organ Dose Calculational System. |
DANTSYS 3.0 | Abstract | C00547 MFMWS 01 | One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional, Multigroup, Discrete-Ordinates Transport Code System. |
DART-V.1 | Abstract | C00830 MNYCP 00 | Displacement per Atom, Primary Knocked-on Atoms Produced in an Atomic Solid Target |
DASH-FP | Abstract | C00366 C0000 00 | A One-Dimensional Analytic-Numerical Solution to the Problem of Multicomponent Time-Dependent Diffusion of Fission Products. |
DAVE | Abstract | C00166 I3675 00 | Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Transport Code System in One-Dimensional Spherical Geometry. |
DCHAIN 1.3 | Abstract | C00640 MNYCP 01 | Code System for Radioactive Decay and Reaction Chain Calculations. |
DCHAIN-SP2001 | Abstract | C00712 MNYWS 01 | Code System for Analyzing Decay and Build-up Characteristics of Spallation Products. |
DCTDOS | Abstract | C00520 IBMPC 00 | Neutron and Gamma-Ray Penetration in Composite Duct Systems. |
DDXCODES | Abstract | C00583 FM380 00 | One-, Two- and Three-Dimensional Transport Codes Using Multigroup Double-Differential Form Cross Sections. |
DEIS | Abstract | C00455 C6600 00 | Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste. |
DEMON & DEMON R | Abstract | C00181 I3675 00 | Demonstration Monte Carlo Code System in Slab Geometry. |
DIAMANT2 | Abstract | C00414 PC386 00 | Multigroup Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System for Triangular Geometry, Release 2.0. |
DIF3D 11.2892 FEDC | Abstract | C00784 MNYCP 02 | Code System Using Variational Nodal Methods and Finite Difference Methods to Solve Neutron Diffusion and Transport Theory Problems. |
DIFMOD | Abstract | C00572 I3083 00 | A Computer Program To Calculate The Leaching of Radionuclides and the Corrosion of Cemented Waste Forms in Water or Brine. |
DINT-YAEC | Abstract | C00306 ALLMF 00 | Evaluator of I1 and I2 Integrals as Used in Long-Term External Gamma-Ray Doses from Routine Atmospheric Releases. |
DIPHO | Abstract | C00140 I3675 00 | Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Code System-Infinite Medium, Mono-energetic and Isotropic Point Source. |
DISDOS | Abstract | C00170 I0360 00 | Calculation of Dose Distribution in Human Phantoms Irradiated by External Photon Sources. |
DISKTRAN | Abstract | C00533 CYXMP 00 | Dose Calculations at Detectors from the End of a Cylinder Using DOT IV Scalar Flux Data. |
DISKTRAN | Abstract | C00533 I3033 00 | Dose Calculations at Detectors from the End of a Cylinder Using DOT IV Scalar Flux Data. |
DISPERS | Abstract | C00454 MNYCP 00 | Collection of Mathematical Models for Dispersion in Surface Water and Groundwater. |
DIXY-2 | Abstract | C00812 I0370 00 | 2-D Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Neutron Diffusion N X-Z, R-Z, R-Theta Geometry with Perturbation. |
DKR | Abstract | C00323 CY000 00 | A Radioactivity and Dose Rate Calculation Code System for Fusion Reactors. |
DLS | Abstract | C00264 C6600 00 | Two-Dimensional Shielding Calculational System with Diffusion Theory and Line-of-Sight Method. |
DOORS 3.2A | Abstract | C00650 MFMWS 04 | One, Two- and Three-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Neutron/Photon Transport Code System. |
DOPEX | Abstract | C00177 I3675 00 | Laminated Shield Weight Optimization Code System-Steepest Descent Calculational Model. |
DOPEX | Abstract | C00177 U1108 00 | Laminated Shield Weight Optimization Code System-Steepest Descent Calculational Model. |
DOPEX-1D2C | Abstract | C00214 I0360 00 | A One-Dimensional, Two-Constraint Radiation Shield Optimization Code System. |
DOSE 1 | Abstract | C00165 I3675 00 | Gamma-Radiation Dosimetry for Arbitrary Source and Target Geometry. |
DOSE-SGTR | Abstract | C00624 IBMPC 00 | Code System to Calculate the Integrated Iodine Release to the Environment During a Steam Generator Tube Rupture in a PWR. |
DOSFACTER II | Abstract | C00400 D0750 00 | Calculation of Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for Exposure to Photons and Electrons. |
DOSFACTER II | Abstract | C00400 I0360 00 | Calculation of Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for Exposure to Photons and Electrons. |
DOSFACTER-DOE | Abstract | C00536 I3033 00 | Calculation of Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for Exposure to Photons and Electrons. |
DOT 3.5 | Abstract | C00276 I0360 00 | Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Code System. |
DPCT | Abstract | C00580 CYXMP 00 | A Deterministic-Probabilistic Model For Contaminant Transport. |
DRAGON2PARTISN | Abstract | C00803 PCX86 00 | Cross-Sections Data Generation for PARTISN4.0. |
DRAGON3.05D | Abstract | C00647 MNYWS 03 | Lattice Cell Code System. |
DTF-69 | Abstract | C00130 C6600 00 | Multigroup Neutron Transport Discrete Ordinates Code System with One-Dimensional, Anisotropic Scattering. |
DTF-INDIA | Abstract | C00458 I0370 00 | Multigroup Neutron Transport Discrete Ordinates Code System with One-Dimensional, Anisotropic Scattering. |
DTF-IV | Abstract | C00042 C6600 00 | Multigroup Neutron Transport Discrete Ordinates Code System with One-Dimensional, Anisotropic Scattering. |
DTF-IV MODIFIED | Abstract | C00042 I0370 00 | Multigroup Neutron Transport Discrete Ordinates Code System with One-Dimensional, Anisotropic Scattering. |
DTF-TRACA | Abstract | C00412 U1100 00 | Multigroup Neutron Transport Discrete Ordinates Code System with One-Dimensional, Anisotropic Scattering. |
DTK | Abstract | C00223 I3675 00 | One-Dimensional Multigroup Neutron Transport Code System. |
DUST | Abstract | C00453 I3033 00 | Albedo Monte Carlo Simulation of Neutron Streaming Through Multilegged Ducts. |
DUST-BNL | Abstract | C00634 PC386 00 | Disposal Unit Source Term by One-Dimensional, Transient, Finite-Difference, Subsurface Release and Transport of Contaminants. |
DWNWND | Abstract | C00383 DP010 00 | Interactive Gaussian Plume Atmospheric Transport Model. |
EASY-QAD 2.0.1 | Abstract | C00744 PC586 02 | A Visualization Code System for Gamma and Neutron Shielding Calculations. |
E-DEP-1 | Abstract | C00275 D0VAX 00 | Heavy Ion Energy Deposition Code System. |
EDMULT 6.4 | Abstract | C00430 MNYCP 02 | Evaluates Electron Depth-Dose Distributions in Multilayer Slab Absorbers. |
EDNA | Abstract | C00104 I7090 00 | Electron Dose and Number Analysis Code by Kernel Integration. |
EDO | Abstract | C00489 U1110 00 | A Code System in Fortran V for the Evaluation of Dose During Normal Operation of a Nuclear Power Plant. |
EFDOS | Abstract | C00411 I0360 00 | Calculation of Effective Committed Dose Equivalents by Inhalation of Radioactive Materials Occurring in Routine Atmospheric Releases from Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities. |
EGAD | Abstract | C00206 I0360 00 | Calculation of Dose from External Gamma-Ray Emitters. |
EGS4 | Abstract | C00331 MNYCP 00 | Monte Carlo Simulation of the Coupled Transport of Electrons and Photons. |
ELBA | Abstract | C00119 I0360 00 | Electron and Bremsstrahlung Dose Rate Code. |
ELEORBIT | Abstract | C00751 PCX86 00 | 3-D Simulation of Electron Orbits in Magnetic Multipole Plasma Source. |
ELF | Abstract | C00167 I0360 00 | Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System for Cylinders and Spheres. |
ELGATL | Abstract | C00295 C6600 00 | Calculation of Energy Spectra from Coupled Electron-Photon Slowing Down. |
ELPHO | Abstract | C00301 I0360 00 | Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Electromagnetic Transport Code System. |
ELTRAN | Abstract | C00155 C3600 00 | One-Dimensional Monte Carlo Electron Transport Code System. |
EMERALD | Abstract | C00211 I0360 00 | Calculation of Activity Releases and Potential Doses from a Pressurized Water Reactor Plant. |
EMERALD-NORMAL | Abstract | C00250 I0370 00 | Calculation of Activity Releases and Potential Doses from the Normal Operation of a Pressurized Water Reactor Plant. |
ENEDEP | Abstract | C00227 GE400 00 | Energy Deposition Code System for GE 265 Time-Sharing System. |
EPRI-CINDER | Abstract | C00309 C6600 00 | General Point-Depletion and Fission Product Code System and Four-Group Fission Product Neutron Absorption Chain Data Library Generated from ENDF/B-IV for Thermal Reactors. |
ERANOS 2.0 OECD | Abstract | C00745 MNYWS 00 | Modular Code and Data System for Fast Reactor Neutronics Analyses |
ERPEX | Abstract | C00305 C0073 00 | Monte Carlo Distributions of Energetic Proton Ranges in Silicon. |
ESDORA | Abstract | C00183 U1108 00 | Fission Product Inventory and Gamma-Ray Dose Rate from a Radioactive Cloud System. |
ESP | Abstract | C00193 I0360 00 | General Purpose Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System. |
ETRAN | Abstract | C00107 I0360 00 | Monte Carlo Code System for Electron and Photon Through Extended Media. |
EXPALS | Abstract | C00787 C7600 00 | Least Square Fit of Linear Combination of Exponential Decay Function. |
EXPRESS | Abstract | C00622 MNYCP 00 | Exact Preparedness Supporting System. |
EXTREME | Abstract | C00440 I3033 00 | Two-Dimensional Discrete-Ordinates Code System with Exponential Expansion of Spatial Variables. |
FANTOM | Abstract | C00375 BESM6 00 | Monte Carlo Calculation of the Response of an External Detector to a Photon Source in the Lungs of a Heterogeneous Phantom. |
