ID#: C00646IBMPC03 RSIC#: CCC-646 CODE PKG NAME: SKYSHINE-KSU COMPUTER: IBM PC PACKAGED: 07/09/96 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 11/17/00 ************************************************************************** Distributed on 1 DS/HD diskette as a self-extracting compressed file. README.TXT 1,812 11-17-00 01:11p General information file CCC646 EXE 1,412,051 11-17-00 12:58p CCC646.EXE 2 file(s) 1,413,863 bytes To extract the files from diskette, open a DOS window and type at the prompt: A:\CCC646 -d (where A: is your hard drive and "-d" preserves directory structure) ************************************************************************** A directory called sky_ksu will be created under your present working directory, and it will contain the following subdirectories which contain source files, executables, test cases and documentation. See various readme files for details on running the codes. 11/17/00 12:13p