ID#: C00533I303300 RSIC# CCC-533 TRANSMITTED ON 1 DS/HD DISKETTE CODE PKG NAME: DISKTRAN COMPUTER: IBM 3033 PACKAGED: 07/13/88 RECENT UPDATE: DOWNLOADED TO DISKETTE: 07/92 ************************************************************************ LOGICAL DCB DESCRIPTION MODE RECORDS PARAMETERS ************************************************************************ F01 JCL - Includes FORTRAN programs to ASCII 143 FB 80 6400 (1) create binary flux and response function files for input to DISKTRAN and (2) read and print 1-D angular fluxes calculated and saved by DISKTRAN. F02 ALOCAT ASSEMBLER ROUTINE | 61 | | | F03 ICLOCK ASSEMBLER ROUTINE | 92 | | | F04 ABEND ASSEMBLER ROUTINE | 6 | | | F05 Sample input (1 and 2) | 34 | | | F06 DISKTRAN FORTRAN IV source | 690 | | | F07 FORTRAN subroutines needed by DISKTRAN - | 678 | | | FFPUN, FLTFX6, FIDOS, FFREAD, FIDAS, WOT10, IOLEFT (dummy subroutine) F08 Sample output (1 and 2) | 722 FBA 133 5320 ***** TOTAL 2426 The ASSEMBLER routines are commented to define their use. The ABEND routine is used to write an appropriate error message and terminate the calculation. A system timing routine is needed to retrieve and pass time in hundredths of seconds to Function ICLOCK. ALOCAT is used to dynamically allocate an array and pass it, along with its dimension, to a subroutine supplied as an argument.