Package Name | Abstract | RSICC Tapelist | Title |
ACDOS3 | Abstract | C00442 C7600 00 | Calculation of Activities and Dose Rates Produced by Neutron Activation. |
ACRA-TRIT | Abstract | C00283 I0360 00 | The Tritium Version of ACRA-II, Estimation of Radiation Doses Caused by a Hypothetical Reactor Accident. |
AGDATA | Abstract | D00127 I0360 00 | Two Agricultural Production Data Libraries (AGDATC and AGDATG) for Dose and Risk Assessment Models. |
AIREM | Abstract | C00242 I3691 00 | Calculation of Doses, Population Doses, and Ground Depositions Due to Atmospheric Emissions of Radionuclides. |
AIRGAMMA | Abstract | C00567 FM380 00 | A Program For The Calculation Of External Exposure To Gamma Rays From A Radioactive Cloud. |
AIRSCAT | Abstract | C00341 DP010 00 | Calculation of Dose Rate for Gamma-Rays Scattered in Air. |
ALDOSE | Abstract | C00577 IBMPC 00 | Dose Calculation for Alpha Disc Source. |
ALGAM-97 | Abstract | C00152 I3675 00 | Monte Carlo Estimation of Internal Dose from Gamma-Ray Sources in a Phantom Man. |
ARC | Abstract | C00224 C6600 00 | Aircraft Radiation Transport Code System, Crew Dose Calculation. |
ARRRG | Abstract | C00404 U1100 00 | Calculation of Radiation Dose to Man from Radionuclides in the Environment. |
ASTROS | Abstract | C00073 I7090 00 | Calculation of Primary and Secondary Proton Dose Rates in Spheres and Slabs of Tissue. |
BRHGAM | Abstract | C00350 I3033 00 | Monte Carlo Estimation of Absorbed Dose from X-Ray Sources in Phantom Man. |
BUSH | Abstract | C00333 I0360 00 | A Code to Calculate Radiation Doses Inside Buildings from Routine Releases of Radionuclides to the Atmosphere. |
CAMERA | Abstract | C00240 C0074 00 | Radiation Transport Analysis Code System and the Computerized Man (CAM) Model. |
CAMERA | Abstract | C00240 IBMPC 01 | Radiation Transport Analysis Code System and the Computerized Man (CAM) Model. |
CASKCODES | Abstract | P00262 IBMPC 00 | CAPSIZE, SCOPE, AND KWIKDOSE for Shipping Cask Optimization, Dose Calculation, Parameter Evaluation, and Shielding Requirements. |
CDR | Abstract | C00182 C6600 00 | A Constant Dose Range Code System, Using the LANL-NWEF Neutron-Gamma-Ray Air Flux Tape. |
CDR | Abstract | C00182 I0360 00 | A Constant Dose Range Code System, Using the LANL-NWEF Neutron-Gamma-Ray Air Flux Tape. |
COMRADEX4 | Abstract | C00332 I0360 00 | Evaluator of Potential Radiological Doses in the Near (< 10 km) Environment of Radioactive Release. |
CONDOS-II | Abstract | C00416 I0360 00 | Code for Estimating Radiation Doses from Radionuclide-Containing Consumer Products. |
DACRIN | Abstract | C00273 U1100 00 | Airborne Radionuclide Organ Dose Calculational System. |
DECDC 1.0 | Abstract | D00213 MNYCP 00 | Nucear Decay Data Files for Radiation Dosimetry Calculations. |
DINT-YAEC | Abstract | C00306 ALLMF 00 | Evaluator of I1 and I2 Integrals as Used in Long-Term External Gamma-Ray Doses from Routine Atmospheric Releases. |
DISDOS | Abstract | C00170 I0360 00 | Calculation of Dose Distribution in Human Phantoms Irradiated by External Photon Sources. |
DKR | Abstract | C00323 CY000 00 | A Radioactivity and Dose Rate Calculation Code System for Fusion Reactors. |
DOSDAT II-81 | Abstract | D00079 I0370 00 | Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for External Exposure to Photons and Electrons. |
DOSDAT-DOE | Abstract | D00144 ALLMF 00 | Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for External Exposure to Photons and Electrons. |
DOSDAT-DOE | Abstract | D00144 IBMPC 01 | Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for External Exposure to Photons and Electrons. |
