ID#: C00434MNYCP01
Code Package Name: SNAP-3D
Computer: PC and Workstations
Packaged: 01/23/2002
Most Recent Update:
Transmitted on one CD ROM
01/24/2002 11:37a 2,595,897 c434dos1.EXE
01/24/2002 11:12a 2,523,579 c434tar1.Z
2 File(s) 5,119,476 bytes
To extract the dos file, mount the distribution CD and click on
c4341exe. 15MB is required to extract all files.
To unzip the tar file, assume your CD drive is called "cdrom"
on your Unix system and type:
gzip -dc /cdrom/c434tar1.Z | tar xvf -
58MB is required to extract all files.
The following directory and files will be created for all systems:
01/24/2002 11:39a
01/29/1998 10:51a ALLCASES.DAT
01/29/1998 10:51a ALLCASES.DC6
01/29/1998 10:51a ALLCASES.DC7
01/29/1998 10:51a ALLCASES.MS6
01/29/1998 10:51a ALLCASES.MS7
01/29/1998 10:51a ALLCASES.VX6
01/29/1998 10:51a ALLCASES.VX7
01/29/1998 10:51a ALLTESTS.DAT
01/29/1998 10:51a ALLTESTS.DC6
01/29/1998 10:51a ALLTESTS.DC7
01/29/1998 10:51a ALLTESTS.MS6
01/29/1998 10:51a ALLTESTS.MS7
01/29/1998 10:51a ALLTESTS.VX6
01/29/1998 10:51a ALLTESTS.VX7
01/29/1998 10:51a BIGCASES.DAT
01/29/1998 10:51a BIGCASES.DC6
01/29/1998 10:52a BIGCASES.DC7
01/29/1998 10:52a BIGCASES.MS6
01/29/1998 10:52a BIGCASES.MS7
01/29/1998 10:52a BIGCASES.VX6
01/29/1998 10:52a BIGCASES.VX7
01/29/1998 10:52a CDFR.DAT
01/29/1998 10:52a CDFR.DC6
01/29/1998 10:52a CDFR.DC7
01/29/1998 10:52a CDFR.MS6
01/29/1998 10:52a CDFR.MS7
01/29/1998 10:52a CDFR.VX6
01/29/1998 10:52a CDFR.VX7
01/29/1998 10:52a MAKEFILE
01/29/1998 10:52a READ-ME.LIS
01/29/1998 10:52a RUNALL
01/29/1998 10:52a RUNALL.BAT
01/29/1998 10:52a RUNALL.COM
01/29/1998 10:52a SMALLCAS.MS6
01/29/1998 10:52a SMALLCAS.MS7
01/29/1998 10:52a SMALLCAS.DAT
01/29/1998 10:53a SMALLCAS.DC6
01/29/1998 10:53a SMALLCAS.DC7
01/29/1998 10:53a SMALLCAS.VX6
01/29/1998 10:53a SMALLCAS.VX7
01/29/1998 10:53a SNAP-VAX.COM
01/29/1998 10:53a SNAP.EXE
01/29/1998 10:51a SNAP.INF
01/29/1998 10:51a SNAP.INP
SNAP-3D was tested at RSICC on the following systems:
Micron P3 650 mHz running Windows 2000;
SUN UltraSparc 60 Solaris 2.6 using f77 V 5.0
SNAP-3D was also tested at the NEA on the following systems:
DEC VAX 4000 running OpenVMS 6.1 using DEC/VMS Fortran;
DEC ALPHA Station 200-4/166 running OSF1 3.2 62 (DEC UNIX) using
HP 9000/7xx running HP-UX 9.05 and HP-UX 10.20 using HP f77 V10.0;
IBM RSIC/6000 running AIX V4 R1 using IBM f77 (xlf);
SUN SPARC running Solaris 2.0 SunOS 5.5.1 using SUN f77;
DELL OptiPlex GXi PC, Pentium 166Mhz running WIN NT 4.0 using
MS-Fortran Powerstation 4.0
The executable included with the pc version of SNAP-3D was created
with the MS-FORTRAN Powerstation 4.0 compiler.
See the SNAP.INF file for installation information.