ID#: C00566FM38000 RSIC # : CCC-566 1 DS/HD 5.25" diskette (1.2mb) CODE PKG NAME: PIEDEC COMPUTER: IBM 3083 FACOM-M380 PACKAGED: 12/04/90 MOST RECENT UPDATE: ***************************************************************** DESCRIPTION MODE FILE SIZE BYTES ***************************************************************** 1. PIEDEC.INF - information file ASCII 1516 2. PIEDEC.FOR - FORTRAN 77 source ASCII 289868 3. PIEDEC.JCL - job control language ASCII 738 4. PIEDEC.INP - sample input ASCII 81508 5. PIEDEC.OUT - sample output ASCII 121319 *********************************************************************** Note: The code was not tested at RSIC, but was tested at NEA Data Bank, France on an IBM 3083 under the MVS/XA operating system, using the VS FORTRAN Level 2.1.1 compiler.