ID#: C00449U110800 RSIC# CCC449 CODE PKG NAME: TRANSHEX TRANSMITTED ON 1 DS/HD DISKETTE COMPUTER: UNIVAC 1108 PACKAGED: 1/18/84 MOST RECENT UPDATE: DOWNLOADED TO DISKETTE: 08/92 ************************************************************************ LOGICAL DCB DESCRIPTION MODE RECORDS PARAMETERS ************************************************************************ F01 Control cards ASCII 5 FB 3200 80 F02 TRANSHEX source (FORTRAN V) | 2397 | | | F03 CLOCK source (Assembler) | 12 | | | CLOCK gives the cpu time elapsed from the beginning of the run in units of 200 microseconds. F04 TRANSHEX sample problem input | 109 | | | F05 TRANSHEX sample problem output | 751 | | | Output has been truncated to 80 columns. Complete listing is included in document. ***** TOTAL 3274