ID#: C00609MFMWS00 RSIC # : CCC-609 1 DS/HD 3.5 " diskette (1.2MB) CODE PKG NAME: SIXTUS-3 COMPUTER: VAX family, Cray, SUN worksations PACKAGED: 06/25/92 RECENT UPDATE: ********************************************************************* DESCRIPTION File size (bytes) ********************************************************************* 1. sixtus3.Z 540187 compressed tar file containing the list below. The above file was first packed with a SUNOS archiving facility 'tar' and then compressed and written on a MS-DOS formatted floppy disk. To unpack: (i) Copy the file sixtus3.Z from the floppy disk to a file sixtus3.Z on a SUN workstation using 'dos_mount' and 'cp' facilities. If the SUN workstation is not available you can use an IBM-PC (or compatible) and then transfer the file to some other UNIX platform. (ii) Uncompress with 'uncompress -v sixtus3.Z'. (iii) Use 'tar xvf sixtus3' to unpack. ********************************************************************* READ.ME - important file information. SIXTUS.SSS - SIXTUS_3.0.2 UPDATE/UPEML/HISTORIAN compatible source. The codewords to create desired Fortran-77 sources are: VAX for VAX/VMS, UNICOS for CRAY/UNICOS, SUN for SUN/SUNOS Note: UPEML is available at RSIC as PSR-245. VVER - Sample input #1 for the two-group model of the LWR/VVER core. OUTVVER - Sample output #1. SNR - Sample input #2 for the four-group model of the fast breeder SNR-300. XSSNR - XSEC file #2. OUTSNR - Sample output #2. PROTEUS - Sample input #3 for the thirteen-group model of the experimental HTR reactor PROTEUS. OUTPROT - Sample output #3. sixtus.f - FORTRAN 77 source for SIXTUS_3.0.2 provided by RSIC from the UPEML preprocessor. (for SUN workstations only). - Computer program abstract (PostScript). - SIXTUS_3 basic theory description (PostScript). - SIXTUS_3 primer (PostScript). ********************************************************************* Note: The code was tested at RSIC under SunOS 4.1.1 using the FORTRAN 1.4 compiler on a Sun Sparcstation SLC.