FASTER III | Abstract | C00168 U1108 00 | Monte Carlo Neutron and Photon Transport Code System in Complex Geometries. |
FASTER-III | Abstract | C00168 I3675 00 | Monte Carlo Neutron and Photon Transport Code System in Complex Geometries. |
FDKR | Abstract | C00541 I4381 00 | Radioactivity and Dose Rate Calculation Code for Fission, Fusion and Hybrid Reactors. |
FE3DGW | Abstract | C00531 D0780 00 | Code System for Finite-Element, Three-Dimensional Ground-Water Flow Analysis. |
FEM-2D | Abstract | C00260 C6600 00 | Two-Dimensional Diffusion Theory Code System Based on the Method of Finite Elements. |
FEMB | Abstract | C00340 B6700 00 | A Two-Dimensional Diffusion Theory Finite Element Program. |
FEMRZ | Abstract | C00342 F2307 00 | A Finite-Element Method Two-Dimensional Multigroup Neutron Transport Code System, (r,z) Geometry. |
FEMWASTE/FEMWATER | Abstract | C00451 C7600 00 | A Finite-Element Model of Waste and Water Transport through Porous Saturated-Unsaturated Media. |
FEMWASTE/FEMWATER | Abstract | C00451 PC386 00 | A Finite-Element Model of Waste and Water Transport through Porous Saturated-Unsaturated Media. |
FESH | Abstract | C00676 CDCMF 00 | X-Y Multigroup Neutron Transport Code System. |
FEWA-FEMA | Abstract | C00477 I3033 00 | A Finite Element Model of Water and Other Material through Aquifers. |
FINELM | Abstract | C00483 MFMWS 00 | Multigroup Finite Element Diffusion Code System. |
FIPDIG | Abstract | C00251 I0360 00 | One-Dimensional Time-Dependent Fission Product Diffusion Code System. |
FISP-6 | Abstract | C00538 I3090 00 | An Enhanced Code for the Evaluation of Fission Product Inventories and Decay Heat. |
FISPACT-II 5.0 | Abstract | C00836 MNYCP 03 | Inventory Simulation Platform for Nuclear Observables and Materials Science. |
FISPIN | Abstract | C00413 ICL00 00 | Nuclide Inventory Calculation System. |
FISSP & CLOUD | Abstract | C00163 MNYCP 01 | Fission Product Inventory, Release, Transport and Dose Calculation. |
FLUKA-TRANKA | Abstract | C00207 C6600 00 | Three-Dimensional High-Energy Extranuclear Hadron Cascade Monte Carlo System for Cylindrical Backstop Geometries. |
FOCUS | Abstract | C00390 I3033 00 | Adjoint Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System. |
FONTA | Abstract | C00423 S4044 00 | Code System For Calculating Individual And Collective Doses From Reactor Accidents Using Pasquill's Plume Model. |
FOOD | Abstract | C00403 U1108 00 | Calculation of Radiation Dose to Man from Radionuclides in the Environment. |
FORSS | Abstract | C00334 C0000 00 | A Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Code System. |
FORSS | Abstract | C00334 I0360 00 | A Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Code System. |
FOTELP-2014 | Abstract | C00581 MNYCP 04 | Monte Carlo Simulation of Photons, Electrons and Positrons Transport. |
FPGAM | Abstract | C00386 F2307 00 | Calculation of Fission-Product Gamma-Ray Spectra. |
FPIC | Abstract | C00028 I3675 00 | Fission Product Inventory Code. |
FPIP | Abstract | C00162 C6600 00 | Fission Product Inventory Code System. |
FPZD | Abstract | C00603 PC386 00 | Code System for Multigroup Neutron Diffusion/Depletion Calculations. |
FRCRL2 | Abstract | C00231 C6400 00 | Calculation of Fission-Product Release in Reactor Accident Analyses. |
FSCATT | Abstract | C00186 I3033 00 | Discrete Ordinates Gamma-Ray Transport Code System in Plane Geometry. |
FSCATT | Abstract | C00186 U1108 00 | Discrete Ordinates Gamma-Ray Transport Code System in Plane Geometry. |
FSKY4C | Abstract | C00771 PCX86 00 | Gamma Ray Skyshine Analysis Code. |
FURNACE | Abstract | C00615 C0740 00 | Code System for Neutronic Calculations in Three Dimension Toroidal Geometry. |
G3-6ED | Abstract | C00075 C6600 00 | Kernel Integration Code System - Multigroup Gamma Ray Scattering. |
G3-6ED | Abstract | C00075 I3033 00 | Kernel Integration Code System - Multigroup Gamma Ray Scattering. |
GADJET | Abstract | C00115 C6600 00 | Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Adjoint Energy Transport Code in Complex Three-Dimensional Geometry. |
GAKER-KIRA | Abstract | C00813 C3600 00 | Energy Transfer of Protons in H2O or Polyethylene and Deuterons in D2O. |
GALE BWR | Abstract | C00335 U1100 00 | Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors Gaseous and Liquid Effluents Radiological Assessment Code System. |
GALE PWR & BWR | Abstract | C00335 I3033 00 | Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors Gaseous and Liquid Effluents Radiological Assessment Code System. |
GALE86 | Abstract | C00506 MNYCP 02 | Calculation of Routine Radioactive Releases in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors. |
GAMMOM | Abstract | C00135 ALLMF 00 | Gamma-Ray Moments Method Code System. |
GAMMOM-I | Abstract | C00226 I0360 00 | Gamma-Ray Moments Method Code System. |
GANDR/SEMOVE | Abstract | C00765 PCX86 00 | Program for Calculating Derivatives of Processed Multigroup Nuclear Data by Discrete Differences. |
GASPAR | Abstract | C00463 I3033 01 | Calculates Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Air Releases of Nuclear Reactor Effluents. |
GASPAR II | Abstract | C00463 D0780 00 | Calculates Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Air Releases of Nuclear Reactor Effluents. |
GASS | Abstract | C00080 I7090 00 | Monte Carlo Calculation of Self Shielding by Encapsulated Gamma-Ray Sources. |
GBANISN | Abstract | C00628 IRISC 00 | One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System with Anisotropic Scattering with the GroupBand Option. |
GENII 2.10 | Abstract | C00737 PCX86 02 | Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System. |
GENII-LIN 2.1 | Abstract | C00728 PC586 01 | GENII-LIN Multipurpose Health Physics Code System with a New Object-Oriented Interface, Release 2.0. |
GENP-2 | Abstract | C00575 ALLMF 00 | Generalized Perturbation Theory Code System. |
GES_MC | Abstract | C00742 PC586 00 | Gamma-electron Efficiency Simulator. |
GETOUT | Abstract | C00461 C0176 00 | A Computer Code System for Predicting One-Dimensional Radionuclide Decay Chain Transport through Geologic Media. |
GFX-GAMIX | Abstract | C00397 I3033 00 | A Spherical Harmonics Code System for Evaluation of Terrestrial Gamma-Radiation Fields. |
GGG-GP | Abstract | C00564 IBMPC 00 | Kernel Integration Code System - Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering Using the GP Buildup Factor. |
GNOMER | Abstract | C00625 MNYCP 01 | Multigroup 3-Dimensional Neutron Diffusion Nodal Code System with Thermohydraulic Feedbacks. |
GRACE-II | Abstract | C00026 I3675 00 | Gamma Ray Kernel Integration Dose Rate and Heating Code-Cylinders and Spheres. |
GREAT-GRASS | Abstract | C00143 I3675 00 | Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code Systems for Fallout Shielding. |
GRENADE | Abstract | C00516 C1787 00 | Green's Function Nodal Algorithm for the Diffusion Equation. |
GRENADE | Abstract | C00516 D0780 00 | Green's Function Nodal Algorithm for the Diffusion Equation. |
GRSAC | Abstract | C00774 PCX86 00 | Graphite Reactor Severe Accident Code. |
GRTUNCL3D | Abstract | C00721 MNYCP 01 | Code to Calculate Semi-Analytic First Collision Source and Uncollided Flux. |
GUI2QAD-3D | Abstract | C00697 PC586 01 | A Graphical User Interface for QAD-CGPIC, a Point Kernal Code for Neutron and Gamma-Ray Shielding Calculations in Complex Geometry. |
HABIT 1.1 | Abstract | C00665 IBMPC 01 | Code System for Evaluation of Control Room Habitability. |
HADOC | Abstract | C00452 U1100 00 | Calculates External and Inhalation Doses from Acute Radionuclide Releases on the Hanford Site. |
HAM | Abstract | C00267 U1108 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Photon High Altitude Transport Code System. |
HARAD | Abstract | C00387 I0360 00 | Calculation of Daughter Concentrations in Air Following the Atmospheric Release of a Parent Radionuclide. |
HEATKAU | Abstract | C00805 PCX86 00 | HEATKAU Program. |
HEPROW | Abstract | C00799 MNYCP 00 | Unfolding of Pulse Height Spectra Using Bayes Theorem and Maximum Entropy Method. |
HERAD | Abstract | C00444 CY00I 00 | Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Computer Code System for Calculating Radiation Damage from Ion Beams. |
HERMES-KFA | Abstract | C00687 MNYWS 00 | Monte Carlo Code System for High-Energy Radiation Transport Calculations. |
HEXAB-3D | Abstract | C00593 I0370 00 | Three-Dimensional Few-Group Coarse Mesh Diffusion Code for Neutron Physics Calculation of Reactor Core in Hexagonal Geometry. |
HGSYSTEMUF6 | Abstract | C00832 MNYCP 00 | Model for Simulating Dispersion due to Atmospheric Release of UF6. |
HIC-1 | Abstract | C00249 I0360 00 | Monte Carlo Code System for Calculating Heavy Ion Reactions at Energies > 50 MeV/Nucleon. |
HORN | Abstract | C00568 I3083 00 | A Computer Code To Analyze The Gas-Phase Transport of Fission Products In Reactor Cooling System Under Severe Accidents. |
HYACINTH | Abstract | C00294 I0360 00 | Fast Heavy Isotope Point Burnup and Decay Code System - Analytical Solution. |
ICOM | Abstract | C00651 PC386 00 | Code System for Calculating Ion Track Condensed Collision Model. |
IDC | Abstract | C00384 I0360 00 | ICRP Dosimetric Calculational System. |
