TRIPOLI-4 8.1: 3D General Purpose Continuous Energy Monte Carlo Transport Code.
RSICC is authorized to distribute TRIPOLI-4 8.1 for research and education purposes only. Non-commercial requesters from NEA Data Bank member countries are advised to order TRIPOLI-4 8.1 from the NEA Data Bank. Non-commercial users from other OECD member countries (specifically Canada and the United States) may order TRIPOLI-4 8.1 from RSICC. Users from non-OECD member countries and all commercial requesters are advised to contact the NEA Data Bank. They will transmit the requests to CEA, who will deal directly with these requests.
- CEAV5.1.1 nuclear data library,
mainly based on JEFF-3.1.1, with thermal cross sections and probability tables
on the same temperature grid;
- Qfission: energy release during fission library.
Commissariat à l'énergie atomique, CEA/SACLAY, Cedex, France, through the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Data Bank, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.
Fortran and C; PC-Linux, UNIX Workstations (C00806MNYCP00).
Monte Carlo.
None noted.
Running time is heavily case-dependent. TRIPOLI-4 running time is comparable with other state of the art Monte Carlo codes.
LINUX 32 or 64 bits PC or cluster. TRIPOLI-4.8.1 requires 100 Mbytes of disk space. The associated nuclear data library, CEAV5.1.1, requires 20 Gbytes of disk space.
TRIPOLI-4 8.1 runs under Linux or Unix workstations; this release does not run under Windows. No source files are included. The binaries have been produced and tested on Linux32 and Linux64 bits platforms.
Depending on the operating system, the exact version of the system libraries used in Tripoli4 may be available or not. In case of missing libraries, the system manager will install them. The ldd command used on the binary can help to identify if there are missing libraries. The environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH may be used to specify directories containing the missing libraries.
The package is distributed as received from the NEADB.
10.a) Included Documentation:
- Emeric Brun, Frederic Damian, Eric Dumonteil, Francois-Xavier Hugot, Yi-Kang Lee, Fausto Malvagi, Alain Mazzolo, Odile Petit, Jean-Christophe Trama, Thierry Visonneau, Andrea Zoia, “TRIPOLI-4 Version 8 User Guide,” CEA-R-6316 (February 2013).
10.b) Background References (not included in package):
- O. Petit, N. Huot, C. Jouanne,
'Implementation of Photonuclear Reactions in the Monte Carlo Transport Code
TRIPOLI-4 and its First Validation in Waste Package Field', SNA + Monte Carlo
2010, Tokyo (Japan), Oct. 17-21, 2010.
- F.X Hugot, Y. K. Lee, 'New display tool for the Monte-Carlo particle
transport code TRIPOLI-4', SNA + Monte Carlo 2010, Tokyo (Japan), Oct. 17-21,
- C. Trakas, O. Petit, 'TRIPOLI-4 Green's Functions & MCNP5 Importance to
Estimate ex-core Detector Response on a N4 PWR', SNA + Monte Carlo 2010, Tokyo
(Japan), Oct. 17-21, 2010.
- Y. K. Lee and F.X Hugot, 'Calculation of the effective delayed neutron
fraction by TRIPOLI-4 code for IPEN/mb-01 research reactor', M&C2011, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, May 8 - 12, 2011.
- JC Trama et al, 'Overview of TRIPOLI-4 version 7 Continuous Energy Monte
Carlo Code', ICAPP 2011.
- O Petit, N Huot, C Jouanne, 'Implementation of Photonuclear Reactions in the
Monte Carlo Transport Code TRIPOLI-4 and its First Validation in Waste Package
Field', Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (PNST), Vol 2, Oct 2011, pp
- O Petit, YK Lee, CM Diop, 'Variance Reduction Adjustment in Monte Carlo
TRIPOLI-4 Neutron Gamma Coupled Calculations', ICRS-12 & RPSD-2012, Nara,
Japon, Sept 2-7, 2012.
- A Zoia, E Brun, C Jouanne, F Malvagi, 'Doppler Broadening of Neutron Elastic
Scattering Kernels in TRIPOLI-4', Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol54, April 2013,
pp 218-226.
- Y-K Lee, 'Use of TRIPOLI-4.5 mesh tally to investigate power maps of the
LEU-COMP-THERM-008 PWR critical lattices', M&C 2009.
- Y. K. Lee and O. Petit, 'Display of Collision Sites with TRIPOLI-4 Monte
Carlo Code', ANS RPSD 2010, Las Vegas, NV (USA), Apr. 18-23, 2010.
- F Malouch, 'Development and Experimental Validation of a Calculation Scheme
for Nuclear Heating Evaluation in the Core of the OSIRIS Material Testing
Reactor', Journal of ASTM International (JAI), Volume 9, Issue 4, Apr. 2012.
- YK Lee, 'TRIPOLI-4 Criticality Calculations for MOX Fuelled SNEAK 7A and 7B
Fast Critical Assemblies', PHYSOR 2012, Knoxville, USA, Apr. 15-20, 2012.
- YK Lee, FX Hugot, 'TRIPOLI-4 Shielding Calculation Capabilities for Fusion
Facilities', SOFT-12, Liege, Belgique, Sep. 24-28, 2012.
- S Bourganel, O Petit, CM Diop, '3D Particle Transport Using Green's Functions
in TRIPOLI-4 Monte Carlo Code. Application to PWR Neutron Fluence and ex-core
Response Studies', Nuclear Technology 2013.
This package consists of one DVD-ROM for the TRIPOLI-4 version 8.1 code, with installation procedure, some installation tests (elementary TRIPOLI-4 input decks with reference results), and the TRIPOLI-4 v8 User Guide CEA-R-6316 report. The TRIPOLI-4 v8.1 binaries and the 2D interactive geometry display static_visutripoli4 are located in the same directory CODE/bin. Some response files, to be convoluted to the flux by the code itself, are also available on the CDROM : DED (H*10 neutron and photon Equivalent Dose Rate responses) and kerma_nnp for neutron kerma in coupled neutron-photon calculations (these kerma responses are provided for a better figure of merit in coupled n-p calculations, but they are not suitable for neutron only calculations, in that case the deposited-energy tally of the code should be used directly).
Two DVD-ROMs contain the CEAV5.1.1 nuclear data library, with installation procedure and a README to describe the data. These DVDs should be installed before the code if the user wants to run the code installation tests. The cross sections, together with the S(alpha, beta) and the Probability Tables are available on a 16 temperatures grid, from 274K to 2974K. They mainly come from the JEFF-3.1.1 evaluation, with some few exceptions (photonuclear reactions from ENDF/B-VII.0 for example).
April 2009; August 2013.