ID#: C00581MNYCP04 RSIC # : CCC-581 CODE PKG NAME: FOTELP-2014 COMPUTER: IBM PC and LINUX PACKAGED (ORG): 11/11/1997 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 11/30/2014 Transmitted on one CD-R Disc: ************************************************************************ Documentation in PDF format: - C581.pdf ************************************************************************ After uncompressing, you have: FOTDOC documentation FOTELP all files for data preparation and MC simulation TESTFOT test cases for Au/Al slab, Marinelli and water FOTUTIL geometry viewers Total Files Listed: 268 File(s) 28,017,555 bytes ************************************************************************ FOTELP-2014 source was tested at RSICC on a Pentium IV running Windows 7 with Intel 11.1.064 and GNU compilers. The developer's DVF executables are included. Attention to file names must be exercised to recompile under linux with gfortran/g77. RSICC received FOTELP-2014 through the NEA Data Bank from whom it is distributed with identifier IAEA1388/06. ************************************************************************