IMPACTS-BRC2.1 | Abstract | C00666 IBMPC 00 | Code System for Analysis of Potential Radiological Impacts. |
INAP | Abstract | C00235 U1108 00 | Improved Neutron Activation Prediction Code Systems. |
INDOS | Abstract | C00236 DP010 00 | Conversational Computer Code Systems to Implement ICRP-10-10A Models for Estimation of Internal Radiation Dose to Man. |
INDOSE V2.1.1 | Abstract | C00720 PC586 00 | Internal Dosimetry Code System Using Biokinetics Models |
INDRA | Abstract | C00303 I0360 00 | A Modular System for Calculating the Neutronics and Photonics Characteristics of a Fusion Reactor Blanket. |
INGDOS | Abstract | C00408 DP010 00 | A Conversational Code System Designed to Implement NRC Reg-Guide 1.109 Models for Estimation of Annual Doses from Ingestion of Atmospherically Released Radionuclides in Foods. |
INREM II | Abstract | C00392 I3033 00 | Computer Implementation of Recent Models for Estimating the Dose Equivalent to Organs of Man from an Inhaled or Ingested Radionuclide. |
INREM/EXREM | Abstract | C00185 I0360 00 | Beta and Gamma Radiation Environmental Dose Code Systems. |
INTERTRAN I | Abstract | C00473 ALLMF 00 | A Code System for Assessing the Impact from Transporting Radioactive Material. |
INTRUDE-ANS | Abstract | C00539 D8810 00 | A Repository Intrusion Risk Evaluation Code. |
INVENT | Abstract | C00540 D8810 00 | A Radionuclide Inventory and Hazard Index Code. |
IODES | Abstract | C00365 I0360 00 | A Code System for Calculating the Estimation of Dose to the World Population from Releases of Iodine-129 to the Environment. |
IONMIG | Abstract | C00526 ALLMF 00 | Code System for Radionuclide Migration Calculations. |
IRDAM | Abstract | C00524 IPCXT 00 | Interactive Rapid Dose Assessment Model. |
ISOGEN II | Abstract | C00055 I3675 00 | Radioisotope Generator Code. |
ISO-PC 2.1 | Abstract | C00636 IBMPC 01 | Kernel Integration Code System for General Purpose Isotope Shielding Analyses. |
ITS6 FEDC | Abstract | C00792 PCX86 00 | Integrated TIGER Series of Coupled Electron/Photon Monte Carlo Transport Codes System. |
JASMINE V.3 | Abstract | C00795 MNYCP 00 | JAEA Simulator for Multiphase INteractions and Explosions. |
JN-METD 2&1 | Abstract | C00208 I0370 00 | Neutron Transport Code System with Isotropic Scattering, Bare Slabs and Homogeneous Slabs (JN Method 1), Multilayer Slabs (JN Method 2). |
K009 | Abstract | C00062 I7090 00 | Solid Angle Integration Charged Particle Penetration Code. |
K019 | Abstract | C00100 I0360 00 | Shield Thickness Calculation Program for Space Vehicles. |
KAMCCO | Abstract | C00325 I0370 00 | Three-Dimensional Time Dependent Monte Carlo Code System for Fast Neutron Physics Problems. |
KAP-VI | Abstract | C00094 U1108 00 | Kernel Integration Code System in Complex Geometry. |
KASY | Abstract | C00814 I0370 00 | 3-D Homogeneous Neutron Diffusion in X-Y-Z, R-Theta, Hexagonal-Z Geometry by Synthesis Method. |
KDLIBE | Abstract | C00124 I3675 00 | Kernel-Diffusion Shielding Analysis System. |
KERNEL | Abstract | C00672 IBMPC 00 | Monte Carlo Code System for Electron (Positron) Dose Kernel Calculations. |
KICHE 1.3 | Abstract | C00796 PCX86 00 | Kinetics of Iodine Chemistry in the Containment of LWRs under Severe Accident Conditions. |
KIM | Abstract | C00376 I3033 00 | A Two-Dimensional Monte Carlo Code System for Linear Neutron Transport Calculations. |
KORIGEN | Abstract | C00457 I3033 00 | A Modification of the Isotope Generation and Depletion Code System ORIGEN. |
KRAKEN | Abstract | C00877 PCX86 00 | Computational Reactor Analysis Framework. |
KRONIC | Abstract | C00229 I0360 00 | Calculation of Annual Average External (Beta and Gamma Radiation) Doses from Chronic Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides. |
KRONIC | Abstract | C00229 U1108 00 | Calculation of Annual Average External (Beta and Gamma Radiation) Doses from Chronic Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides. |
KUX | Abstract | C00515 ALLCP 00 | Medical X-Ray Shielding Calculation. |
LABAN-PEL | Abstract | C00611 IMFPC 00 | A Two-Dimensional, Multigroup Diffusion, High-Order Response Matrix Code. |
LADTAP II | Abstract | C00363 C7600 00 | Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents. |
LADTAP II | Abstract | C00363 D0780 00 | Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents. |
LADTAP II | Abstract | C00363 I3033 00 | Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents. |
LAHET 2.8 | Abstract | C00696 MFMWS 00 | Code System for High Energy Particle Transport Calculations. |
LASER | Abstract | C00344 I0360 00 | A One-Dimensional, Neutron-Thermalization, Lattice-Cell Program Based on MUFT and THERMOS. |
LEAF | Abstract | C00312 C6600 00 | Fission Product Release Calculator-From a Reactor Containment Building for Arbitrary Radioactive Decay Chains. |
LEBC | Abstract | C00052 I7090 00 | Electron Bremsstrahlung Code. |
LEOPARD | Abstract | C00343 C0000 00 | A Spectrum-Dependent Non-Spatial Fuel Depletion Code System. |
LEOPARD | Abstract | C00343 IBMPC 00 | A Spectrum-Dependent Non-Spatial Fuel Depletion Code System. |
LG-H | Abstract | C00087 I7090 00 | Ray Analysis Cylindrical Duct Kernel Code for Neutrons and Gamma Rays. |
LGH-G | Abstract | C00239 I0360 00 | Calculation of Gamma Radiation through Partially Shielded Gaps (Buildup Factor Method in Taylors Approximation). |
LIE-PN | Abstract | C00816 I0360 00 | Pn Neutron Transport in Radial Geometry Cell with Source Problems Calculation. |
LINEDOSE | Abstract | C00468 IBMPC 00 | A Line Source Shielding Code for Personal Computers. |
LINSED | Abstract | C00673 I0360 00 | 1D Multireach Sediment Transport Model |
LIONS | Abstract | C00247 I0360 00 | Calculation of Fission Product Inventory, Gamma-Ray Dose Rates and Gamma-Ray Doses by Kernel Integration. |
LPGS | Abstract | C00385 I3033 00 | Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure Resulting from Accidental Radioactive Releases to the Hydrosphere. |
LPPC | Abstract | C00051 I7090 00 | Proton Penetration Code. |
LPSC | Abstract | C00064 I7090 00 | Proton Penetration Code - Multilayer Slab Geometry. |
LRSPC | Abstract | C00050 I7090 00 | Range and Stopping Power Calculator. |
LSHINSE | Abstract | C00554 IBMPC 00 | Calculates Flux and Dose Rate from the Scattering of Radiation in Air. |
LSVDC | Abstract | C00053 I7090 00 | Space Vehicle Dose Calculation. |
LSVDC | Abstract | C00053 I7090 01 | Space Vehicle Dose Calculation. |
LUIN-II | Abstract | C00220 C6600 00 | Analytical Straight-Ahead Transport Code System-Calculation of Cosmic-Ray Spectra, Fluxes and Ionization in the Earth's Atmosphere. |
MADONNA | Abstract | C00425 I0370 00 | Two-dimensional Neutron Streaming Coupled Removal-Diffusion-Albedo-Transport Code System. |
MAGIK | Abstract | C00359 I0360 00 | A Monte Carlo Code System for Computing Induced Residual Activation Dose Rates. |
MAGNA | Abstract | C00158 C3600 00 | Multi-Source Gamma-Ray Kernel Integration Code System. |
MAP | Abstract | C00150 I3675 00 | Kernel Integration Code System in Complex Geometry with Special Application to Surface Sources Determined by Discrete Ordinates Calculations. |
MARC-PN | Abstract | C00311 D8810 00 | A Neutron Diffusion Code System with Spherical Harmonics Option. |
MARINRAD | Abstract | C00503 C1785 00 | Code System Model for Assessing the Consequences of Release of Radioactive Material into the Oceans. |
MARMER | Abstract | C00579 D8350 00 | A Flexible Point-Kernel Shielding Code System. |
MARMER | Abstract | C00579 PC486 00 | A Flexible Point-Kernel Shielding Code System. |
MATADOR | Abstract | C00689 CDCMF 00 | Radionuclide Behavior in Containments. |
MAVRAC | Abstract | C00023 I7090 00 | Model Astronaut and Vehicle Radiation Analysis Code. |
MCART USUNV | Abstract | C00809 PCX86 00 | Solve the Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Equation. |
MCB1C | Abstract | C00719 MNYWS 00 | Monte-Carlo Continuous Energy Burnup Code System. |
MCFLARE | Abstract | C00093 I7090 00 | Monte Carlo Code to Simulate Solar Flare Events and Estimate Probable Doses Encountered on Interplanetary Missions. |
MCNP6.3-EXE 810 | Abstract | C00870 MNYCP 01 | Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System. |
MCNP-DSP-EXE 810 | Abstract | C00699 MNYCP 01 | Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System with Digital Signal Processing based on MCNP4A. |
MCNPX-POLIMI-EXE 810 | Abstract | C00791 MNYCP 01 | Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System To Simulate Time-Analysis Quantities. |
MCRAC | Abstract | C00562 IBMPC 00 | Multiple Cycle Reactor Analysis Code. |
MCRTOF | Abstract | C00435 FM200 00 | Monte Carlo Code System for Calculation of Multiple Scattering of Neutrons in the Resonance Region. |
MCRTOF | Abstract | C00435 I0360 00 | Monte Carlo Code System for Calculation of Multiple Scattering of Neutrons in the Resonance Region. |
MCUNED 810 | Abstract | C00804 PCX86 00 | MCNPX Extension for Using Light Ion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library. |
MECC-7 | Abstract | C00156 I0360 00 | Medium-Energy Intranuclear Cascade Code System. |
MEDUSA-PIJ | Abstract | C00349 F2307 00 | One-Dimensional Lagrangian Code for Plasma Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Fusion Pellet Driven by Ion Beams. |
