ID# C00476DOVAX00 Transmitted on 1 DS/HD 5.25 (1.2MB) RSIC# CCC-476B diskette CODE PKG NAME: CAAC COMPUTER: VAX PACKAGED: 10/31/86 DOWNLOADED TO DISKETTE: 05/94 ****************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION MODE Number of bytes ****************************************************************************** 1. README.RSI - RSIC information ASCII 640 06-11-92 2. CCC476B.EXE - compressed file containing BINARY 893159 05-05-94 the list below. To decompress, place diskette in drive and type CCC476B. 2 file(s) 893799 bytes ****************************************************************************** CHARACTER LOGICAL DCB DESCRIPTION TYPE RECORDS PARAMETERS ****************************************************************************** 1. READ.DAT comments about modifications EBCDIC 16 FB 6400 80 when converting from IBM to VAX | | | | 2. README.DAT brief description of files | 133 | | | 3. GO.COM macro to run PREPAR and AIRDOS | 30 | | | 4. GOTAB.COM macro to run DARTAB including PREDA | 13 | | | * 5. PREPAR.FOR Fortran 77 input processor source | 2308 | | | ** 6. AIRDOS.FOR Fortran 77 AIRDOS-EPA source | 3370 | | | 7. DARTAB.FOR Fortran 77 DARTAB source | 3584 | | | Calculations previously done by PREDA are now | | | | performed by Subroutine PREDA in DARTAB | | | | 8. ALLRAD.DAT generic radionuclide AIRDOS data | 3223 | | | 9. FARMA.DAT site-specific agricultural AIRDOS data | 105 | | | 10. POPA.DAT site-specific population AIRDOS data | 53 | | | 11. STARA.DAT site-specific meteorlogical AIRDOS data | 96 | | | 12. AIRIND.DAT sample site-specific option input for | 50 | | | AIRDOS for test case 1 - for individual assessment| | | | 13. AIRPOP.DAT sample site-specific option input for | 63 | | | AIRDOS for test case 2 - for population assessment| | | | 14. TABIND.DAT sample site-specific option input for | 26 | | | DARTAB for test case 1 | | | | 15. TABPOP.DAT sample site-specific option input for | 26 | | | DARTAB for test case 2 | | | | 16. RADTAB.DAT generic radionuclide health-risk data | 54279 | | | written by RADRISK for use with DARTAB. | | | | Referenced as RADRISK.BCD in the IBM version. | | | | Contains dose and risk factor blocks for 502 radio- | | | nuclides. The data used for 1984 CAA assessments | | | | includes 50- and 70-year internal dose factors. | | | | 17. TESTIND.OUT printer output for PREPAR and AIRDOS | 2011 |3990 133 test case 1 | | | | 18. TESTPOP.OUT printer output for PREPAR and AIRDOS | 2038 | | | test case 2 | | | | 19. TABIND.OUT printer output for DARTAB test case 1 | 679 | | | 20. TABPOP.OUT printer output for DARTAB test case 2 | 1129 | | | --------- Total logical records in package 73,232 Total bytes in package 6,168,981 This version is optionally available in VAX VMS BACKUP format. * Under the VMS Fortran Version 4.5 compiler, PREPAR must be compiled with the /NOOPTIMIZE switch to avoid integer overflows. No switches are required for the other codes. The individual test case required 41 cpu seconds for the PREPAR/AIRDOS run and 43 cpu seconds for the DARTAB run on a Vax 8600. ** Note that only the circular grid configuration works in this version of AIRDOS-EPA. (Option(2)=1 in MAIN program input parameters.) *************************** Error Alert ************************* The PREPAR MAIN routine has four IF tests which should be modified. Each test for IFLAG.NE.1 should be changed to IFLAG.EQ.0 in the lines ISN157-ISN163.