ID# : C714MNYCP01 RSIC# : C714 PACKAGE NAME : SWAT COMPUTER : X86PC/LINUX/UNIX DATE : 06/14/2007 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 09/29/2011 ********************************************************************** Transmitted on one CD-R Disc with Documentation in PDF format: - C714.PDF 01/23/2007 05:31 PM swat20060614 ********************************************************************** Contents of swat20060614: 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 0 ci 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 4,671 COPYRIGHT.NOTICE 01/23/2007 05:31 PM docs 01/23/2007 05:31 PM header 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 8,153 HEADER.O2.SRC 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 8,120 Install 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 106,182 libmak.F 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 1,649 Makefile 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 3,607 Makefile.NoInstaller 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 1,311 Makefile.temp 01/23/2007 05:31 PM module_scripts 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 617 ORI2MOD 01/23/2007 05:31 PM ori2origlib 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 2,650,756 origen2.F 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 2,504 PARAMS.O2 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 2,499 PARAMS.O2.ORI21 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 1,545 PARAMS.SWAT 01/23/2007 05:31 PM pdsdir 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 311 01/23/2007 05:31 PM RCS 01/23/2007 05:31 PM readmass 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 6,862 README.j 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 181 README.STEAM.j 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 12,519 RunSWAT 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 8,031 RunSWAT_WH 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 3,973 SRACMOD 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 3,987 SRACMOD_v99 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 111,405 steam_readmass.F 01/23/2007 05:31 PM supc 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 107,765 swat.F 01/23/2007 05:31 PM swat2ori2 01/23/2007 05:31 PM swatsample 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 29,555 swatutil.F 01/12/2007 09:46 PM 131,544 tabmak.F 01/23/2007 05:31 PM xslib 24 File(s) 3,207,747 bytes 11 Dir(s) 85,655,552 bytes (81.6 MB) *********************************************************************** NOTE: This package contains source files, data files and 4 sample problems. SRAC95 (RSICC ID: C716MNYWS00) is required. A g77, fujistu or PGI compiler is required. SWAT can be installed and executed on the following computers: 1. Sun SparcStation2,5,10/51, 20/71 (under Sun OS 4.1.3 and 4.1.4 + JLE with Sun FORTRAN1.4) 2. Sun ULTRA-1 (under Solaris 2.5.1 with Sun WorkShop UNIV SPARC, 3.0 (SPARC Compiler FORTRAN77 4.2)) 3. PC (under Linux and FreeBSD with g77) 4. HP9000/735/125CRX (under HP-UX A9.07 with HP FORTRAN/9000) 5. Fujitsu AP3000 (Sun SparcStation compatible machine under Solaris 2.5.1, with SPARC Compiler FORTRAN77, nqs batch mode is also possible) 6. Hitachi SR80003