MEGA | Abstract | C00839 MNYCP 00 | MEGA: Mechanistic and Engineering Fission Gas Release Prediction Model for UO2 Fuel |
MERCURE 4-82 | Abstract | C00142 I3033 00 | Three-Dimensional Code System for Integrating Multigroup Line-of-Sight Attenuation Kernels by Monte Carlo Techniques. |
MESODIF-II | Abstract | C00498 D0780 00 | A Variable Trajectory Plume Segment Model to Assess Ground-Level Air Concentrations and Depositions of Routine Effluent Releases from Nuclear Power Facilities. |
MESOI | Abstract | C00497 D0780 00 | Interactive Mesoscale Lagrangian Puff Dispersion Model with Deposition and Decay. |
MESORAD 1.4 | Abstract | C00677 D0VAX 00 | Code System for Emergency Response Dose Assessment. |
MESYST | Abstract | C00706 MNYWS 00 | Code System to Simulate 3D Tracer Dispersion in Atmosphere. |
MEVDP | Abstract | C00157 C6600 00 | Primary Radiation Transport Code System - Complex Geometry - Computerized Anatomical Model Man. |
MILDOS | Abstract | C00398 C0000 00 | Calculation of Radiation Doses from Uranium Recovery Operations. |
MILDOS-AREA | Abstract | C00608 IBMPC 00 | Calculation of Radiation Dose from Uranium Recovery Operations for Large-Area Sources. |
MKENO-DAR | Abstract | C00513 FM380 00 | Direct Angular Representation Monte Carlo Code for Criticality Safety Analysis |
MMCR | Abstract | C00441 FM200 00 | Multigroup Monte Carlo Neutron and Photon Transport Code. |
MMS3D | Abstract | C00841 MNYCP 00 | Method of Manufactured Solutions for 3D one-group SN Equations with escalating order of non-smoothness |
MOCA | Abstract | C00590 IPCAT 00 | Monte Carlo Criticality Code System for Hexagonal Geometries. |
MODEL | Abstract | C00329 I3033 00 | Models of Trapped Proton and Electron Environments for Solar Maximum and Minimum. |
MOMENT I | Abstract | C00188 U1108 00 | Moments Method Neutron Transport Code System. |
MOMGEM-MOMDIS | Abstract | C00085 I7090 00 | Moments Method Reconstruction of Scattered Gamma-Ray Distributions. |
MONK 6.3 FEDC | Abstract | C00393 I3033 00 | A General Purpose Monte Carlo Neutronics Code System. |
MORSE-ALB | Abstract | C00394 FM200 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-ANSI STD. | Abstract | C00127 I3675 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-B | Abstract | C00368 I0370 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-C | Abstract | C00431 C7600 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-CG | Abstract | C00203 C0000 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-CG | Abstract | C00203 CY000 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-CG | Abstract | C00203 D0VAX 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-CG | Abstract | C00203 I0360 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-CG | Abstract | C00203 U0000 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-CGA | Abstract | C00474 ALLCP 03 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-CV | Abstract | C00535 HM280 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-E | Abstract | C00258 I0360 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-EMP | Abstract | C00588 IBMPC 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-H | Abstract | C00471 I3081 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-L | Abstract | C00261 C6600 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MORSE-SGC | Abstract | C00277 C7600 00 | Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
MRIPP 1.0 810 | Abstract | C00655 PC386 00 | Magnetic Resonance Image Phantom Code System to Calibrate in vivo Measurement Systems. |
MTR_PC 2.6 | Abstract | C00674 PC386 00 | Modular Code System for Neutronics, Thermalhydraulics and Shielding Calculations. |
MULTI-KENO2 | Abstract | C00492 FM380 00 | A Monte Carlo Code System for Criticality Safety Analysis. |
MURE V2-SMURE | Abstract | C00764 MNYWS 01 | Serpent - MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution. |
MURLI | Abstract | C00378 DP011 00 | Integral Transport Theory Code System for Thermal Reactor Lattice Cell Calculation. |
MUSCAT | Abstract | C00281 I0360 00 | Calculation of Neutron Currents in Spherical and Cylindrical Cavities by Means of View Factors. |
MUSPALB | Abstract | C00171 ICL00 00 | Albedo Calculation of Multigroup Spectra of Neutrons Transmitted Through Multilayer Slab Shielding. |
MVP-GMVP II | Abstract | C00739 MNYCP 00 | General Purpose Monte Carlo Codes for Neutron and Photon Transport Calculations based on Continuous Energy and Multigroup Methods. |
MYRA | Abstract | C00056 C0000 00 | Calculation of Shipping Costs and Cask Designs for Irradiated Fuel Elements. |
MYRA | Abstract | C00056 I7090 00 | Calculation of Shipping Costs and Cask Designs for Irradiated Fuel Elements. |
NAAPRO | Abstract | C00722 PC586 00 | Neutron Activation Analysis PRognosis and Optimization Code System. |
NAC | Abstract | C00164 C0000 00 | Neutron Activation Analysis and Product Isotope Inventory Code System. |
NAC | Abstract | C00164 IBMMF 00 | Neutron Activation Analysis and Product Isotope Inventory Code System. |
NAC-PC | Abstract | C00164 IBMPC 00 | Neutron Activation Analysis and Product Isotope Inventory Code System. |
NACT | Abstract | C00502 U1100 00 | Screening Program for Neutron Activation Products. |
NAP | Abstract | C00101 I7090 00 | Multigroup Time-Dependent Neutron Activation Prediction Code. |
NCRP49 | Abstract | C00462 IBMPC 00 | X-Ray Shield Calculation System. |
NESTLE 5.2.1 | Abstract | C00641 MNYCP 04 | Code System to Solve the Few-Group Neutron Diffusion Equation Utilizing the Nodal Expansion Method (NEM) for Eigenvalue, Adjoint, and Fixed-Source |
NITRAN | Abstract | C00582 FM380 00 | Neutron Transport Code System Based On Anisotropic Scattering. |
NMTC/JAERI97 | Abstract | C00694 SUN05 00 | Monte Carlo Nucleon Meson Transport Code System. |
NMTC/JAM | Abstract | C00717 PC586 00 | High Energy Particle Transport Code System. |
NRCDOSE 2.3.20 | Abstract | C00684 PC586 14 | Code System for Evaluating Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with a Windows Interface. |
NRCDOSE72V1.2.3 | Abstract | C00768 PCX86 03 | Code System for Evaluating Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with a Windows Interface. |
NRN | Abstract | C00054 C6600 00 | Multigroup Removal-Diffusion Code System for Planes, Cylinders and Spheres. |
NUCCON | Abstract | C00439 S7800 00 | A Code System for Calculation of Time-Dependent Nuclide Concentrations, Activity, Gamma-Ray Dose Rate and Biological Hazard Potential of Fusion Reactor Materials Due to Neutron Irradiation. |
NUGAM 2&3 SSLAB | Abstract | C00210 I0360 00 | Monte Carlo Prediction of Photon Transport Distributions. |
NUTRAN | Abstract | C00675 I0370 00 | Code System for Long-Term Repository Safety Analysis. |
O5R | Abstract | C00017 I3675 00 | A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System. |
O6R | Abstract | C00128 I3675 00 | A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Transport Code System. |
OGRE | Abstract | C00046 I3675 00 | A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Transport Code System. |
OGRE-MIN | Abstract | C00409 DGECL 00 | A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Transport Code System for Minicomputers. |
OMEGA | Abstract | C00433 BESM6 00 | Monte Carlo Criticality Code System. |
ONETRAN | Abstract | C00266 C7600 00 | A One-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Finite Element Transport Code System. |
ONETRAN | Abstract | C00266 CY000 00 | A One-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Finite Element Transport Code System. |
ONETRAN | Abstract | C00266 I3033 00 | A One-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Finite Element Transport Code System. |
OOSII | Abstract | C00324 C0000 00 | Calculation of Isotropic Scattering by Particles for One-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Transport in Slabs by Invariant Imbedding, Orders-of-Scattering Method, Including Check Calculations by Integral Transport Theory and Monte Carlo. |
OPEX-II | Abstract | C00103 I7090 00 | Radiation Shield Optimization Code. |
OPTIM | Abstract | C00817 I0370 00 | Minimization of Band-Width of Finite Elements Problems. |
ORIGEN2.2 | Abstract | C00371 ALLCP 03 | Isotope Generation and Depletion Code - Matrix Exponential Method. |
ORIGEN-JENDL32 | Abstract | C00703 MNYWS 00 | Isotope Generation and Depletion Code - Matrix Exponential Method. |
ORION-II | Abstract | C00491 FM780 00 | A Computer Code to Estimate Environmental Concentration and Dose Due to Airborne Release of Radioactive Material. |
ORIP_XXI | Abstract | C00731 PC586 02 | Computer Programs for Isotope Transmutation Simulations. |
ORPHEE VI | Abstract | C00159 I3675 00 | Kernel Integration Code System - Attenuation of Fast Neutrons in Cylindrical Layers of Water and Dense Material. |
OZMA | Abstract | C00406 I0370 00 | Calculation of Resonance Reaction Rates in Reactor Lattices Using Resonance Profile Tabulations. |
PABLM | Abstract | C00402 U1100 00 | Calculation of Accumulated Radiation Doses to Man from Radionuclides Found in Food Products and from Radionuclides in the Environment. |
PADLOC | Abstract | C00330 U0000 00 | A One-Dimensional, Time-Dependent Program for Calculating Coolant and Plateout Fission Product Concentrations in a Network of Pipes. |
