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Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ACDOS3AbstractC00442 C7600 00Calculation of Activities and Dose Rates Produced by Neutron Activation.
ACRA-TRITAbstractC00283 I0360 00The Tritium Version of ACRA-II, Estimation of Radiation Doses Caused by a Hypothetical Reactor Accident.
AGDATAAbstractD00127 I0360 00Two Agricultural Production Data Libraries (AGDATC and AGDATG) for Dose and Risk Assessment Models.
AIREMAbstractC00242 I3691 00Calculation of Doses, Population Doses, and Ground Depositions Due to Atmospheric Emissions of Radionuclides.
AIRGAMMAAbstractC00567 FM380 00A Program For The Calculation Of External Exposure To Gamma Rays From A Radioactive Cloud.
AIRSCATAbstractC00341 DP010 00Calculation of Dose Rate for Gamma-Rays Scattered in Air.
ALDOSEAbstractC00577 IBMPC 00Dose Calculation for Alpha Disc Source.
ALGAM-97AbstractC00152 I3675 00Monte Carlo Estimation of Internal Dose from Gamma-Ray Sources in a Phantom Man.
ARCAbstractC00224 C6600 00Aircraft Radiation Transport Code System, Crew Dose Calculation.
ARRRGAbstractC00404 U1100 00Calculation of Radiation Dose to Man from Radionuclides in the Environment.
ASTROSAbstractC00073 I7090 00Calculation of Primary and Secondary Proton Dose Rates in Spheres and Slabs of Tissue.
BRHGAMAbstractC00350 I3033 00Monte Carlo Estimation of Absorbed Dose from X-Ray Sources in Phantom Man.
BUSHAbstractC00333 I0360 00A Code to Calculate Radiation Doses Inside Buildings from Routine Releases of Radionuclides to the Atmosphere.
CAMERAAbstractC00240 C0074 00Radiation Transport Analysis Code System and the Computerized Man (CAM) Model.
CAMERAAbstractC00240 IBMPC 01Radiation Transport Analysis Code System and the Computerized Man (CAM) Model.
CASKCODESAbstractP00262 IBMPC 00CAPSIZE, SCOPE, AND KWIKDOSE for Shipping Cask Optimization, Dose Calculation, Parameter Evaluation, and Shielding Requirements.
CDRAbstractC00182 C6600 00A Constant Dose Range Code System, Using the LANL-NWEF Neutron-Gamma-Ray Air Flux Tape.
CDRAbstractC00182 I0360 00A Constant Dose Range Code System, Using the LANL-NWEF Neutron-Gamma-Ray Air Flux Tape.
COMRADEX4AbstractC00332 I0360 00Evaluator of Potential Radiological Doses in the Near (< 10 km) Environment of Radioactive Release.
CONDOS-IIAbstractC00416 I0360 00Code for Estimating Radiation Doses from Radionuclide-Containing Consumer Products.
DACRINAbstractC00273 U1100 00Airborne Radionuclide Organ Dose Calculational System.
DECDC 1.0AbstractD00213 MNYCP 00Nucear Decay Data Files for Radiation Dosimetry Calculations.
DINT-YAECAbstractC00306 ALLMF 00Evaluator of I1 and I2 Integrals as Used in Long-Term External Gamma-Ray Doses from Routine Atmospheric Releases.
DISDOSAbstractC00170 I0360 00Calculation of Dose Distribution in Human Phantoms Irradiated by External Photon Sources.
DKRAbstractC00323 CY000 00A Radioactivity and Dose Rate Calculation Code System for Fusion Reactors.
DOSDAT II-81AbstractD00079 I0370 00Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for External Exposure to Photons and Electrons.
DOSDAT-DOEAbstractD00144 ALLMF 00Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for External Exposure to Photons and Electrons.
DOSDAT-DOEAbstractD00144 IBMPC 01Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for External Exposure to Photons and Electrons.
DOSE 1AbstractC00165 I3675 00Gamma-Radiation Dosimetry for Arbitrary Source and Target Geometry.
DOSE-SGTRAbstractC00624 IBMPC 00Code System to Calculate the Integrated Iodine Release to the Environment During a Steam Generator Tube Rupture in a PWR.
DOSFACTER-DOEAbstractC00536 I3033 00Calculation of Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for Exposure to Photons and Electrons.
