ID#: C00562IBMPC00 RSIC # : CCC-562 1 DS/HD 5.25" diskette (1.2mb) CODE PKG NAME: MCRAC COMPUTER: IBM PC PACKAGED: 11/27/90 MOST RECENT UPDATE: ***************************************************************** DESCRIPTION MODE FILE SIZE BYTES ***************************************************************** 1. RESTRICT.TXT - restriction note ASCII 2952 2. MCRAC.INF - information file ASCII 3862 3. COM_LIN.BAT - command file to compile and link with Microsoft FORTRAN 4. EXMCRAC.BAT - command file to run MCRAC ASCII 42 5. MCRAC1.FOR - FORTRAN 77 source ASCII 43254 6. MCRAC2.FOR - FORTRAN 77 source ASCII 44446 7. MCRAC3.FOR - FORTRAN 77 source ASCII 45778 8. MCRAC4.FOR - FORTRAN 77 source ASCII 44956 9. MCRAC5.FOR - FORTRAN 77 source ASCII 50107 10. MCRAC6.FOR - FORTRAN 77 source ASCII 35842 11. MCRAC7.FOR - FORTRAN 77 source ASCII 45180 12. MCRAC8.FOR - FORTRAN 77 source ASCII 33373 13. MCRAC9.FOR - FORTRAN 77 source ASCII 48973 14. MCRAC.EXE - executable program BINARY 183680 15. SAMPLE.ADD - polynomial coefficients ASCII 19516 for calculation of nuclear reaction cross sections (generated by code) 16. TEST.DAT - sample input ASCII 2851 17. TEST.OUT - sample output ASCII 113501 *********************************************************************** The code was not tested at RSIC, but was tested at NEA Data Bank, France. The compiler used was PROBALBY Microsoft FORTRAN Version 5.0, under the MS DOS version 3.20 operating system. The NEA Data Bank used the MCRAC.EXE as supplied by the Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Yugoslavia. The executable file MCRAC.EXE as packaged requires a math coprocessor.