ID#: C00721MNYCP01
RSIC#: CCC-721
PACKAGED: 05/19/2004
Transmitted on CD MOST RECENT UPDATE: 07/09/2004
The GNU zipped UNIX tar file can be read under Windows with WinZIP 8.0 or newer.
07/09/2004 02:59 PM 338,266 c721tar1.tgz - GRTUNCL3D distribution file
A subdirectory called grtuncl3d including the following files will be created
by expanding and extracting from the tar file.
07/09/2004 02:57 PM 5,256 Readme.txt - Information file
07/09/2004 03:17 PM
bin - Windows and Linux executables
05/19/2004 07:05 PM 758 ccc-win.c
10/13/2003 11:11 AM 1,678 ccc.c
10/13/2003 11:12 AM 190 gex.inp
06/27/2004 05:28 PM 277,543 grtunc3d.f
10/13/2003 11:12 AM 3,154 gugip.inp
05/19/2004 02:08 PM 39,942 libtort.f
07/09/2004 03:17 PM out - ORNL test case output
10/13/2003 11:12 AM 2,220 tex.inp
See Readme.txt for information on package contents.
See C721.PDF on the distribution media for the documentation:
J. O. Johnson (Ed.), GRTUNCL3D excerpt from "A User's Manual for Mash 1.0 -
A Monte Carlo Adjoint Shielding Code System," ORNL/TM-11778 (March 1992).
GRTUNC3D runs on IBM RS/6000 and personal computers under AIX, Linux and
Windows operating systems. Executables created with Portland Group, Inc.
compilers are included both for Linux and Windows. All other systems require
Fortran and C compilers. GRTUNCL3D was tested at RSICC on the following systems:
•IBM RS/6000 on AIX 4.3.3 with IBM XL Fortran for AIX Version 08.01.0000.0000
•IBM RS/6000 on AIX 5.1 with IBM XL Fortran for AIX Version 08.01.0000.0003
•AMD Athlon on RedHat Linux 7.3 with Portland Group, Inc.Fortran 4.0 2 & GNU gcc 2.96
•PC on Windows 2000 with Portland Group, Inc. Fortran.4.0 2 and PGI C 4.0 2
•PC on Windows XP with the included PGI executable created under Windows 2000
The test case requires that GIP and TORT be running on the same computer.
GIP and TORT are not included in this distribution but are available in the
CCC-650/DOORS3.2a package.
The tar file contains the GRTUNCL3D source files, executables for Windows and
Linux, an information file, test case input and output. WinZIP 8.0 or newer is
required to expand the distribution file under Windows.
To extract from the distribution master on Linux or Unix:
gunzip -c C721TAR1.TGZ | tar xf -