ID#: C00704PC58601 RSIC#: CCC-704 CODE PKG NAME: SlideRule 1.0 ORIGINAL COMPUTER: PC 586 TEST COMPUTER: PENTIUM III PACKAGED: 1/11/2002 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 05/31/2005 ********************************************************************************* Transmitted on one 1 CD in a self-extracting WinZIP file. ********************************************************************************* 704pc586.txt (this information file) c704.pdf (RSICC document) 01/11/2002 03:48 PM 6,859,264 Install_SlideRule.exe (SlideRule files) 06/02/2005 12:20 PM 31,889 NOTICE.PDF (Important notice to all users.) ********************************************************************************* The following files will be expanded to c:\SlideRule ********************************************************************************* 01/10/2002 02:24p 12,266,501 cr6504v1.pdf NUREG/CR-6504, Vol. 1 01/10/2002 02:10p 2,405,529 cr6504v2.pdf NUREG/CR-6504, Vol. 2 12/13/1999 12:38p 995,383 mfc42.dll 05/05/2001 02:47p 1,584,640 PEGRP32a.dll 12/27/2001 10:10a 677 ReadMe.txt Information file 05/30/2001 12:21p 3,479 slide1.dat 05/30/2001 11:14a 3,552 slide2.dat 05/30/2001 12:22p 3,575 slide3.dat 05/30/2001 12:23p 3,574 slide4.dat 05/30/2001 12:24p 3,577 slide5.dat 09/27/2001 11:16a 8,203 slide6.dat 10/04/2001 12:52p 1,753,088 SlideRule.exe Executable program 10/04/2001 01:25p 223,905 SlideRuleHelp.chm 13 File(s) 19,255,683 bytes ********************************************************************************* Notes: To install, run the Install_SlideRule.exe file. The default installation location is C:\SlideRule. You may specify a different location during installation. Double-click on the SlideRule.exe file to run the program once it is installed. The included SlideRule executable was created using Microsoft Visual C++. It can be run under Windows 95/NT or later. A compiler is not required to run this system. No source files are included. The code was tested at RSICC on a PENTIUM IV running WINDOWS 2000 and Windows XP. The NUREG/CR-6504, Vol. 1 (ORNL/TM-13322/V1) (April 1997) and NUREG/CR-6504, Vol. 2 (ORNL/TM-13322/V2) (April 1998) documents are distributed in PDF format in file C704.PDF. *********************************************************************************** Notice: All reported radiation absorbed doses (rads) are “tissue-dose” estimates, not “free-air-dose” estimates. The documentation which is distributed in file C704.PDF was modified in July 2004 and May 2005 regarding this notice. No other changes have been made to this package since its initial release. See the full Notice in file NOTICE.PDF.