PAGAN | Abstract | C00621 IBMPC 00 | Code System for Performance Assessment Ground-water Analysis for Low-level Nuclear Waste. |
PALLAS-1D(VII) | Abstract | C00380 FM380 00 | Multigroup Time-Independent Neutron Transport Code System for Plane or Spherical Geometry. |
PALLAS-2DCY-FX | Abstract | C00391 FM380 00 | Multigroup Time-Independent Neutron Transport Code System for Plane or Spherical Geometry. |
PART61 | Abstract | C00499 IBMPC 01 | Low-Level Radioactive Waste Impacts Analysis System. |
PARTISN 8.29 | Abstract | C00842 MNYCP 00 | Time-Dependent, Parallel Neutral Particle Transport Code System. |
PATCH-7 | Abstract | C00243 C0074 00 | Three-Dimensional Kernel Integration Code-Explicit Single Scattering Option. |
PAVAN | Abstract | C00445 I3033 00 | Atmospheric Dispersion Code System for Evaluating Accidental Radioactivity Releases from Nuclear Power Stations. |
PELSHIE | Abstract | C00202 C0000 00 | General Purpose Kernel Integration Shielding Code System-Point and Extended Gamma-Ray Sources. |
PELSHIE3 | Abstract | C00202 IBMMF 00 | General Purpose Kernel Integration Shielding Code System-Point and Extended Gamma-Ray Sources. |
PENELOPE2014 | Abstract | C00782 PCX86 01 | Code System for Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport. |
PENELOPE-MPI | Abstract | C00713 IBMSP 00 | Code System for Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport. |
PENGEOM | Abstract | C00840 MNYCP 00 | Tools for Handling Complex Quadric Geometries in Monte Carlo Simulations of Radiation Transport |
PEPIN | Abstract | C00285 I0360 00 | Methodology for Computing Concentrations, Activities, Gamma-Ray Spectra, and Residual Heat from Fission Products. |
PERSENT 11.2892 FEDC | Abstract | C00823 MNYCP 02 | Perturbation and Sensitivity Code for Assembly Homogenized Multi-group Transport Problems |
PF-COMP | Abstract | C00106 C3600 00 | Building Fallout Radiation Protection Factor Analysis. |
PFPL | Abstract | C00607 D0VAX 00 | Puff-Plume Atmospheric Deposition Model. |
PHITS-2.88 | Abstract | C00778 MNYCP 05 | Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System. |
PHOEL-2 | Abstract | C00327 I0360 00 | A Monte Carlo Calculation of Initial Energy of Photoelectrons and Compton Electrons Produced by Photons in Water. |
PICA | Abstract | C00160 D0VAX 00 | Monte Carlo Medium-Energy Photon-Induced Intranuclear Cascade Anal Code System. |
PICA | Abstract | C00160 I0360 00 | Monte Carlo Medium-Energy Photon-Induced Intranuclear Cascade Anal Code System. |
PICFEE | Abstract | C00175 I3675 00 | Fission Product Inventory Code System. |
PIEDEC | Abstract | C00566 FM380 00 | A Practical Internal Exposure Dose Evaluation Code. |
PIGG | Abstract | C00138 C3600 00 | A Multigroup One-Dimensional P-1 Radiation Transport Code System. |
PIPE | Abstract | C00219 I0360 00 | Numerical Gamma-Ray Transport Code System for Plane/Spherical Geometry. |
PKI | Abstract | C00573 C0830 00 | A Point Kernel Integration Code For Radiation Shielding of Loop System. |
PLACID | Abstract | C00381 I0370 00 | Monte Carlo Simulation of Gamma Streaming Through Straight Cylindrical Ducts. |
PLUDOS | Abstract | C00313 I0360 00 | Calculator of Ground Level External Gamma-Ray Dose from a Radioactive Plume. |
PLUMEX | Abstract | C00356 I0360 00 | A Computer Program to Evaluate External Exposures to a Gaussian Plume by Point Kernel Integration. |
PN | Abstract | C00818 I0370 00 | MultiGroup Neutron Transport. |
POISSX | Abstract | C00819 I0370 00 | Poisson Equation on Rectangle with Various Boundary Conditions. |
PREMOR | Abstract | C00369 I0360 00 | A Point Reactor Exposure Code System for Survey Nuclear Analysis of Power Plant Performance. |
PREP/SPOP | Abstract | C00772 MNYCP 00 | Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Monte Carlo Program and Input Preparation. |
PREST | Abstract | C00355 I0360 00 | Calculator of Pressure and Temperature Transient in Containment Studies. |
PRESTO | Abstract | C00549 D8810 00 | Point Kernel Calculation for Complex and Time-Dependent Gamma-Ray Source Spectra. |
PRESTO-II | Abstract | C00504 I0360 00 | Code System for Low-Level Waste Environmental Transport and Risk Assessment. |
PRIMEDANA-2 | Abstract | C00490 I3081 00 | Collapses Multigroup Cross Sections and Obtains Reaction Parameters by Solving Transport or Diffusion Equations. |
PRISIM | Abstract | C00574 IBMPC 00 | Plant Risk Status Information Management System. |
PROB | Abstract | C00287 I0370 00 | Multigroup One-Dimensional Transport Code System, Collision Probability Method. |
PROCIV | Abstract | C00488 U1110 00 | A Code System for Calculating the Protection Factors Against Radioactive Fallout for Apartment Buildings. |
PSU-LEOPARD/RBI | Abstract | C00563 IBMPC 01 | A Spectrum Dependent Non-Spatial Depletion Code. |
PTRAN | Abstract | C00618 PC386 00 | Proton Monte Carlo Transport Program for the PC. |
PURSE | Abstract | C00338 C6600 00 | A Plutonium Radiation Source Code System. |
PUSHLD | Abstract | C00271 C0074 00 | Gamma-Ray Three-Dimensional Calculation of Dose Rates from Plutonium in Various Geometries. |
PUTZ 2.1 | Abstract | C00595 IBMPC 00 | A Point-Kernel Photon Shielding Code. |
PVIS-4 | Abstract | C00798 MNYCP 00 | Pressure Vessel Irradiation Source. |
QAD | Abstract | C00048 I0360 00 | Kernel Integration Code System. |
QAD-BSA | Abstract | C00346 C0000 00 | Kernel Integration Code System. |
QAD-CGGP-A | Abstract | C00645 MNYCP 00 | Kernel Integration Code System. |
QADMOD-G | Abstract | C00396 I3033 00 | Point Kernel Gamma-Ray Shielding Code With Geometric Progression Buildup Factors. |
QADMOD-GP | Abstract | C00565 IBMPC 00 | Point Kernel Gamma-Ray Shielding Code With Geometric Progression Buildup Factors. |
QAD-P5 | Abstract | C00048 C6400 00 | Kernel Integration Code System. |
QAD-QC | Abstract | C00401 C0000 00 | Kernel Integration Code System. |
QAD-QC | Abstract | C00401 I0360 00 | Kernel Integration Code System. |
QAD-UE | Abstract | C00448 H6000 00 | Kernel Integration Code System. |
QBF | Abstract | C00617 PC386 00 | Code System to Calculate Radiation Dose Rates Relative to Spent Fuel Shipping Casks. |
QBSHIELD | Abstract | C00599 IBMPC 00 | Spherical Shield Design for Gamma-Ray Sources Using the Buildup Factor Method. |
QUINCE-PC | Abstract | C00556 IBMPC 00 | Calculates Absorbed Dose From Skin Contamination. |
RABFIN PARTS | Abstract | C00668 IBMPC 00 | Code System for Calculating Gaseous Effluent Dose Parameters. |
RACC | Abstract | C00388 CY000 00 | A Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems. |
RACC | Abstract | C00388 I3033 00 | A Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems. |
RACC-PULSE | Abstract | C00639 MNYWS 00 | RACC Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems Modified for Pulsed/Intermittent Activation Analysis. |
RACER | Abstract | C00174 U1108 00 | Calculation of Potential External Dose from Airborne Fission Products Following Postulated Reactor Accident. |
RAD 2 | Abstract | C00122 I7090 00 | Fission Product Radioactivities Calculation. |
RADAC | Abstract | C00627 PC486 02 | Code System for Calculating Radioactive Decay and Accumulation of Decayed Products Using Integer-Array Arithmetic for Precise Evaluation of the Bateman Equations. |
RADHEAT-V4 | Abstract | C00300 FM380 00 | A Code System To Generate Multigroup Constants and Analyze Radiation Transport for Shielding Safety Evaluation. |
RADOS | Abstract | C00088 I3675 00 | Gamma-Ray Dose Estimation from Cloud of Radioactive Gases by Kernel Integration. |
RADRISK | Abstract | C00422 DGMV1 00 | Estimates Radiation Doses and Health Effects from Inhalation or Ingestion of Radionuclides. |
RADRISK | Abstract | C00422 I3033 00 | Estimates Radiation Doses and Health Effects from Inhalation or Ingestion of Radionuclides. |
RADSHIP-2 | Abstract | C00523 FM200 00 | Code System To Analyze Radiological Impact From Radwaste Transportation. |
RADSYS | Abstract | C00530 I3033 00 | Code System for Radioactivity Buildup and Radioactive Waste Generation Calculations. |
RADTRAD 3.03 | Abstract | C00800 IBMPC 00 | A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation. |
RADTRAD 3.03-EXE | Abstract | C00800 IBMPC 01 | A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation. |
RAFFLE/2 | Abstract | C00279 C0176 00 | A General Purpose Monte Carlo Code System for Neutron Transport with Mixed Zone Geometry Option. |
RAFFLE/2 MOD 2 | Abstract | C00279 I0360 00 | A General Purpose Monte Carlo Code System for Neutron Transport with Mixed Zone Geometry Option. |
RAID | Abstract | C00083 I7090 00 | Monte Carlo Multibend Duct Shielding Code. |
RANCHMD | Abstract | C00589 D8810 00 | Radionuclide Chain Transport with Matrix Diffusion. |
RAPID | Abstract | C00797 PCX86 00 | RAdial Power and Burnup Prediction by Following Fissile Isotope Distribution in the Pellet. |
RASC-2D | Abstract | C00318 I0370 00 | Two-Dimensional Removal Diffusion Code Reactor Shielding Design Code System. |
RASCAL 4.3 | Abstract | C00783 PCX86 02 | Radiological Assessment for Consequence Analysis. |
RASPA | Abstract | C00352 C7600 00 | A Code for the Calculation of Buildup and Decay of Fission Products and Actinides. |
RATAF | Abstract | C00681 IMFPC 01 | Code System for the Radioactive Liquid Tank Failure Study. |
RBD | Abstract | C00632 IBMPC 00 | U.S. Army Radiological Bioassay and Dosimetry. |
REAC*3 | Abstract | C00443 IBMPC 00 | Computer Code System for Activation and Transmutation. |
REAC*3 | Abstract | C00443 MFMWS 00 | Computer Code System for Activation and Transmutation. |
REBEL 3 | Abstract | C00299 I0360 00 | Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms. |
REBEL-2 | Abstract | C00299 ICL00 00 | Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms. |
REBEL-2 | Abstract | C00299 C6600 00 | Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms. |
REBUS 11.0 EXE_ONLY FEDC | Abstract | C00822 MNYWS 01 | Code System for Analysis of Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles. |
REBUS 11.2892 FEDC | Abstract | C00822 MNYCP 02 | Code System for Analysis of Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles. |
REBUS3/VARIANT8 | Abstract | C00653 MNYWS 01 | Code System for Analysis of Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles. |
REBUS-PC 1.4 | Abstract | C00708 PC586 00 | Code System for Analysis of Research Reactor Fuel Cycles. |
REDIFFUSION | Abstract | C00347 I0360 00 | One-Dimensional Neutron Removal-Diffusion and Gamma-Ray Kernel Integration or Diffusion Theory Calculator. |
REFIT-2009 | Abstract | C00775 PCX86 00 | Multilevel Resonance Parameter Least Square Fit of Neutron Transmission, Capture, Fission & Self Indication Data. |
REFREP | Abstract | C00570 D8810 00 | A Near-Field Model For A Spent Fuel Repository. |
REPRISK PC 1.02 | Abstract | C00586 PC386 01 | Repository Risk Assessment Software for Personal Computers. |
REST 1;2;3 | Abstract | C00225 I0360 00 | Fission Product Inventory Code System with Fission Product Escape Model. |
RETRAC | Abstract | C00635 D0VAX 00 | Code System for the Analysis of Material Test Reactor (MTR) Cores. |
RETRANS | Abstract | C00669 SUN05 00 | Code System For Calculating Reactivity Transients In a LWR. |
RHEIN | Abstract | C00585 I3090 00 | Reactor Code System for Neutron Physics Calculation. |
RIBD-II | Abstract | C00137 C6600 00 | Radioisotope Buildup and Decay Code System. |
RIBD-II | Abstract | C00137 I0360 00 | Radioisotope Buildup and Decay Code System. |
RIBD-IRT | Abstract | C00382 U1100 00 | Radioisotope Buildup and Decay Code System. |
RICANT | Abstract | C00569 D8810 00 | A Computer Code for 2-D Transport Calculations in x-y Geometry Using the Interface Current Method. |
RICECCC | Abstract | C00348 I0360 00 | A Reactor Nuclide Inventory Code for Calculating Actinides and Fission Products. |
RISKAP | Abstract | C00486 I3033 00 | Analysis of Increased Risk to Arbitrary Populations. |
RISKIND 2.0 FEDC | Abstract | C00623 IBMPC 02 | Radiological Risk Assessment Code System for Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation. |
RIVER-RAD | Abstract | C00626 MNYCP 00 | Code System for Simulating the Transport of Radionuclides in Rivers. |
RMET21 | Abstract | C00597 D0VAX 00 | Detailed Space and Energy Treatment of Neutron Resonances for Homogeneous Mixtures and Cylinderized Reactor Cells. |
RRR | Abstract | C00196 I0360 00 | Radiation Transport in Air-Analysis of Routine Releases of Short-Lived Radioactive Nuclides. |
RSAC6.2 | Abstract | C00125 PC586 03 | Radiological Safety Analysis. |
RSAC-7.2 | Abstract | C00761 PC586 01 | Radiological Safety Analysis. |
RSYST | Abstract | C00269 I0360 00 | Integrated Modular Code System for Shielding and Reactor Physics Calculations. |
S3 | Abstract | C00322 C6600 00 | Kernel Integration Code System--Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering. |
S3 | Abstract | C00322 DVX11 00 | Kernel Integration Code System--Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering. |
S3 | Abstract | C00322 IBMPC 00 | Kernel Integration Code System--Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering. |
SABINE-3 | Abstract | C00121 C7600 00 | Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry. |
SABINE-3 | Abstract | C00121 I0370 00 | Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry. |
SABINE-3 | Abstract | C00121 U1106 00 | Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry. |
SABINE-PC | Abstract | C00121 IBMPC 00 | Spinney (Removal-Diffusion) Shielding Code System in One-Dimensional Geometry. |
SACALC3 | Abstract | C00802 PCX86 00 | Calculates the Average Solid Angle Subtended by a Volume. |
SACHET | Abstract | C00571 D8810 00 | A Computer Program To Evaluate The Dynamic Fission Product Inventories in the Multiple Compartment System of PWR's. |
SAHYB-2 | Abstract | C00820 I0360 00 | Solution of Ordinary Differential Equation with User-Supplied Subroutine |
SAM-CE | Abstract | C00187 C6600 00 | Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Complex Geometry (Combinatorial) Code System for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and Forward and Adjoint Gamma-Ray Transport Equations. |
SAM-CE | Abstract | C00187 I0360 00 | Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Complex Geometry (Combinatorial) Code System for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and Forward and Adjoint Gamma-Ray Transport Equations. |
SAM-CEP | Abstract | C00192 C6600 00 | Monte Carlo Code System Correlated to the Simultaneous Solution of Multiple, Perturbed, Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Problems in Complex Three-Dimensional Geometry. |
SAMSY | Abstract | C00315 C0073 00 | A One-Dimensional Multilayer Multigroup Neutron Removal-Diffusion and Gamma-Ray Point Kernel Calculator. |
SAND-II | Abstract | C00112 MNYCP 03 | Neutron Flux Spectra Determination by Multiple Foil Activation Method. |
SANDOR | Abstract | C00364 C7600 00 | Isotope Generation and Depletion Code Matrix Exponential Method. |
SANDYL | Abstract | C00361 C0000 00 | A Monte Carlo Three-Dimensional Code System for Calculating Combined Photon-Electron Transport in Complex Systems. |
SAP N-G | Abstract | C00092 I7094 00 | Neutron and Gamma-Ray Albedo Model Scatter Shield Analysis Code System. |
SCALE 6.3.1-EXE 810 | Abstract | C00860 MNYCP 03 | A Comprehensive Modeling and Simulation Suite for Nuclear Safety Analysis and Design |
SCAP-82 | Abstract | C00418 C7600 00 | Single Scatter, Albedo Scatter, or Point Kernel Analysis Code System in Complex Geometry. |
SCEPTRE 1.1 FEDC | Abstract | C00807 PCX86 00 | Sandia Computational Engine for Particle Transport for Radiation Effects. |
SCEPTRE 1.7 FEDC | Abstract | C00826 PCX86 01 | Sandia Computational Engine for Particle Transport for Radiation Effects. |
SCIP V1.1 | Abstract | C00749 PCX86 00 | Radioactive Surface Contamination Investigation Program. |
SCORE-4 | Abstract | C00234 I0370 00 | Two-Dimensional Multigroup Removal-Diffusion Shielding Code System. |
SDC | Abstract | C00060 I3675 00 | Kernel Integration Shield Design Code for Radioactive Fuel Handling Facilities. |
SEDONE | Abstract | C00345 I0360 00 | A Simulator of Tidal Transient Hydrodynamic Sediment Concentrations Conditions in Controlled Rivers and Estuaries. |
SENSIT | Abstract | C00405 C7600 00 | One-Dimensional, Multigroup Cross Section and Design Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Code System - Generalized Perturbation Theory. |
SERA-1C1 | Abstract | C00729 MNYCP 01 | Simulation Environment for Radiotherapy Applications. |
SERPENT2.2.1 | Abstract | C00872 MNYWS 01 | Continuous Energy Monte Carlo Reactor Physics Burnup Calculation Code. |
SESOIL | Abstract | C00629 IBMPC 03 | Code System to Calculate One-Dimensional Vertical Transport for the Unsaturated Soil Zone. |
SFACTOR | Abstract | C00310 I0360 00 | Dose Equivalent to a Target Organ Calculator. |
SFAK | Abstract | C00437 I3033 00 | Code System for Calculation of the Self-Absorption of Unscattered Gamma Radiation from Fuel Assemblies. |
SHADOK | Abstract | C00216 C6600 00 | Transport Code Systems, P1 Scattering in Infinite Cylindrical and Spherical Geometries by Polynomial Approximation. |
SHADRAC(G-30) | Abstract | C00084 I7090 00 | Kernel Integration Code - Shield Heating and Dose Rate Calculation in Complex Geometry. |
SHARDA | Abstract | C00521 C0740 00 | Sample Heat, Activity, Reactivity, and Dose Analysis for Safety Analysis of Irradiations in a Research Reactor. |
SHIELD | Abstract | C00667 MNYCP 01 | Monte-Carlo Code System to Simulate Interaction of High Energy Hadrons with Complex Macroscopic Targets. |
SHIELDOSE | Abstract | C00379 ALLMF 00 | Code System for Space Shielding Radiation Dose Calculations. |
SHIELDOSE-PC | Abstract | C00379 IBMPC 00 | Code System for Space Shielding Radiation Dose Calculations. |
SHREDI | Abstract | C00284 I0360 00 | Multigroup Two-Dimensional (x-y, r-o geometry) Neutron Removal-Diffusion (Spinney Method) Shielding Code System. |
SIGMA II | Abstract | C00118 C6000 00 | Space Radiation Dose Analysis Within Complex Configurations. |
SIGMA II | Abstract | C00118 PC486 00 | Space Radiation Dose Analysis Within Complex Configurations. |
SIMMER II USSO | Abstract | C00691 MFMWS 00 | Code System for Two-Dinensional Sn-Neutronics and Fluid Dynamics. |
SIXTUS-3 | Abstract | C00609 MFMWS 00 | Three-Dimensional, Nodal, Neutron Diffusion Criticality Code System in Hex-Z Geometry. |
SKETCH-N 1.0 | Abstract | C00808 MNYCP 00 | Solve Neutron Diffusion Equations of Steady-State and Kinetics Problems. |
SKYIII-PC | Abstract | C00289 IBMPC 01 | Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air. |
SKYSHINE-III | Abstract | C00289 D0VAX 00 | Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air. |
SKYSHINE-KSU | Abstract | C00646 IBMPC 03 | Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air. |
SLDN | Abstract | C00221 A1000 00 | Code System for Shielding Calculations by the Method of Invariant Imbedding. |
SLDN | Abstract | C00221 F2307 00 | Code System for Shielding Calculations by the Method of Invariant Imbedding. |
SLDN | Abstract | C00221 FM200 00 | Code System for Shielding Calculations by the Method of Invariant Imbedding. |
SLDN | Abstract | C00221 GE625 00 | Code System for Shielding Calculations by the Method of Invariant Imbedding. |
SLDN | Abstract | C00221 I0360 00 | Code System for Shielding Calculations by the Method of Invariant Imbedding. |
SLIDERULE 1.0 | Abstract | C00704 PC586 01 | Nuclear Criticality Slide Rule. |
SMART | Abstract | C00602 ALLCP 00 | Code System for Calculating Early Offsite Consequences from Nuclear Reactor Accidents. |
SMART/MANYCASK | Abstract | C00482 FM200 00 | A Program for Calculating Radiation Dose Rates. |
SMAUG-13 | Abstract | C00194 C6600 00 | Calculation of Neutron and Prompt Gamma-Ray Doses Resulting from an Atmospheric Nuclear Detonation. |
SNAP-3D | Abstract | C00434 MNYCP 01 | Multigroup Complex Geometry Neutron Diffusion Code System. |
SNEX | Abstract | C00353 C0000 00 | A One-Dimensional Single Group Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System. |
SNOW | Abstract | C00282 I0360 00 | Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Multigroup Transport Code System in Plane and Cylindrical Geometry with Isotropic and Anisotropic Scattering. |
SOFIP | Abstract | C00358 I3033 00 | Evaluator of Space Radiation Environment Encountered by Geocentric Satellites. |
SOLTRAN | Abstract | C00763 PCX86 00 | Solving Multi-Dimensional Simplified P2 Transport and Diffusion Problems of Hexagonal Geometry in Fast Reactors. |
SOPHIA | Abstract | C00857 MNYCP 00 | A Lagrangian-based computational fluid dynamics code for nuclear thermal hydraulics and safety applications. |
SOSUM | Abstract | C00109 I3675 00 | Multigroup Beta and Gamma-Ray Energy Sources from Activities. |
SOURCES-4C | Abstract | C00661 MNYCP 04 | Code System for Calculating (alpha,n), Spontaneous Fission, and Delayed Neutron Sources and Spectra. |
SPACETRAN 1;2;3 | Abstract | C00120 I3675 00 | Dose Calculations at Detectors at Various Distances from the Surface of a Cylinder. |
SPAR | Abstract | C00228 C6600 00 | Calculation of Stopping Powers and Ranges for Muons, Charged Pions, Protons and Heavy Ions. |
SPAR | Abstract | C00228 I0360 00 | Calculation of Stopping Powers and Ranges for Muons, Charged Pions, Protons and Heavy Ions. |
SPARES | Abstract | C00148 I3675 00 | Space Radiation Environment and Shielding Code System. |
SPECTRA | Abstract | C00108 C0000 00 | Determination of Neutron Spectra from Activation. |
SPECTRA | Abstract | C00108 C0073 00 | Determination of Neutron Spectra from Activation. |
SPECTRA | Abstract | C00108 C3600 00 | Determination of Neutron Spectra from Activation. |
SPEEDI | Abstract | C00507 FM180 00 | Code System for Real-Time Prediction of Radiation Dose to the Public Due to an Accidental Release from a Nuclear Power Plant. |
SPOOR | Abstract | C00278 C7600 00 | Monte Carlo Simulation of the Turbulent Transport of Airborne Contaminants. |
SPOT1 | Abstract | C00460 I3033 00 | Shielding Problem Code Based on Methods of Ono and Tsuruo. |
SRAC95 | Abstract | C00716 MNYWS 00 | Thermal Reactor Code System for Reactor Design and Analysis. |
SRNA-2K5 | Abstract | C00789 PCX86 00 | Proton Transport Simulation by Monte Carlo Techniques. |
STACY | Abstract | C00859 PCX86 00 | Source Term Analysis Code System. |
STANDARDS 5.0.1 RUGA | Abstract | C00873 PCX86 01 | Storage Transportation and Disposal Analysis Resource and Data System. |
STERNO | Abstract | C00057 C0000 00 | Two Dimensional Gamma-Ray Heating Kernel Integration Code. |
STOPOW88 | Abstract | C00790 MNYCP 00 | Stopping Power of Fast Ions in Matter. |
STORM | Abstract | C00067 I7090 00 | Solar Flare Radiation Hazard to Earth Orbiting Vehicles. |
STRAGL | Abstract | C00201 C6600 00 | Calculation of Energy Loss Straggling of Heavy Charged Particles. |
STRAINT | Abstract | C00259 I0360 00 | One-Dimensional Multigroup Neutron Transport Discrete Ordinates Code System. |
STREAM | Abstract | C00321 C7600 00 | A Three-Dimensional Cylindrical-Geometry Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Code for Computing Light Transmission. |
SUBDOSA-II | Abstract | C00270 U1100 00 | Calculation of External Gamma-Ray and Beta-Ray Doses from Accidental Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides. |
SURF | Abstract | C00102 I3675 00 | Conical and Plane Surface Single Scattering Code. |
SUSD | Abstract | C00501 HM150 00 | Cross Section Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Including Secondary Neutron Energy and Angular Distributions. |
SUSD | Abstract | C00501 I3090 00 | Cross Section Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Including Secondary Neutron Energy and Angular Distributions. |
SUSD3D | Abstract | C00695 MNYCP 01 | Multi-Dimensional, Discrete-Ordinates Based Cross Section Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Code System. |
SWAN | Abstract | C00248 C0000 00 | Code System for Analysis and Optimization of Fusion Reactor Nucleonic Characteristics. |
SWAN | Abstract | C00248 CY000 00 | Code System for Analysis and Optimization of Fusion Reactor Nucleonic Characteristics. |
SWAN | Abstract | C00248 I0360 00 | Code System for Analysis and Optimization of Fusion Reactor Nucleonic Characteristics. |
SWANLAKE | Abstract | C00204 C6600 00 | Cross Section Sensitivity Analysis Code System for One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Calculations. |
SWANLAKE | Abstract | C00204 I3033 00 | Cross Section Sensitivity Analysis Code System for One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Calculations. |
SWAP-9 | Abstract | C00788 C0740 00 | 1-D Stress Analysis for Hydrostatic and Elastic Plastic Materials. |
SWAT | Abstract | C00714 MNYCP 01 | Step-Wise Burnup Analysis Code System to Combine SRAC-95 Cell Calculation Code and ORIGEN2. |
SWIFT | Abstract | C00679 C7600 00 | Code System to Calculate Waste-Isolation Flow and Transport. |
SWIFT2 USSO | Abstract | C00686 MNYCP 00 | Code System to Calculate Waste-Isolation Flow and Transport. |
SWORD 7.0 | Abstract | C00767 MNYCP 07 | SoftWare for Optimization of Radiation Detectors. |
SYVAC-D/2 | Abstract | C00690 D0VAX 00 | Code System For Risk Assessment From Underground Radioactive Waste Disposal In the United Kingdom. |
TACT-III | Abstract | C00447 I3033 00 | Calculation of the Transport of Radioactivity from a Reactor Core. |
TART2022 | Abstract | C00638 MNYCP 09 | Coupled Neutron-Photon, 3-D, Combinatorial Geometry, Time Dependent, Monte Carlo Transport Code System. |
TASK | Abstract | C00184 I0360 00 | Generalized One-Dimensional Radiation Transport and Diffusion Kinetics Code System. |
TDA | Abstract | C00180 MNYWS 01 | A Time-Dependent, Multigroup, One-Dimensional, Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System. |
TDT | Abstract | C00256 I0360 00 | Generalized One-Dimensional Multigroup Time-Dependent Transport and Diffusion Kinetic Code System. |
TDTORT | Abstract | C00709 MNYWS 00 | Time-Dependent, 3-D, Discrete Ordinates, Neutron Transport Code System. |
TERFOC-N | Abstract | C00596 MFMWS 00 | Terrestrial Food-Chain Model for Normal Operations. |
TESS | Abstract | C00215 C3600 00 | Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Code System for Slab and Spherical Geometries. |
THIDA-2 | Abstract | C00410 FM380 00 | Code System for the Calculation of Transmutation, Activation, Decay Heat and Dose Rate in Fusion Reactors. |
THT | Abstract | C00480 I0360 00 | Three-Dimensional Neutron Coarse Mesh Code System to Evaluate Average Bundle Fluxes and Power in Light Water Reactors. |
TIBSO | Abstract | C00512 MNYCP 00 | Code System to Calculate Production and Migration of Radionuclides in Nuclear Reactor Systems. |
TIMED | Abstract | C00292 I0360 00 | Calculation of Cumulated Activity of a Radionuclide in the Organs of the Human Body at a Given Time After Deposition. |
TIMEX | Abstract | C00274 C7600 00 | One Dimensional, Time Dependent Multigroup Explicit Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Code System with Anisotropic Scattering. |
TIMEX | Abstract | C00274 CY000 00 | One Dimensional, Time Dependent Multigroup Explicit Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Code System with Anisotropic Scattering. |
TIMEX | Abstract | C00274 U1106 00 | One Dimensional, Time Dependent Multigroup Explicit Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Code System with Anisotropic Scattering. |
TIMOC-72 | Abstract | C00144 I0370 00 | Monte Carlo Three-Dimensional Neutron Transport Code System. |
TIMOC-ESP | Abstract | C00432 U1110 00 | System for Generating and Analyzing Time Dependent Radiation Transport Results by Monte Carlo. |
TIRION 4 | Abstract | C00395 I3033 00 | A Program for Calculating Consequences of a Release of Radioactive Material to the Atmosphere. |
