Packages starting with L |
Package Name | Abstract | RSICC Tapelist | Title |
L26P3S34 | Abstract | D00112 IBMMF 00 | ENDL 26-Group up to P3 Library Prepared by SUPERTOG for 34 Materials. |
LA100 | Abstract | D00168 ALLCP 00 | Evaluated Nuclear Data Library for Transport Calculations Involving Incident Neutrons and Protons of Energy Up to 100 MeV. |
LABAN-PEL | Abstract | C00611 IMFPC 00 | A Two-Dimensional, Multigroup Diffusion, High-Order Response Matrix Code. |
LADTAP II | Abstract | C00363 C7600 00 | Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents. |
LADTAP II | Abstract | C00363 D0780 00 | Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents. |
LADTAP II | Abstract | C00363 I3033 00 | Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents. |
LAFPX-V | Abstract | D00054 C0000 01 | A Multigroup Reaction Cross-Section Collapsing Code and Library of 154-Group Fission-Product Cross Sections. |
LAFPX-V | Abstract | D00054 C0000 02 | A Multigroup Reaction Cross-Section Collapsing Code and Library of 154-Group Fission-Product Cross Sections. |
LAHET 2.8 | Abstract | C00696 MFMWS 00 | Code System for High Energy Particle Transport Calculations. |
LAHIMACK | Abstract | D00128 I0360 00 | A Multigroup Library of Neutron and Gamma Cross Sections and Response Functions in the Energy Range up to 800 MeV. |
LAPHANO | Abstract | P00020 C6600 00 | PO Multigroup Photon Production Matrix and Source Vector Code for ENDF Data. |
LAPHANO | Abstract | P00020 I0360 00 | PO Multigroup Photon Production Matrix and Source Vector Code for ENDF Data. |
LAPUR6 USSO | Abstract | P00395 PC586 02 | BWR Core Stability Measurements. |
LAS CRUCES USSO | Abstract | D00194 ALLCP 00 | Las Cruces Trench Site Database, Vadose Model. |
LASER | Abstract | C00344 I0360 00 | A One-Dimensional, Neutron-Thermalization, Lattice-Cell Program Based on MUFT and THERMOS. |
LAZY | Abstract | P00595 I0360 00 | General Experimental Data Processing Program. |
LEAF | Abstract | C00312 C6600 00 | Fission Product Release Calculator-From a Reactor Containment Building for Arbitrary Radioactive Decay Chains. |
LEAP-ADDELT | Abstract | P00138 I0360 00 | Multigroup Thermal Neutron Scattering Data Generator for Hydrogen in Light Water and Deuterium in Heavy Water. |
LEBC | Abstract | C00052 I7090 00 | Electron Bremsstrahlung Code. |
LEGENDRE FUNCTI | Abstract | P00108 I0360 00 | Legendre Functions of the First Kind and Legendre Polynomials. |
LENDL | Abstract | D00034 I0360 02 | Livermore Evaluated Neutron and Secondary Gamma-Ray Production Cross-Section Library in ENDF/B-IV Format. |
LENDL V | Abstract | D00120 I0360 00 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Evaluated Nuclear Data Library in ENDF-V Format. |
LEOPARD | Abstract | C00343 C0000 00 | A Spectrum-Dependent Non-Spatial Fuel Depletion Code System. |
LEOPARD | Abstract | C00343 IBMPC 00 | A Spectrum-Dependent Non-Spatial Fuel Depletion Code System. |
LEP | Abstract | D00001 I0360 02 | Cascade and Evaporation Particle Results from Low-Energy Intranuclear Cascade Calculations. |
LEPRICON | Abstract | P00277 I3033 01 | PWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Analysis System. |
LEPRICON | Abstract | P00277 IRISC 00 | PWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Analysis System. |
LG-H | Abstract | C00087 I7090 00 | Ray Analysis Cylindrical Duct Kernel Code for Neutrons and Gamma Rays. |
LGH-G | Abstract | C00239 I0360 00 | Calculation of Gamma Radiation through Partially Shielded Gaps (Buildup Factor Method in Taylors Approximation). |
LHS | Abstract | P00394 PC386 00 | Code System to Generate Latin Hypercube and Random Samples. |
LHS | Abstract | P00394 SUN05 00 | Code System to Generate Latin Hypercube and Random Samples. |
LIB123 | Abstract | D00153 ALLCP 00 | AMPX-II P3 123-Group Neutron Cross Section Master Interface Library. |
LIBMAK | Abstract | P00087 I0360 00 | ANISN-Type Binary Data Processing Code System. |
LIE-PN | Abstract | C00816 I0360 00 | Pn Neutron Transport in Radial Geometry Cell with Source Problems Calculation. |
LINEDOSE | Abstract | C00468 IBMPC 00 | A Line Source Shielding Code for Personal Computers. |
LINSED | Abstract | C00673 I0360 00 | 1D Multireach Sediment Transport Model |
LIONS | Abstract | C00247 I0360 00 | Calculation of Fission Product Inventory, Gamma-Ray Dose Rates and Gamma-Ray Doses by Kernel Integration. |
LOGNORML | Abstract | P00307 IPCAT 00 | Lognormal Probability Analysis Code System for Estimating Doses in Epidemiologic Studies. |
LOOM-P | Abstract | P00153 F2307 00 | A Finite Element Mesh Generation Code System with On-Line Graphic Display. |
LOUHI82 | Abstract | P00236 U1108 00 | General Purpose Unfolding Program with Linear and Nonlinear Regularizations. |
LPGS | Abstract | C00385 I3033 00 | Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure Resulting from Accidental Radioactive Releases to the Hydrosphere. |
LPPC | Abstract | C00051 I7090 00 | Proton Penetration Code. |
LPSC | Abstract | C00064 I7090 00 | Proton Penetration Code - Multilayer Slab Geometry. |
LPTAU | Abstract | P00340 MNYCP 00 | Quasi-Random Sequence Generators. |
LRSPC | Abstract | C00050 I7090 00 | Range and Stopping Power Calculator. |
LSHINSE | Abstract | C00554 IBMPC 00 | Calculates Flux and Dose Rate from the Scattering of Radiation in Air. |
LSL-M2 | Abstract | P00233 D6220 00 | Least-Squares Logarithmic Adjustment of Neutron Spectra. |
LSL-M2 | Abstract | P00233 IBMPC 00 | Least-Squares Logarithmic Adjustment of Neutron Spectra. |
LSMOD-GLSMOD | Abstract | P00342 IBMPC 00 | A Least-Squares Computational Tool Kit. |
LSVDC | Abstract | C00053 I7090 00 | Space Vehicle Dose Calculation. |
LSVDC | Abstract | C00053 I7090 01 | Space Vehicle Dose Calculation. |
LTC | Abstract | P00329 IBMPC 00 | LMR Transient Calculation Code System. |
LUIN-II | Abstract | C00220 C6600 00 | Analytical Straight-Ahead Transport Code System-Calculation of Cosmic-Ray Spectra, Fluxes and Ionization in the Earth's Atmosphere. |
LUMP | Abstract | D00089 I0360 00 | Evaluated Lumped Fission Product Cross Sections for Fast Reactor Analysis--Based on ENDF/B-V Data. |