ID# : C00804PCX8600 RSICC# : CCC-804 PACKAGE NAME: MCUNED COMPUTER : x86PC DATE : 05/03/2013 MOST RECENT UPDATE: ***************************************************************** Transmitted on one CD-R Disc with Documentation in PDF format: - C804.pdf 05/16/2013 06:15 PM exe 04/04/2013 01:56 PM 131,062 mcuned_patch 1 File(s) 131,062 bytes Total Files Listed: 6 File(s) 43,338,170 bytes 17 Dir(s) ***************************************************************** Included in the package is documentation, source patch, and executables for LINUX and Windows systems. The patch was applied to MCNPX v2.7.0 source included in RSICC package B00004MNYCP04. All executables were generated statically and should work on most systems. Executables were reviewed and tested on a Xeon quad core system running Windows 7 and Windows XP and AMD Operton running RedHat Enterprise Linux 6. Excutables were compiled using Intel 11.1 for the Windows executable and 12.0.4 for the Linux executable.