DOSE 1 | Abstract | C00165 I3675 00 | Gamma-Radiation Dosimetry for Arbitrary Source and Target Geometry. |
DOSE-SGTR | Abstract | C00624 IBMPC 00 | Code System to Calculate the Integrated Iodine Release to the Environment During a Steam Generator Tube Rupture in a PWR. |
DOSFACTER-DOE | Abstract | C00536 I3033 00 | Calculation of Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for Exposure to Photons and Electrons. |
DRALIST | Abstract | D00080 ALLCP 00 | Radioactive Decay Data for Application to Radiation Dosimetry and Radiological Assessments. |
EDISTR | Abstract | P00191 I3033 00 | Prepares a Nuclear Decay Data Base for Internal Radiation Dosimetry Calculations. |
EDMULT 6.4 | Abstract | C00430 MNYCP 02 | Evaluates Electron Depth-Dose Distributions in Multilayer Slab Absorbers. |
EDNA | Abstract | C00104 I7090 00 | Electron Dose and Number Analysis Code by Kernel Integration. |
EDO | Abstract | C00489 U1110 00 | A Code System in Fortran V for the Evaluation of Dose During Normal Operation of a Nuclear Power Plant. |
EFDOS | Abstract | C00411 I0360 00 | Calculation of Effective Committed Dose Equivalents by Inhalation of Radioactive Materials Occurring in Routine Atmospheric Releases from Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities. |
EGAD | Abstract | C00206 I0360 00 | Calculation of Dose from External Gamma-Ray Emitters. |
ELBA | Abstract | C00119 I0360 00 | Electron and Bremsstrahlung Dose Rate Code. |
EMERALD | Abstract | C00211 I0360 00 | Calculation of Activity Releases and Potential Doses from a Pressurized Water Reactor Plant. |
EMERALD-NORMAL | Abstract | C00250 I0370 00 | Calculation of Activity Releases and Potential Doses from the Normal Operation of a Pressurized Water Reactor Plant. |
ESDORA | Abstract | C00183 U1108 00 | Fission Product Inventory and Gamma-Ray Dose Rate from a Radioactive Cloud System. |
EXPRESS | Abstract | C00622 MNYCP 00 | Exact Preparedness Supporting System. |
FGR-DOSE | Abstract | D00167 ALLCP 01 | Dose Coefficients from Federal Guidance Reports 11 and 12. |
FONTA | Abstract | C00423 S4044 00 | Code System For Calculating Individual And Collective Doses From Reactor Accidents Using Pasquill's Plume Model. |
FOOD | Abstract | C00403 U1108 00 | Calculation of Radiation Dose to Man from Radionuclides in the Environment. |
GALE86 | Abstract | C00506 MNYCP 02 | Calculation of Routine Radioactive Releases in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Boiling Water and Pressurized Water Reactors. |
GASPAR | Abstract | C00463 I3033 01 | Calculates Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Air Releases of Nuclear Reactor Effluents. |
GASPAR II | Abstract | C00463 D0780 00 | Calculates Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Air Releases of Nuclear Reactor Effluents. |
GENII 2.10 | Abstract | C00737 PCX86 02 | Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System. |
GENII-LIN 2.1 | Abstract | C00728 PC586 01 | GENII-LIN Multipurpose Health Physics Code System with a New Object-Oriented Interface, Release 2.0. |
GRACE-II | Abstract | C00026 I3675 00 | Gamma Ray Kernel Integration Dose Rate and Heating Code-Cylinders and Spheres. |
HABIT 1.1 | Abstract | C00665 IBMPC 01 | Code System for Evaluation of Control Room Habitability. |
HADOC | Abstract | C00452 U1100 00 | Calculates External and Inhalation Doses from Acute Radionuclide Releases on the Hanford Site. |
IDC | Abstract | C00384 I0360 00 | ICRP Dosimetric Calculational System. |