DRALISTAbstractD00080 ALLCP 00Radioactive Decay Data for Application to Radiation Dosimetry and Radiological Assessments.
EDISTRAbstractP00191 I3033 00Prepares a Nuclear Decay Data Base for Internal Radiation Dosimetry Calculations.
EDMULT 6.4AbstractC00430 MNYCP 02Evaluates Electron Depth-Dose Distributions in Multilayer Slab Absorbers.
EDNAAbstractC00104 I7090 00Electron Dose and Number Analysis Code by Kernel Integration.
EDOAbstractC00489 U1110 00A Code System in Fortran V for the Evaluation of Dose During Normal Operation of a Nuclear Power Plant.
EFDOSAbstractC00411 I0360 00Calculation of Effective Committed Dose Equivalents by Inhalation of Radioactive Materials Occurring in Routine Atmospheric Releases from Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities.
EGADAbstractC00206 I0360 00Calculation of Dose from External Gamma-Ray Emitters.
ELBAAbstractC00119 I0360 00Electron and Bremsstrahlung Dose Rate Code.
EMERALDAbstractC00211 I0360 00Calculation of Activity Releases and Potential Doses from a Pressurized Water Reactor Plant.
EMERALD-NORMALAbstractC00250 I0370 00Calculation of Activity Releases and Potential Doses from the Normal Operation of a Pressurized Water Reactor Plant.
ESDORAAbstractC00183 U1108 00Fission Product Inventory and Gamma-Ray Dose Rate from a Radioactive Cloud System.
EXPRESSAbstractC00622 MNYCP 00Exact Preparedness Supporting System.
FGR-DOSEAbstractD00167 ALLCP 01Dose Coefficients from Federal Guidance Reports 11 and 12.
FONTAAbstractC00423 S4044 00Code System For Calculating Individual And Collective Doses From Reactor Accidents Using Pasquill's Plume Model.
FOODAbstractC00403 U1108 00Calculation of Radiation Dose to Man from Radionuclides in the Environment.
GALE86AbstractC00506 MNYCP 02Calculation of Routine Radioactive Releases in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors.
GASPARAbstractC00463 I3033 01Calculates Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Air Releases of Nuclear Reactor Effluents.
GASPAR IIAbstractC00463 D0780 00Calculates Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Air Releases of Nuclear Reactor Effluents.
GENII 2.10AbstractC00737 PCX86 02Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System.
GENII-LIN 2.1AbstractC00728 PC586 01GENII-LIN Multipurpose Health Physics Code System with a New Object-Oriented Interface, Release 2.0.
GRACE-IIAbstractC00026 I3675 00Gamma Ray Kernel Integration Dose Rate and Heating Code-Cylinders and Spheres.
HABIT 1.1AbstractC00665 IBMPC 01Code System for Evaluation of Control Room Habitability.
HADOCAbstractC00452 U1100 00Calculates External and Inhalation Doses from Acute Radionuclide Releases on the Hanford Site.
IDCAbstractC00384 I0360 00ICRP Dosimetric Calculational System.
INDOSAbstractC00236 DP010 00Conversational Computer Code Systems to Implement ICRP-10-10A Models for Estimation of Internal Radiation Dose to Man.
INDOSE V2.1.1AbstractC00720 PC586 00Internal Dosimetry Code System Using Biokinetics Models
INGDOSAbstractC00408 DP010 00A Conversational Code System Designed to Implement NRC Reg-Guide 1.109 Models for Estimation of Annual Doses from Ingestion of Atmospherically Released Radionuclides in Foods.
INREM IIAbstractC00392 I3033 00Computer Implementation of Recent Models for Estimating the Dose Equivalent to Organs of Man from an Inhaled or Ingested Radionuclide.
INREM/EXREMAbstractC00185 I0360 00Beta and Gamma Radiation Environmental Dose Code Systems.
IODESAbstractC00365 I0360 00A Code System for Calculating the Estimation of Dose to the World Population from Releases of Iodine-129 to the Environment.
IRDAMAbstractC00524 IPCXT 00Interactive Rapid Dose Assessment Model.
IRDF-2002AbstractD00229 MNYCP 01The International Reactor Dosimetry File.
I-R-MANAbstractD00050 ALLCP 00Photon Interaction Data on ICRP Reference Man.
KERNELAbstractC00672 IBMPC 00Monte Carlo Code System for Electron (Positron) Dose Kernel Calculations.
KRONICAbstractC00229 I0360 00Calculation of Annual Average External (Beta and Gamma Radiation) Doses from Chronic Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
KRONICAbstractC00229 U1108 00Calculation of Annual Average External (Beta and Gamma Radiation) Doses from Chronic Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
LADTAP IIAbstractC00363 C7600 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents.
LADTAP IIAbstractC00363 D0780 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents.
LADTAP IIAbstractC00363 I3033 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents.
LEPRICONAbstractP00277 I3033 01PWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Analysis System.
LEPRICONAbstractP00277 IRISC 00PWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Analysis System.
LIONSAbstractC00247 I0360 00Calculation of Fission Product Inventory, Gamma-Ray Dose Rates and Gamma-Ray Doses by Kernel Integration.
LOGNORMLAbstractP00307 IPCAT 00Lognormal Probability Analysis Code System for Estimating Doses in Epidemiologic Studies.
LPGSAbstractC00385 I3033 00Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure Resulting from Accidental Radioactive Releases to the Hydrosphere.
LSHINSEAbstractC00554 IBMPC 00Calculates Flux and Dose Rate from the Scattering of Radiation in Air.
LSVDCAbstractC00053 I7090 00Space Vehicle Dose Calculation.
LSVDCAbstractC00053 I7090 01Space Vehicle Dose Calculation.
MAGIKAbstractC00359 I0360 00A Monte Carlo Code System for Computing Induced Residual Activation Dose Rates.
MCFLAREAbstractC00093 I7090 00Monte Carlo Code to Simulate Solar Flare Events and Estimate Probable Doses Encountered on Interplanetary Missions.
MESORAD 1.4AbstractC00677 D0VAX 00Code System for Emergency Response Dose Assessment.
MILDOSAbstractC00398 C0000 00Calculation of Radiation Doses from Uranium Recovery Operations.
MILDOS-AREAAbstractC00608 IBMPC 00Calculation of Radiation Dose from Uranium Recovery Operations for Large-Area Sources.
NRCDOSE 2.3.20AbstractC00684 PC586 14Code System for Evaluating Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with a Windows Interface.
NRCDOSE72V1.2.3AbstractC00768 PCX86 03Code System for Evaluating Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with a Windows Interface.
NUCCONAbstractC00439 S7800 00A Code System for Calculation of Time-Dependent Nuclide Concentrations, Activity, Gamma-Ray Dose Rate and Biological Hazard Potential of Fusion Reactor Materials Due to Neutron Irradiation.
NUCDECAYAbstractD00172 PC386 01Nuclear Decay Data for Radiation Dosimetry Calculations for ICRP and MIRD.
NUCDECAYCALCAbstractD00202 PC586 00Nuclear Decay Data for Radiation Dosimetry Calculations for ICRP.
NUCHARTAbstractP00545 IBMPC 00Nuclear Properties and Decay Data Chart of Nuclides.
ORION-IIAbstractC00491 FM780 00A Computer Code to Estimate Environmental Concentration and Dose Due to Airborne Release of Radioactive Material.
PABLMAbstractC00402 U1100 00Calculation of Accumulated Radiation Doses to Man from Radionuclides Found in Food Products and from Radionuclides in the Environment.
PIEDECAbstractC00566 FM380 00A Practical Internal Exposure Dose Evaluation Code.
PLUDOSAbstractC00313 I0360 00Calculator of Ground Level External Gamma-Ray Dose from a Radioactive Plume.
PLUMEXAbstractC00356 I0360 00A Computer Program to Evaluate External Exposures to a Gaussian Plume by Point Kernel Integration.
PRESTO-IIAbstractC00504 I0360 00Code System for Low-Level Waste Environmental Transport and Risk Assessment.
PUSHLDAbstractC00271 C0074 00Gamma-Ray Three-Dimensional Calculation of Dose Rates from Plutonium in Various Geometries.
QBFAbstractC00617 PC386 00Code System to Calculate Radiation Dose Rates Relative to Spent Fuel Shipping Casks.
QUINCE-PCAbstractC00556 IBMPC 00Calculates Absorbed Dose From Skin Contamination.
