ID#: C00839MNYCP00 RSICC#: CCC-839 PACKAGE NAME: MEGA COMPUTER: PCx86 Linux; MacOS X PACKAGED: 07/29/2016/2016 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 07/29/2016/2016 NEA-1889/01 **************************************************************** Transmitted on 1 CD with: Document in PDF format - C839.pdf **************************************************************** tar.gz file: 07/19/2016 11:36 AM 444,188 nea1889.tar.gz Extracted: 07/29/2016 01:36 PM CVF-command 07/29/2016 01:36 PM CVF-project 03/16/2016 12:12 PM 173,837 How-to-make-MEGA.docx 07/29/2016 01:36 PM ifort-command 07/29/2016 01:36 PM ifort-project 03/16/2016 12:12 PM 2,900 MEGA.inf 03/16/2016 12:12 PM 1,213 MEGA.OUT 03/16/2016 12:12 PM 16,811 mega.xlsx 07/29/2016 01:36 PM src 4 File(s) 194,761 bytes **************************************************************** RSICC packaged MEGA as it was recieved from the NEADB. Windows executable included. MacOS and Linux users will need a functional FORTRAN compiler.