INDOS | Abstract | C00236 DP010 00 | Conversational Computer Code Systems to Implement ICRP-10-10A Models for Estimation of Internal Radiation Dose to Man. |
INDOSE V2.1.1 | Abstract | C00720 PC586 00 | Internal Dosimetry Code System Using Biokinetics Models |
INGDOS | Abstract | C00408 DP010 00 | A Conversational Code System Designed to Implement NRC Reg-Guide 1.109 Models for Estimation of Annual Doses from Ingestion of Atmospherically Released Radionuclides in Foods. |
INREM II | Abstract | C00392 I3033 00 | Computer Implementation of Recent Models for Estimating the Dose Equivalent to Organs of Man from an Inhaled or Ingested Radionuclide. |
INREM/EXREM | Abstract | C00185 I0360 00 | Beta and Gamma Radiation Environmental Dose Code Systems. |
IODES | Abstract | C00365 I0360 00 | A Code System for Calculating the Estimation of Dose to the World Population from Releases of Iodine-129 to the Environment. |
IRDAM | Abstract | C00524 IPCXT 00 | Interactive Rapid Dose Assessment Model. |
IRDF-2002 | Abstract | D00229 MNYCP 01 | The International Reactor Dosimetry File. |
I-R-MAN | Abstract | D00050 ALLCP 00 | Photon Interaction Data on ICRP Reference Man. |
KERNEL | Abstract | C00672 IBMPC 00 | Monte Carlo Code System for Electron (Positron) Dose Kernel Calculations. |
KRONIC | Abstract | C00229 I0360 00 | Calculation of Annual Average External (Beta and Gamma Radiation) Doses from Chronic Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides. |
KRONIC | Abstract | C00229 U1108 00 | Calculation of Annual Average External (Beta and Gamma Radiation) Doses from Chronic Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides. |
LADTAP II | Abstract | C00363 C7600 00 | Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents. |
LADTAP II | Abstract | C00363 D0780 00 | Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents. |
LADTAP II | Abstract | C00363 I3033 00 | Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents. |
LEPRICON | Abstract | P00277 I3033 01 | PWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Analysis System. |
LEPRICON | Abstract | P00277 IRISC 00 | PWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Analysis System. |
LIONS | Abstract | C00247 I0360 00 | Calculation of Fission Product Inventory, Gamma-Ray Dose Rates and Gamma-Ray Doses by Kernel Integration. |
LOGNORML | Abstract | P00307 IPCAT 00 | Lognormal Probability Analysis Code System for Estimating Doses in Epidemiologic Studies. |
LPGS | Abstract | C00385 I3033 00 | Code System for Calculating Radiation Exposure Resulting from Accidental Radioactive Releases to the Hydrosphere. |
LSHINSE | Abstract | C00554 IBMPC 00 | Calculates Flux and Dose Rate from the Scattering of Radiation in Air. |
LSVDC | Abstract | C00053 I7090 00 | Space Vehicle Dose Calculation. |
LSVDC | Abstract | C00053 I7090 01 | Space Vehicle Dose Calculation. |
MAGIK | Abstract | C00359 I0360 00 | A Monte Carlo Code System for Computing Induced Residual Activation Dose Rates. |
MCFLARE | Abstract | C00093 I7090 00 | Monte Carlo Code to Simulate Solar Flare Events and Estimate Probable Doses Encountered on Interplanetary Missions. |
MESORAD 1.4 | Abstract | C00677 D0VAX 00 | Code System for Emergency Response Dose Assessment. |
MILDOS | Abstract | C00398 C0000 00 | Calculation of Radiation Doses from Uranium Recovery Operations. |
MILDOS-AREA | Abstract | C00608 IBMPC 00 | Calculation of Radiation Dose from Uranium Recovery Operations for Large-Area Sources. |
NRCDOSE 2.3.20 | Abstract | C00684 PC586 14 | Code System for Evaluating Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with a Windows Interface. |
NRCDOSE72V1.2.3 | