ID#:C00690D0VAX00 RSICC: CCC-690 Code Package Name: SYVAC-D/2 Computer: DEC VAX Test Computer: Packaged: 02/29/2000 Most Recent Update: **************************************************************************** Distributed on SS/Mode 1 CD-R disc as a compressed DOS file. **************************************************************************** C690DOS0 EXE 471,160 02-22-00 12:31p DOS Self-extracting archive The DOC directory includes electronic documentation in file C690DOC.PDF. **************************************************************************** Assume your hard drive is c: and your FLOPPY drive is called a: A subdirectory called 'SYVACD2' will be created. C:\ A:\C690DOS0 -d (Extract to your hard disk by executing with -d switch to restore the dir **************************************************************************** Directory of \SYVACD2 SYVAC_D_ INF 13,469 08-19-98 9:18a syvac_d_2.inf SYVAC_D_ COM 143 08-19-98 9:18a COMP COM 156 08-19-98 9:18a COMPALL COM 2,451 08-19-98 9:18a LINK COM 178 08-19-98 9:18a LINKD COM 176 08-19-98 9:18a EXEMDL FOR 335,961 08-19-98 9:18a exemdl.for GEOMDL FOR 91,701 08-19-98 9:18a geomdl.for VLTMDL FOR 177,443 08-19-98 9:18a vltmdl.for IMPLICIT INC 45 08-19-98 9:18a SYVAD2 INC 19,030 08-19-98 9:18a SYVUD2 INC 11,013 08-19-98 9:18a VSTORE INC 488 08-19-98 9:18a VAULT1 INC 5,947 08-19-98 9:18a VAULT2 INC 2,657 08-19-98 9:18a VAULT3 INC 885 08-19-98 9:18a VAULT4 INC 1,491 08-19-98 9:18a SUPPL FOR 108,395 08-19-98 9:18a suppl.for SYVACD EXE 156,160 08-18-98 12:29p syvacd.exe SYVACD OLB 324,608 08-18-98 12:29p syvacd.olb MODELS DAT 2,538 08-19-98 9:18a models.dat;46 MODELS~1 DAT 2,298 08-19-98 9:18a models.dat;48 PARMS DAT 1,636 08-19-98 9:18a parms.dat;21 PARMS~1 DAT 1,559 08-19-98 9:18a parms.dat;24 SYSTEM DAT 518 08-19-98 9:18a system.dat;22 SYSTEM~1 DAT 518 08-19-98 9:18a system.dat;28 SYV SMP 5,208 08-18-98 12:29p syv.smp;3 SYV~1 SMP 5,040 08-18-98 12:29p syv.smp;4 DATSUM DAT 28,823 08-19-98 9:18a datsum.dat;3 DATSUM~1 DAT 28,856 08-19-98 9:18a datsum.dat;4 CASSUM DAT 2,882 08-19-98 9:18a cassum.dat;3 CASSUM~1 DAT 2,042 08-19-98 9:18a cassum.dat;4 NUCS DAT 1,762 08-19-98 9:18a nucs.dat;24 NUCS~1 DAT 2,338 08-19-98 9:18a nucs.dat;25 SHALLOWD DAT 471 08-19-98 9:18a shallowdir.dat SHALLOWG DAT 894 08-19-98 9:18a shallowgeo.dat DEEPSITE DAT 1,025 08-19-98 9:18a deepsite.dat USRLMT DAT 130 08-19-98 9:18a usrlmt.dat DSUMIP DBG 19,522 08-19-98 9:18a dsumip.dbg DSUMAC DBG 19,522 08-19-98 9:18a dsumac.dbg DOSSUM DBG 24,362 08-19-98 9:18a dossum.dbg 41 file(s) 1,404,341 bytes **************************************************************************** Notes: SYVAC uses the VAX standard mathematical library and also requires the NAG (Numerical Algorithms Group) library or an equivalent. The executable was not tested when received at RSICC in February 2000, but the system was implemented by the NEADB on a VAX 8810 computer running under VMS 4.3 in 1988.