Page 1 of CCC-588 tapelist ID#: C00588IBMPC00 RSIC # : CCC-588 9 DS/HD 5.25" diskettes(1.2MB) CODE PKG NAME: MORSE-EMP COMPUTER: IBM PC, PC 386 PACKAGED: 05/23/91 MOST RECENT UPDATE: ********************************************************************* DESCRIPTION ********************************************************************* RSIC files ---------- Files transmitted to RSIC for the PC version of MORSE-EMP are contained on 9 floppies. The contents are: Floppy Number 1: MORSE Source Code README.DOC........summary information on PC codes README.PC.........comments during implementation READ.DOC..........RSIC read file for IBM version ABEND.FOR.........Fortran source for ABEND ABOX.FOR..........Fortran source for ABOX . . . (a total of 164 source files) Y0READ.FOR........Fortran source for Y0READ ZEXITS.FOR........Fortran source for ZEXITS CMARAR.COM........MORSE include file (1 of 6 original) CMGOML.COM........MORSE include file (2 of 6 original) CMGOMV.COM........MORSE include file (3 of 6 original) CMORGI.COM........MORSE include file (4 of 6 original) CMPARM.COM........MORSE include file (5 of 6 original) CMTAPE.COM........MORSE include file (6 of 6 original) include file, ray trace epsilons JUNEBUG.COM.......JUNEBUG include files before split MCNPRN.COM........random number include file MORSE2.COM........MORSE include files before split FORTALL.CMD.......compile statements, MicroSoft Fortran FORTALL.BAT.......compile statements, Lahey Fortran PUTOBJ.BAT........move object file to subdirectory (DOS) PUTOBJ.CMD move object file to subdirectory (OS2) RSIC.BAT..........commands to create this floppy MORSE.LNK.........calculated overlay structure MORSE.IOU.........input/output statements by subprogram MORSE.COD.........subprogram cross reference MORSE.BLK.........common block references MORSE.REF.........common block cross reference Floppy Number 2: Sample Problems 1,2,3 and 6, DOS version SAMPLES1.BAT......batch file to link and go 1,2,3,6 directives, DOS with overlays MORSEP1.EXE.......DOS executable for problems 1,2,3,6 SP1IN.GO..........console inputs for sample problem 1 SP1IN.DAT.........input file for sample problem 1 SP1IN.OUT.........output file for sample problem 1 SP2IN.GO..........console inputs, sample problem 2 SP2IN.DAT.........input file, sample problem 2 SP2IN.OUT.........output file, sample problem 2 SP3IN.GO..........console inputs, sample problem 3 SP3IN.DAT.........input file, sample problem 3 SP3IN.OUT.........output file, sample problem 3 SP6IN.GO..........console inputs, sample problem 6 SP6IN.DAT.........input file, sample problem 6 SP6IN.OUT.........output file, sample problem 6 *********************************************************************** Notes: 1. The executable files MORSEP1.EXE, MORSEP4.EXE, MORSEP5.EXE and MORSECD.EXE (disk 6) and MORSEXR.EXE were compiled and linked with Microsoft FORTRAN Version 5.0 with the overlay option and will run on any IBM PC with 640k of memory under DOS. 2. The executable MORSECD.EXE (disk 7) was compiled and linked with Microsoft FORTRAN Version 5.0 and runs under OS/2. 3. The executable file MORSECD.EXE (disk 8) was compiled and linked with Lahey F77-EM/32 for a PC 386 under DOS. This requires extended memory and a 80387 math coprocessor. 4. The code was tested at RSIC on an PC 386 with 4MB of memory under the DOS4.01 operating system, using a math coprocessor. Page 2 of CCC-588 tapelist RSIC # : CCC-588 9 DS/HD 5.25" diskettes(1.2MB) CODE PKG NAME: MORSE-EMP COMPUTER: IBM PC, PC 386 PACKAGED: 05/23/91 MOST RECENT UPDATE: ********************************************************************* DESCRIPTION ********************************************************************* Floppy Number 3: Sample Problem # 4, DOS with overlays SAMPLE4.BAT.......batch file, link and go problem 4 MORSEP4.OVL.......linker directives, DOS with overlays MORSEP4.EXE.......executable SP4IN.GO..........console inputs, sample problem 4 SP4IN.DAT.........input file, sample problem 4 SP4IN.OUT.........output file, sample problem 4 Floppy Number 4: Sample Problem # 5, DOS with overlays SAMPLE5.BAT.......batch file, link and go problem 5 MORSEP5.OVL.......linker directives, DOS with overlays MORSEP5.EXE.......executable, sample problem 5 