ID#: C00606MNYCP01 RSIC # : CCC-606 CODE PKG NAME: ANITA-4 ORIGINAL COMPUTER: IBM PC & IBM RS/6000 TEST COMPUTERS: IBM PC & IBM RS/6000 PACKAGED: 06/11/92 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 12/10/99 ************************************************************************* 1 CD-ROM in both DOS and Unix mode or 4mm/8mm tape tape in Unix mode. ************************************************************************* %%%%%%% PC USERS %%%%%%% C606DOS0 EXE 2,624,425 12-10-99 1:50p C606DOS0.EXE Assume your hard drive is c: and your CD-ROM drive is called e: A subdirectory called 'anita4' will be created. c: e:\C606dos1.exe -d Extract to your hard disk by executing .EXE with -d switch to restore the directory structure. ************************************************************************* %%%%%%% UNIX USERS %%%%%%% C606TAR0 Z 3,084,854 12-10-99 1:49p c00606mnycp01.Z Assume your CD-ROM drive is called "cdrom" and create a subdirectory on your disk to which to extract files from the tar file: zcat /cdrom/c606tar0.Z | tar xvf - ************************************************************************* Directory of /anita4 F77L3 EER 40,584 02-15-94 8:36a f77l3.eer INFO FIL 6,875 05-18-98 3:11p info.fil README 3,753 05-18-98 3:11p readme PCGETDAT F 366 05-18-98 3:11p pcgetdat.f PCGETTIM F 405 05-18-98 3:11p pcgettim.f MODBIN LST 7,207 05-18-98 3:11p modbin.lst ANITA INP 697 05-18-98 3:11p anita.inp ANITA OUT 16,500 05-18-98 3:12p anita.out INVM INV 49,362 05-18-98 3:12p invm.inv GRANITA EPS 35,790 05-18-98 3:12p granita.eps FL1 152,960 05-18-98 3:12p fl1 FL2 88,454 05-18-98 3:12p fl2 FL4 21,562 05-18-98 3:12p fl4 LIB1A DAT 6,168,947 05-18-98 3:12p lib1a.dat LIB1A 1,179,531 05-18-98 3:12p lib1a MAKEFILE ANT 1,140 05-18-98 3:13p makefile.ant MAKEFILE MDB 1,092 05-18-98 3:13p makefile.mdb MAKEFILE GRN 1,095 05-18-98 3:13p makefile.grn COMPILE BAT 95 05-18-98 3:13p compile.bat MODBIN EXE 300,310 12-10-99 9:47a modbin.exe GRANITA EXE 334,870 12-10-99 9:47a granita.exe ANITA4 EXE 1,359,078 12-10-99 9:48a anita4.exe MODBIN F 24,220 12-10-99 10:38a modbin.f ANITA4 F 321,247 12-10-99 10:39a anita4.f GRANITA F 135,432 12-10-99 10:40a granita.f AXGETDAT F 411 12-10-99 10:40a axgetdat.f AXGETTIM F 383 12-10-99 10:41a axgettim.f GRANITA X 78,440 12-10-99 10:42a granita.x MODBIN X 21,060 12-10-99 10:42a modbin.x ANITA4 X 181,969 12-10-99 10:44a anita4.x 30 file(s) 10,533,835 bytes ************************************************************************ Note: The code was tested at RSICC on the IBM RS/6000, Model 590 under AIX 4.2 with the xlf FORTRAN version 4.2 compiler, and on an IBM PC Pentium-120 under Windows95 with the Lahey5.2 compiler. The included PC executables were created with the Lahey F77L/EM-32 Version 5.2 compiler.