ID#: C00634PC38600 RSIC#: CCC-634 CODE NAME: DUST-BNL COMPUTER: IBM PC 386 and compatibles PACKAGED: 07/07/95 MOST RECENT UPDATE: ****************************************************************************** Distributed on 1 DS/HD 3.5" (1.44MB) diskette written in DOS format (self-extracting compressed file). ****************************************************************************** FILE DESCRIPTION MODE SIZE ****************************************************************************** 1. README.RSI RSIC information file ASCII 414 2. DUSTZIP.EXE Self-extracting archive file BINARY 553,479 (after expanding DUSTZIP.EXE) 3. DUST.FOR FORTRAN source ASCII 116,397 4. DUSTIN.FOR FORTRAN source ASCII 171,019 5. GRAFXT.FOR FORTRAN source (Lahey ext's.) ASCII 61,890 6. IOSWTCH.FOR FORTRAN source ASCII 2,959 7. DUST.EXE DUST executable BINARY 484,864 8. DUSTIN.EXE Input pre-processor exe BINARY 528,632 9. GRAFXT.EXE Graphics plotter for BINARY 451,993 TRACECND.DAT, TRACEFXD.DAT, and CONCNT.DAT 10. IOSWTCH.EXE Rewrites files LEACHRL.DAT or BINARY 217,097 CONCNT.DAT in spreadsheet format 11. RNUCL.DAT Data on radionuclide names, ASCII 16,825 half-lives, atomic mass and assumed solubility limits (default solubility 10 gm/cm^3 for all nuclides). Required by the DUSTIN code. 12. BLOK084 Block file for CASE8-4 ASCII 59,093 13. BLOK086 Block file for CASE8-6 ASCII 59,156 14. CASE8-4.INP Mixing cell cascade problem ASCII 3,741 15. CASE8-4.OUT CASE8-4.INP output ASCII 48,575 16. CASE8-6.INP Finite difference problem ASCII 4,286 17. CASE8-6.OUT CASE8-6.INP output ASCII 151,963 18. FDLEACH Wasteform release data file ASCII 135,975 (LEACHRL.DAT) for FDMEX.INP 19. FDMCON Concentration at each location ASCII 27,761 (CONCNT.DAT) for FDMEX.INP 20. FDMEX.INP FD Model exmpl. found in Tbl. ASCII 4,957 7.1 of the Data Input Guide 21. FDMEX.OUT FDMEX.INP output ASCII 78,704 22. FDMTRC Conc. trace from FDMEX.INP ASCII 1,365 23. FDMTRF Flux trace from FDMEX.INP ASCII 3,272 24. MCMCEX.INP MCMC model example found in ASCII 3,353 Table 7.2 of the Data Input Guide 25. MCMCEX.OUT MCMCEX.INP output ASCII 23,992 26. MCMCTRC Conc. trace for MCMCEX.INP ASCII 1,620 27. MCMCTRF Flux trace for MCMCEX.INP ASCII 3,927 28. READ.ME Author's information file ASCII 9,654 29. TRC8-4 Conc. trace for CASE8-4.INP ASCII 3,585 30. TRC8-6 Conc. trace for CASE8-6.INP ASCII 2,745 31. TRF8-4 Flux trace for CASE8-4.INP ASCII 8,612 32. TRF8-6 Flux trace for CASE8-6.INP ASCII 6,092 ****************************************************************************** Note: This code was tested at RSIC using the sample problems on a Northgate 486/66 running MS-DOS 6.22 using Lahey Fortran F77L EM/32 v5.0. ******************************************************************************