RABFIN PARTSAbstractC00668 IBMPC 00Code System for Calculating Gaseous Effluent Dose Parameters.
RACERAbstractC00174 U1108 00Calculation of Potential External Dose from Airborne Fission Products Following Postulated Reactor Accident.
RADOSAbstractC00088 I3675 00Gamma-Ray Dose Estimation from Cloud of Radioactive Gases by Kernel Integration.
RADSHIP-2AbstractC00523 FM200 00Code System To Analyze Radiological Impact From Radwaste Transportation.
RADTRAD 3.03AbstractC00800 IBMPC 00A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation.
RADTRAD 3.03-EXEAbstractC00800 IBMPC 01A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation.
RBDAbstractC00632 IBMPC 00U.S. Army Radiological Bioassay and Dosimetry.
REBEL 3AbstractC00299 I0360 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
REBEL-2AbstractC00299 ICL00 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
REBEL-2AbstractC00299 C6600 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
REPCAbstractP00195 C0000 00Estimation of Nuclear Reaction Effects in Proton-Tissue-Dose Calculations.
AbstractC00623 IBMPC 02Radiological Risk Assessment Code System for Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation.
SCIP V1.1AbstractC00749 PCX86 00Radioactive Surface Contamination Investigation Program.
SFACTORAbstractC00310 I0360 00Dose Equivalent to a Target Organ Calculator.
SHADRAC(G-30)AbstractC00084 I7090 00Kernel Integration Code - Shield Heating and Dose Rate Calculation in Complex Geometry.
SHIELDOSEAbstractC00379 ALLMF 00Code System for Space Shielding Radiation Dose Calculations.
SHIELDOSE-PCAbstractC00379 IBMPC 00Code System for Space Shielding Radiation Dose Calculations.
SKYIII-PCAbstractC00289 IBMPC 01Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air.
SKYSHINE-IIIAbstractC00289 D0VAX 00Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air.
SKYSHINE-KSUAbstractC00646 IBMPC 03Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air.
SMART/MANYCASKAbstractC00482 FM200 00A Program for Calculating Radiation Dose Rates.
SMAUG-13AbstractC00194 C6600 00Calculation of Neutron and Prompt Gamma-Ray Doses Resulting from an Atmospheric Nuclear Detonation.
SNLRMLAbstractD00178 ALLCP 00Recommended Dosimetry Cross Section Compendium.
SOURCES-4CAbstractC00661 MNYCP 04Code System for Calculating (alpha,n), Spontaneous Fission, and Delayed Neutron Sources and Spectra.
SPACETRAN 1;2;3AbstractC00120 I3675 00Dose Calculations at Detectors at Various Distances from the Surface of a Cylinder.
STAY'SLAbstractP00113 DP010 00Least Squares Dosimetry Unfolding Code System.
SUBDOSA-IIAbstractC00270 U1100 00Calculation of External Gamma-Ray and Beta-Ray Doses from Accidental Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
TIMEDAbstractC00292 I0360 00Calculation of Cumulated Activity of a Radionuclide in the Organs of the Human Body at a Given Time After Deposition.
TRG-SGDAbstractC00025 C0000 00Calculation of Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rate from a Nuclear Weapon Detonation-Monte Carlo Method.
UDAD IXAbstractC00685 I0370 00Uranium Dispersion & Dosimetry Model.
UMIBIOAbstractC00680 I3033 00Code System to Model Uranium Mills Bioassay Dosimetry.
UNGERAbstractD00164 PC386 00Effective Dose Equivalent for Specific Radionuclides.
WEERIEAbstractC00426 I3033 00Code System for Assessing the Radiological Consequences of Airborne Effluents from Nuclear Installations.
WHATIF-AQAbstractC00561 B7800 00A Computer Program For Speciation Calculation.
WRAITHAbstractC00427 U1100 00Code System for Calculating Internal and External Doses Resulting from an Atmospheric Release of Radioactive Material.
ZYLIND-PCAbstractC00557 IBMPC 00An Interactive Point Kernel Program For Photon Dose Rate Prediction of Cylindrical Source/Shield Arrangements.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) is a Department of Energy Specialized Information Analysis Center (SIAC) authorized to collect, analyze, maintain, and distribute computer software and data sets in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Reactor and Nuclear Systems Division (RNSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.