Page 1 of 1 ID#: C00520IBMPC00 RSIC# CCC-520 MICRO CODE PKG NAME: DCTDOS (Three dual sided, double density COMPUTER: IBM PC diskettes required) PACKAGED: 11/26/87 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 3/15/89 *************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION FILE SIZE (BYTES) *************************************************************************** 1. DDOS1C.EXE The files were compiled and linked under PC/DOS 3.10 DCTDOS.EXE using the Microsoft Fortan Version 3.20 and 3.31 compilers respectively and MS LINK.EXE for linking. See README.DOC for more information. (11/87) 160130, 276726 2. ICARDS Collection of sample input 4880 3. Problem1.INP Input for Sample Problem 1 512 Problem2.INP Input for Sample Problem 2 512 ORNL.INP Input for Sample Problem 3 2048 ARF.INP Input for Sample Problem 4 1280 All of these files are included in ICARDS. 4. Problem1.OUT Output for Sample Problem 1 2241 Problem2.OUT Output for Sample Problem 2 7189 ORNL.OUT Output for Sample Problem 3 18619 ARF.OUT Output for Sample Problem 4 (Replaced 3/15/89) 1280 PAPER Empty file to collect new output 2 5. NBS-DT-N Neutron albedo data 54780 NBS-DT-G Gamma-ray albedo data 63476 PREWTS Weight data from prior calculations 52975 6. DDOS1C.FOR First source file 18176 DDOS2.FOR Second source file 12552 DDOSE3.FOR Third source file 13312 DDOS4B.FOR Fourth source file 13184 7. README.DOC Implementation notes 3328 NOTES: DCTDOS was executed by RSIC on the IBM PC under DOS 3.1. It requires a 640K Random Access Memory, 2 floppy disk drives, and the 8087 math coprocessor is necessory for use by one of the executable files (DDOS1C) but not by the other (DCTDOS). Installation instructions: There are three dual-sided, double density (360 K) 5.25-inch diskettes in MS/DOS format. The diskette with the data should be in drive B and a diskette with a copy of the empty file PAPER should be in drive A. For testing at RSIC, the executable files and the input were on hard disk. When the program goes into execution, it asks for an input file name after which it proceeds with the calcul- ation until finished. Please read the file README.DOC.