ID#: C00525D075000 RSIC#: CCC-525 CODE PKG NAME: XRAY_AAC COMPUTER: VAX 11/750 VAX 8600 PACKAGED: 02/25/88 DOWNLOADED: 05/14/96 **************************************************************************** 1 DS/HD 5.25 (1.2MB) DISKETTE in compressed DOS files DESCRIPTION SIZE DATE TIME MODE **************************************************************************** Directory of A:\C525D075000 README RSI 1,536 10-01-93 7:30a RSIC distribution statement CCC525 EXE 274,067 05-15-96 7:15a Self extracting binary executable containing the files below: AAC_1 FOR 4615 05-14-96 3:59p ASCII AAC_2 COM 4570 05-14-96 3:59p | AACDEF TXT 4906 05-14-96 3:59p | AAC_2 FOR 7509 05-14-96 3:59p | AAC_3 FOR 41665 05-14-96 3:59p | AAC_3 RNH 10722 05-14-96 3:59p | ELEMENTS DAT 187840 05-14-96 3:59p | INSTAL~1 COM 2749 05-14-96 3:59p | UPDATE~1 FOR 11039 05-14-96 3:59p | XRAY_AAC FOR 145914 05-14-96 3:59p | BINARY VAX XRAY BCK 516096 05-14-96 3:59p backup format of the files above 13 file(s) 937625 bytes **************************************************************************** Number of disk DESCRIPTION blocks (1 block = 512 bytes) **************************************************************************** 1. INSTALL_XRAY.COM - command file to 6 compile and link programs, create the necessary files needed (print this file.) 2. AACDEF.TXT - parameter declarations. 10 3. AAC_1.FOR - Application Fortran 77 program to 10 demonstrate ease of calling Function XRAY_AAC. 4. AAC_2.FOR - Interactive application Fortran 77 15 program to call Function XRAY_AAC. 5. AAC_3.FOR - Interactive application Fortran 77 83 program to provide easy access to Function XRAY_AAC. 6. AAC_2.COM - command file for AAC_2.FOR. 9 7. AAC_3.RNH - used in creating HELP files. 22 8. ELEMENTS.DAT - Subset of DLC-99/HUGO including 367 attenuation and absorption coefficients. 9. UPDATE_COEFF.FOR - Fortran 77 source to convert 22 ELEMENTS.DAT into a binary indexed file. 10. XRAY_AAC.FOR - Fortran 77 Function XRAY_AAC to 288 perform attenuation and absorption calculations. ---- TOTAL BLOCKS 832 NOTE: Chapter 11 of document provides instructions for reading this tape and installing the software.