AARE V1.0: Activation in Accelerator Radiation Environments V1.0
CINDER2008 : Code System for Actinide Transmutation Calculations
AARE_ACTIVATION as distributed with the AARE 1.0 package (This package) HTAPE3X code from MCNPX package version 2.7.0 (MCNPX not needed per se but its outputs) RSICC Package: C810MNYCP00/01 CINDER2008 as distributed with the AARE 1.0 package (This package)
As an alternative to CINDER2008: SP-FISPACT code from the EASY Code package version 2010 ORIHET3 code version 1.12
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA.
Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland.
FORTRAN 90/95 and Perl; Linux, MacOS and Windows XP (C00846MNYCP00).
AARE_ACTIVATION is distributed in the AARE code package, which also includes CINDER2008. If the user wants to run the ORIHET3 and SP-FISPACT codes, the user will need to inquire after the respective codes as indicated in the references. In case problems are encountered running AARE_ACTIVATION, the authors would be pleased receiving a report of the problems, including the inputs and names of code versions that were applied.
CINDER2008 is the latest release in the CINDER data and code development effort. Built upon the original work of Tal England at Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (BAPL) in the early 1960s, it is used to calculate the inventory of nuclides in an irradiated material. Utilizing a self-contained nuclear data library, CINDER2008 calculates the atom density (atoms per unit volume) and activity density (Curies per unit volume) of all nuclides present at a specified time. Though always providing a nuclide inventory, its functional identity depends upon the application. In nuclear reactor applications, such a code is commonly called a burnup code, since it follows the temporal burnup of fissionable material and the associated production of fission products. It may also be called an activation code since it well describes activation - the conversion of stable nuclides to radioactive nuclides by particle bombardment. In keeping with more recent vernacular, the code is identified as a transmutation code, since the code follows all paths of nuclide transmutation - the conversion of a nuclide to a different nuclide by particle absorption and/or radioactive decay.
The GAMMA_SOURCE script prepares decay gamma source descriptions for subsequent MCNPX calculations from decay gamma information provided by the CINDER2008, ORIHET3, and SP-FISPACT codes for a requested list of MCNPX cells and a requested time step.
The LIBRARY_MAKER code represents a departure from the Òsingle library for all applicationsÓ approach used in previous library development. Though CINDER2008 will continue to maintain so called ÒofficialÓ library releases, users are now able to create CINDER2008 nuclear data libraries developed for specific applications. The code was designed to allow users a straight forward means of updating the decay and/or neutron absorption data of the CINDER2008 library. At this time, fission product yield sets remain those of England and Ryder and are assigned as described in Chapter 3. It is our intention to add the ability to modify fission product yield sets in the future. 5. METHOD OF SOLUTION All CINDER versions use Markovian chains to determine temporal densities of nuclides in a radiation environment, solving for independent contributions to atom densities in each of a number of linear nuclide chains. Pre-CINDERÕ90 versions required the a priori determination of a consistent set of linear chains to describe all significant nuclides and transmutation probabilities. CINDERÕ90 introduced the automatic generation of the chain structure. Rather than using a predetermined chain structure as input, each path from each nuclide is evaluated and perpetuated if significant. All CINDER versions use Markovian chains to determine temporal densities of nuclides in a radiation environment, solving for independent contributions to atom densities in each of a number of linear nuclide chains. Pre-CINDERÕ90 versions required the a priori determination of a consistent set of linear chains to describe all significant nuclides and transmutation probabilities. CINDERÕ90 introduced the automatic generation of the chain structure. Rather than using a predetermined chain structure as input, each path from each nuclide is evaluated and perpetuated if significant. CINDER2008 is a modern implementation of the CINDERÕ90 software package. The most notable improvements include
(1) modern programming language and methods,
(2) new algorithms to more accurately solve the underlying differential equations,
(3) new extended data libraries developed using fission, fusion and constant weighting functions,
(4) a new data library development tool,
(5) automatic post-processing capabilities,
(6) accident analysis tools,
(7) the NAMELIST input option,
(8) a constant power approximation, and
(9) high-fidelity beta delayed gamma spectra.
LIMITATIONS AARE_ACTIVATION reads most of the problem information, like cell properties, material compositions, and neutron fluxes, from the MCNPX output file. Proton and deuteron fluxes, and the activation resulting from them, is supported when FISPACT from the EASY2010 package is used as the transmutation engine. MCNP6 output is also supported, but since the HISTP formalism is broken (as of MCNP6.2), the use of MCNP6 in conjunction with AARE_ACTIVATION is limited to problems not using physics models. 7. TYPICAL RUNNING TIME Varies
according to problem. 8. COMPUTER HARDWARE
REQUIREMENTS Working versions of PERL and MCNPX (Version 2.40 or
2.50) are required and are not included in this distribution. Executables created with the gfortran compiler (within
the MINGW cross-compiler environment) are distributed for Windows. No source
files are included in the Windows installation file. The source version
includes Fortran source code and Makefiles set up to use gfortran. Testing was
done with version 4.1.2 of gfortran on Linux, as well as recent versions of the
PGI and Intel Fortran compilers on Linux and Windows. No Linux executables are
included. 10. REFERENCES W. B. Wilson, S. T. Cowell, T. R. England, A. C. Hayes
& P. Moller, “A Manual for CINDER'90 Version 07.4 Codes and Data,”
LA-UR-07-8412 (December 2007, Version 07.4.2 updated March 2008). Franz X. Gallmeier and Michael Wohlmuther, “ACTIVATION
SCRIPT VERSION 1.0 USER GUIDE,” ORNL/TM-2008/031 (August 18,
2008). Michael Wohlmuther and Franz X. Gallmeier, “User Guide
for the Gamma Source Perl Script 1.0,” Paul Scherrer Institut, TM-85-08-02
(September 2008). 11. CONTENTS OF CODE
PACKAGE The package is transmitted on one CD-rom in a Unix tar
file and a Windows installation file. Included are installation instructions,
Users Guide, Fortran source and makefiles, Windows executables, and test cases. 12. DATE OF ABSTRACT May 2019. KEYWORDS: ISOTOPE