SP5IN.GO..........console input, sample problem 5 SP5IN.DAT.........input file, sample problem 5 SP5IN.OUT.........output file, sample problem 5 Floppy Number 5: Cross Section Checker, DOS with overlays SAMPLEXK.BAT......batch file, link and go problem xk MORSEXK.OVL.......linker directives, DOS with overlays MORSEXK.EXE.......executable, sample problem xk XKRIN.GO..........console input, sample problem xk XKRIN.DAT.........input file, sample problem xk XKRIN.OUT.........output file, sample problem xk Floppy Number 6: Collision Density Problem-DOS & overlays SAMPLECD.BAT......batch file, link and go, cd problem MORSECD.OVL.......linker directives, DOS with overlays MORSECD.EXE.......executable, collision density problem CDSPSR.GO.........console inputs, collision density CDSPSR.DAT........input file, collision density problem CDSPSR.OUT........output file, collision density problem Floppy Number 7: Collision Density Problem, OS/2 Version SAMPLECD.CMD......command file, link and go, cd problem MORSECD.OS2.......linker directives, OS/2 protected mode MORSECD.EXE.......executable, OS/2, collision density CDSPSR.GO.........console inputs, collision density CDSPSR.DAT........input file, collision density problem CDSPSR.OUT........output file, collision density problem Floppy Number 8: Collision Density Problem, DOS Extender RUNF77.BAT........batch file, link and go directives, Lahey Fortran TUNE.EXE..........sets interaction of code with BIOS WHATMEM.EXE.......determines available memory 386SETUP.EXE......setups memory before execution MORSECD.EXE.......executable, DOS extended memory CDSPSR.GO.........console input, collision dnsty problem CDSPSR.DAT........input file, collision density problem CDSPSR.OUT........output file, collision density problem Page 3 of CCC-588 tapelist RSIC # : CCC-588 9 DS/HD 5.25" diskettes(1.2MB) CODE PKG NAME: MORSE-EMP COMPUTER: IBM PC, PC 386 PACKAGED: 05/23/91 MOST RECENT UPDATE: ********************************************************************* DESCRIPTION ********************************************************************* Floppy Number 9: JUNEBUG source, executable (DOS only) README.DOC........summary notes for MORSE-EMP README.PC.........notes on implementation READ.DOC..........from RSIC for IBM version JUNEA.FOR.........source file JUNEB.FOR.........second source file JUNED.FOR.........third source file JUNEE.FOR.........fourth source file TMJDAD.FOR........Jordan's version of direct access TMJPLT.FOR........Jordan's version of plot routines PCLIBE.FOR........Jordan's plot to screen library HPLIBE.FOR........Jordan's HP printer driver library CMARAR.BUG........include file CMGOML.BUG........include file CMGOMV.BUG........include file CMJOMK.BUG........include file CMLINE.BUG........include file CMORGI.BUG........include file CMPARM.BUG........include file CMREPT.BUG........include file CMRESO.BUG........include file CMTAPE.BUG........include file CMTMBE.BUG........include file COMMON.ALL........include file JUNEBUG.COM.......JUNEBUG include files before split TMJPLT.COM........include file PCVMOD.ASM........assembly language, set video mode PRTSCR.ASM........assembly language, print screen PCNASM.ASM........assembly language, blank pixel PCLASM.ASM........assembly language, set pixel PDRASM.ASM........assembly language, read pixel VID.LIB...........compiled assembly language library JUNEBUG.LNK.......DOS linker directives JUNEBUG.EXE.......JUNEBUG executable JUNE.INP..........sample problem input from RSIC JUNE.DAT..........sample problem input as run PLOTBUG.DAT.......plotting options input file ASCII.NUM.........character generation data file JUNE.OUT..........JUNEBUG output file JUNECLG.BAT.......JUNEBUG compile, link and go file PLOT.BAT..........PLOTS compile link and go PLOTS.FOR.........short code to test plotting options PLOTS.LNK.........DOS linker directives for PLOTS.EXE PLOTS.EXE.........PLOTS executable PLOTS.DAT.........inputs for PLOTS.EXE RSIC.BAT..........copy files to floppy disk JUNEBUG.OVL.......calculated overlay structure JUNEBUG.IOU.......input/output statements by subprogram JUNEBUG.COD.......subprogram cross reference (no MORSE) JUNEBUG.BLK.......common block references JUNEBUG.REF.......common block cross reference