RADTRAD 3.03 - A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation.
NOTE: NRC approval is required for source code distribution. If source code is not required, request RADTRAD 3.03-EXE (C00800IBMPC01).
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC.
Virtual Fortran, Windows-98, Windows-98/SE, Windows-ME, Windows-NT4.0, Windows-2000, and Windows-XP (C00800IBMPC00/C00800IBMPC01).
The potential radiological consequences of nuclear power
reactor accidents depend in part upon the amount, form, and species of the
radioactive material released during the postulated accident. The RADionuclide
Transport, Removal, and Dose (RADTRAD) model estimates doses at offsite
locations; for example, the exclusion area boundary (EAB) or the low population
zone (LPZ), and in the control room. The code has two optional source terms to
describe fission product release from the reactor coolant system: those
specified in “Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites”
(TID-14844) along with Regulatory Guides 1.3 and 1.4; and those specified for
boiling water reactors (BWRs) and pressurized water reactors (PWRs) in
“Accident Source Terms for Light Water Nuclear power Plants” (NUREG-1465). As
radioactive material is transported through the containment, the user can
account for sprays and natural deposition that may reduce the quantity of
radioactive material. Material can flow between buildings, from buildings to
the environment, or into control rooms through high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)
filters, piping, or other connectors. An accounting of the amount of radioactive
material retained due to these tortuous pathways is maintained. Decay and
in-growth of daughters can be calculated over time as the material is
transported. The code contains over 25 model and table options to perform these
tasks. It is anticipated that the code will be used to estimate attenuation of
source terms as a result of modification for a facility or accident sequence.
It is possible to define a single system of coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that simultaneously represents all of the phenomena considered by the code. However, the size of this equation set, and the computational cost of its numerical integration, would make its implementation impractical on a PC. Significant economies of calculation time and computer memory size in RADTRAD are achieved by dividing the calculations into two parts: (1) transport and (2) radioactive decay.
The fundamental premise behind this approach ensures that during a time step of small enough duration, the interdependence of the two components of the calculations can be neglected. That is, the transport equations defining transfer of material between compartments during a calculation time step can be solved numerically without taking account of the radioactive decay and in-growth occurring over that period. Likewise, the radioactive decay and in-growth equations can be solved during a time step without considering the simultaneous phenomenon of transport between compartments.
The two types of calculations are performed alternately. That is, the code begins its integration over a time step by considering the effect of radioactive decay on the inventory of all compartments. After the consideration of radioactive decay for the time step, the code considers the effect of transport between compartments during that time step. This process of alternating between decay and transport is repeated until the specified end time is reached. During the course of its numerical integration, the code keeps track of the number of atoms of each fission product nuclide in each compartment. Compartments in this sense include not just atmospheric volumes within the plant, but surfaces, pools, and filters as well. By tracking all atoms in this manner, conservation of mass can be verified.
None noted. (See HABIT 1.1 (C00665IBMPC01) for chemical exposure.)
Case dependent.
Windows-98, Windows-98/SE, Windows-ME, Windows-NT4.0, Windows-2000 or Windows-XP is required. A COMPAQ compiler is required if compiling source.
a) Included Documentation
“RADTRAD: A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation,” S. L. Humphreys (SNL), T. J. Heames (ITSC), L. A. Miller (SNL), D. K. Monroe (SNL), NUREG/CR-6604 (December 1997).
“RADTRAD: A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation,” N. E. Bixler (SNL), C. M. Erickson (SNL), NUREG/CR-6604 SAND98-0272/1 Supplement 1 (June 1999).
“RADTRAD: A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation,” W.C. Arcieri (ITSC), NUREG/CR-6604 Supplement 2 (October 2002).
Included in the RADTRAD 3.03 package is documentation, readme files, source code, pre-compiled Windows executables, test input and output. Note: no source code is included in the RADTRAD 3.03-EXE package. (C00800IBMPC00 – source/exe; C00800IBMPC01 – executable only).
September 2012.