ID#: C00739MNYCP00
COMPUTER: PC Windows, Intel-Linux,
Unix workstations
TEST COMPUTERS: Linux-Intel x86
PACKAGED: 02/29/2008
The NEADB identifier's are NEA-1673/01 and NEA1673/02
MVP/GMVP also runs on various platforms: UNIX systems(Sun, HP, SGI, IBM, NEC,
CRAY, Fujitsu, Hitachi, MIPS), Linux systems with Intel/Alpha processors.
Windows executables are included in this package.
Transmitted on TWO DVD-ROM in Unix tar and Windows zip files.
Directory of \DVD1 - for windows use
10/11/2005 04:42 AM 10,722 @ReadMe.txt
03/15/2007 09:15 AM
03/15/2007 09:15 AM man_MVP
03/15/2007 09:16 AM mvp-2.0
11/10/2005 04:44 AM 8,559,672 mvp2.0.tar.gz
11/10/2005 05:43 AM 4,651,900
03/15/2007 09:16 AM MVPlib
03/15/2007 09:16 AM PDS
11/11/2005 05:05 AM 11,180 Program Abstract.MVP2.Windows.rev01.txt
11/10/2005 04:13 AM 24,425 Readme_win32_en.txt
11/10/2005 04:09 AM 26,928 Readme_win32_jp.txt
10/06/2005 01:07 AM 23,905 ReadMVP.tar.gz
Vol2 MVP libraries (JENDL-3.2, ENDF/B-VI.8) in binary form.
Vol3 MVPlib : MVP libraries (JEF-3.0, JEF-2.2) in binary form.
Total 3586 File(s) 1,355,734,680 bytes
Directory of /DVD2 - for unix use
03/14/2007 04:20 AM 10,722 @ReadMe.txt
03/14/2007 04:20 AM ICSBEP
03/14/2007 04:20 AM man_MVP
03/14/2007 04:20 AM 8,559,672 mvp2.0.tar.gz
03/14/2007 04:20 AM 4,651,900
03/14/2007 04:20 AM MVPlib
03/14/2007 04:21 AM PDS
03/14/2007 04:21 AM 12,255 Program Abstract.MVP2.UNIX.rev01.txt
03/14/2007 04:21 AM 23,905 ReadMVP.tar.gz
Vol2 - MVP JENDL-3.2 libraries and MVP ENDF/B-VI.8 libraries in text form
Vol3 - MVP JEF-3.0 libraries and MVP JEF-2.2 libraries in text form
Total 57 File(s) 1,212,638,620 bytes
The following MVP libraries are included in this package:
Neutron libraries: JENDL-3.3, JENDL-3.2, ENDF/B-VI.8, JEF-3.0, JEF-2.2
Photon library, Electron library, and Dosimetry library
At RSICC, MVP/GMVP was tested by running the developers’ executables on a
Pentium IV PC running Windows XP SP2 and Vista, and also recompiled to run
on an AMD Athlon running RedHat Linux 7.3(Valhalla) with g77 vers.
0.5.26 and gcc vers. 2.96.