TITAN 1.29 | Abstract | C00759 PCX86 04 | A Three-Dimensional Deterministic Radiation Transport Code System. |
TMAP 7 | Abstract | C00858 PCX86 00 | Tritium Migration Analysis Program |
TMMS | Abstract | C00246 I0360 00 | Gamma-Ray Penetration Shielding Code System, Transmission Matrix Method. |
TOXRISK | Abstract | C00692 CDCMF 00 | Code System for Toxic Gas Accident Analysis. |
TP1 | Abstract | C00465 I3033 00 | A Computer Code System for the Calculation of Reactivity and Kinetic Parameters by One-Dimensional Neutron Transport Perturbation Theory. |
TP2 | Abstract | C00470 I3033 00 | A Computer Code System for the Calculation of Reactivity and Kinetic Parameters by One-Dimensional Neutron Transport Perturbation Theory. |
TPHEX | Abstract | C00421 C0173 00 | Transmission Probability Code System for Calculating Neutron Flux Distributions in Hexagonal Geometry. |
TPHEX | Abstract | C00421 CYXMP 00 | Transmission Probability Code System for Calculating Neutron Flux Distributions in Hexagonal Geometry. |
TPTRIA | Abstract | C00550 I3083 00 | A Computer Program for the Reactivity and Kinetic Parameters for Two-Dimensional Triangular Geometry by Transport Perturbation Theory. |
TRANSHEX | Abstract | C00449 U1108 00 | Two-dimensional Multigroup Collision Probability Code System for Hexagonal Geometry. |
TRANSPORT | Abstract | C00244 C6600 00 | Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems Design Code System (First- and Second-Order Matrix Multiplication). |
TRANSPORT | Abstract | C00244 I0360 00 | Charged Particle Beam Transport Systems Design Code System (First- and Second-Order Matrix Multiplication). |
TRANZIT | Abstract | C00172 C7600 00 | Multigroup Time-Dependent Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Code System in (rho,z) Cylindrical Geometry. |
TRAPP | Abstract | C00205 I3691 00 | Transport of Alpha Particles and Protons with all Nuclear Reaction Products Neglected. |
TRD-3 | Abstract | C00362 I3033 00 | Two-Dimensional Removal-Diffusion Neutron Shielding Code System. |
TRECO | Abstract | C00116 I3675 00 | An Orbital Integration Estimation of Trapped Radiation. |
TREEDE | Abstract | C00326 C0000 00 | Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System Based on the Track Rotation Estimator. |
TRG-SGD | Abstract | C00025 C0000 00 | Calculation of Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rate from a Nuclear Weapon Detonation-Monte Carlo Method. |
TRIDENT | Abstract | C00293 C7600 00 | Two-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System-(x,y) and (r,z) Geometries. |
TRIDENT | Abstract | C00293 I0360 00 | Two-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System-(x,y) and (r,z) Geometries. |
TRIDENT-CTR | Abstract | C00377 C0000 00 | Two-Dimensional x-y and r-z Geometry Multigroup Transport Code System for Large Toroidal Reactors. |
TRIGAP | Abstract | C00600 IBMPC 00 | A Computer Code for TRIGA Type Reactors. |
TRIGON | Abstract | C00290 U1108 00 | Two-Dimensional Multigroup Diffusion Code System-Trigonal or Hexagonal Mesh. |
TRIPLET | Abstract | C00230 C6600 00 | Two-Dimensional, Multigroup, Triangular Mesh, Planar Geometry, Explicit Discrete Ordinates Code System. |
TRIPLET | Abstract | C00230 C7600 00 | Two-Dimensional, Multigroup, Triangular Mesh, Planar Geometry, Explicit Discrete Ordinates Code System. |
TRIPLET | Abstract | C00230 I0360 00 | Two-Dimensional, Multigroup, Triangular Mesh, Planar Geometry, Explicit Discrete Ordinates Code System. |
TRIPOLI-4 8.1 OECD | Abstract | C00806 MNYCP 00 | Code System for Coupled Neutron, Photon, Electron, Positron, 3-D, Time Dependent, Monte-Carlo, Transport Calculations. |
TRIPOLI-4 9S OECD | Abstract | C00815 MNYCP 00 | Code System for Coupled Neutron, Photon, Electron, Positron, 3-D, Time Dependent, Monte-Carlo, Transport Calculations. |
TRIPOS | Abstract | C00537 CY00I 00 | Monte Carlo Ion Transport Analysis Code. |
TRISTAN | Abstract | C00511 HM280 00 | Multigroup Three-Dimensional Direct Integration Method Radiation Transport Analysis Code System. |
TRITAC | Abstract | C00560 D8810 00 | A Three-Dimensional Transport Code For Eigenvalue Problems Using The Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration Method. |
TWOTRAN | Abstract | C00195 C6600 00 | Two-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Transport C System in (x,y), (r,theta), and (r,z) Geometries. |
TWOTRAN II | Abstract | C00222 C7600 00 | Two-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Transport C System in (x,y), (r,theta), and (r,z) Geometries. |
TWOTRAN II | Abstract | C00222 I3691 00 | Two-Dimensional Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Transport C System in (x,y), (r,theta), and (r,z) Geometries. |
TWOTRAN-SPHERE | Abstract | C00129 C6600 00 | Multigroup Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Code System in Spherical Geometry. |
UDAD IX | Abstract | C00685 I0370 00 | Uranium Dispersion & Dosimetry Model. |
UMIBIO | Abstract | C00680 I3033 00 | Code System to Model Uranium Mills Bioassay Dosimetry. |
UNIMUG3 | Abstract | C00407 C0170 00 | Solves Multigroup Diffusion Equations in One-Dimensional Systems. |
USRHYD | Abstract | C00197 I3675 00 | Electron and X-Ray Energy Deposition and Hydrodynamics Code System. |
UTMTOX | Abstract | C00500 D8600 00 | Unified Transport Model for Toxic Materials. |
VALE 1.1 | Abstract | C00613 IRISC 01 | A Multigroup Diffusion Theory Neutronics Code System for Solving Two- and Three-Dimensional Problems for Triagonal Geometries. |
VALE 1.1 | Abstract | C00613 PC386 01 | A Multigroup Diffusion Theory Neutronics Code System for Solving Two- and Three-Dimensional Problems for Triagonal Geometries. |
VARSKIN 4 | Abstract | C00781 PCX86 00 | Code System for Assessing Skin Dose from Skin Contamination. |
VCS | Abstract | C00262 I0360 00 | Coupled Discrete Ordinates-Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Protection Factors in Vehicles. |
VENTEASY | Abstract | C00776 PCX86 00 | Criticality search for a desired Keffective by adjusting dimensions, nuclide concentrations, or buckling |
VENTURE-PC | Abstract | C00654 PC586 02 | A Reactor Analysis Code System. |
VERA 4.3-EXE 810 | Abstract | C00855 PCX86 05 | Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications |
VESTA 2.1.5-AURORA 1.0 | Abstract | C00769 PCX86 01 | A Generic Monte Carlo Code and Depletion Module Interface. |
VIM 5.1 | Abstract | C00754 MNYWS 01 | Continuous Energy Neutron and Gamma-ray Transport Code System. |
VIM_NC | Abstract | C00794 PCX86 00 | VIM Color Syntax for Nuclear Codes: NJOY, DRAGON, PARTISN, TORT, MONK, and MCNP. |
VPI-NECM | Abstract | C00481 C0740 00 | Nuclear Engineering Computer Models for In-Core Fuel Management Analysis. |
VPI-NECM | Abstract | C00481 D0VAX 00 | Nuclear Engineering Computer Models for In-Core Fuel Management Analysis. |
VPI-NECM | Abstract | C00481 PC486 00 | Nuclear Engineering Computer Models for In-Core Fuel Management Analysis. |
VSOP94 | Abstract | C00670 MNYWS 00 | Computer Code System for Reactor Physics and Fuel Cycle Simulation. |
WEERIE | Abstract | C00426 I3033 00 | Code System for Assessing the Radiological Consequences of Airborne Effluents from Nuclear Installations. |
WHATIF-AQ | Abstract | C00561 B7800 00 | A Computer Program For Speciation Calculation. |
WIMS-ANL 4.0 | Abstract | C00698 MNYCP 00 | Deterministic Code System for Reactor Lattice Calculation. |
WIMSD-5B.12 | Abstract | C00656 MNYCP 02 | Deterministic Code System for Reactor Lattice Calculation |
WRAITH | Abstract | C00427 U1100 00 | Code System for Calculating Internal and External Doses Resulting from an Atmospheric Release of Radioactive Material. |
XOQDOQ-82 | Abstract | C00316 DGMV1 00 | Radiological Assessment Code System - Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Effluent Releases at Nuclear Power Stations. |
XOQDOQ-82 | Abstract | C00316 I3033 00 | Radiological Assessment Code System - Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Effluent Releases at Nuclear Power Stations. |
XOQDOQ-82 | Abstract | C00316 IPCAT 00 | Radiological Assessment Code System - Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Effluent Releases at Nuclear Power Stations. |
XOQGAM | Abstract | C00847 MNYCP 00 | Methodology and Software Routines for Computation of Gamma Radiation Exposures from Finite-cloud Gaussian Plumes |
XPORT-PC | Abstract | C00559 IBMPC 00 | An Approximation For Black Body X-Ray Transport in Air. |
XRAY_AAC | Abstract | C00525 D0750 00 | X-ray Attenuation and Absorption Calculations. |
XSDRN | Abstract | C00123 C0073 00 | Multigroup One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Spectral Averaging N Transport Code System. |
XSDRN | Abstract | C00123 I0360 00 | Multigroup One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Spectral Averaging N Transport Code System. |
XSHLD | Abstract | C00495 IBMPC 00 | Diagnostic X-Ray Shielding Calculation. |
XSUN-2013 | Abstract | C00825 PCX86 00 | Windows interface environment for transport and sensitivity-uncertainty software TRANSX-2, PARTISN and SUSD3D |
ZYLIND-PC | Abstract | C00557 IBMPC 00 | An Interactive Point Kernel Program For Photon Dose Rate Prediction of Cylindrical Source/Shield Arrangements. |