ID#: C00590IPCAT00 RSIC # : CCC-590 1 DS/HD 5.25" diskette (1.2MB) CODE PKG NAME: MOCA COMPUTER: IBM PC/AT PACKAGED: 06/25/91 MOST RECENT UPDATE: ********************************************************************* DESCRIPTION File size bytes ********************************************************************* The following files were supplied by the contributor. 1. MOCA FOR 58086 - FORTRAN 77 source 2. MOCA DAT 1845 - sample MOCA input 3. MOCA OUT 23749 - sample MOCA output Contents of the RSIC subdirectory (The follwoing files are supplied by RSIC, based on the contributor's files). 1. LMOCA BAT 128 - command file to compile and link MOCA. 2. RUN BAT 128 - command file to run MOCA. 3. MOCA DAT 1845 - sample MOCA input. Files 4 - 15 are the subroutines comprising the MOCA program. 4. CTI FOR 110 5. MOCA FOR 945 6. OPFILE FOR 313 7. PIS FOR 111 8. PROC1 FOR 15936 8. PROC2 FOR 20108 9. PROC3 FOR 16088 10. AZIRN FOR 238 11. EXPRNF FOR 241 12. FLTRNF FOR 134 13. GTISO FOR 295 14. PROC11 FOR 3397 15. RANDU FOR 189 16. MOCA EXE 367902 - executable MOCA program. 17. MOCA OUT 20129 - sample MOCA output. 18. REMOCA 10100 - sample binary output. *********************************************************************** Notes: The code was tested at RSIC on an IBM PC/AT, running at 12 mHz, under the DOS3.3 operating system. The compiler was Microsoft FORTRAN 4.01. The executable requires a math coprocessor.