RAPID: RAdial Power and Burnup Prediction by Following Fissile Isotope Distribution in the Pellet.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Yusung, Daejeon Republic of Korea through the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Data Bank, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.
Fortran 90; Linux, Windows and Unix (C00797PCX8600).
The RAPID (RAdial power and burnup Prediction by following fissile Isotope Distribution in the pellet) model was developed to predict the radial distribution of power, burnup and fissionable nuclide densities in the LWR UO2 fuel pellets to be used in the fuel performance analysis code. It considers the specific radial variations of the neutron reactions of all the fissionable nuclides as a function of burnup and 235U enrichment in the pellet. Comparison of the RAPID prediction with the measured data of the irradiated fuels and the predicted results by other codes showed good agreement, and therefore, the RAPID model can be used for the UO2 fuel of up to 10 w/o 235U enrichment and 150 MWD/kgU pellet average burnup under the LWR environment.
RAPID solves numerically the time and space-dependent differential equations.
None stated.
Less than 10 minutes on most modern computers.
Linux, Windows, and MacOS environments.
Requires a Fortran compiler.
10.a Documentation included in package:
“Manual for Input Preparation of RAPID Program” (2000).
Chan Bock Lee and Youn Ho Jung: “An Attempt to Explain the High Burnup Structure Formation Mechanism in UO2 Fuel”, URL: (2000).
The package will be transmitted in a self-extracting executable and contains source, sample input and output, Windows executables, documentation and reference materials.
May 2012.