ID#: C00499IBMPC01 RSIC# CCC-499 CODE PKG NAME: PART61 COMPUTER: IBM PC PACKAGED: 4/1/87 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 07/08/2002 ******************************************************************************* Transmitted on CD in a self-extracting, compressed Windows file. ******************************************************************************* 07/08/2002 12:21p 33,120,430 C499DOS1.EXE ******************************************************************************* Double click on C499DOS1.EXE to extract the following files and directories to your hard drive. 06/12/2002 03:11p 33,160,734 part61V1.pdf 07/02/2002 04:19p 7,759,595 part61V2.pdf 07/02/2002 04:27p 6,651 README.txt 07/08/2002 11:59a data 07/08/2002 11:59a executables 07/08/2002 11:59a output 07/08/2002 11:59a source ****************************************************************************** Users are advised to read README.TXT before running sample problems. Nov 1987 - INTRUDE FORTRAN and executable files were updated to assure READ statements agree with input specifications. The ECYOUT.DAT file now matches that listed in the document. NUREG/CR-4370, Vol. 1, the "Update of Part 61: Impacts Analysis Methodology, Methodology Report" (Jan. 1986) should be reviewed before using PART61. This PDF file was added to the package in July 2002 and was the only change to the package in this update. Section 3 of NUREG/CR-4370, Vol. 2, "Update of Part 61: Impacts of Analysis Methodology, Codes and Example Problems," provides informa- tion regarding the construction of data files for use with PART61. Figure 2.1 illustrates the schematic relationships of files and codes in the PART61 package. PART61 was tested with Microsoft Fortran 77 Version 3.30 and with Version 3.31 under PC DOS in 1987 and was not retested in 2002.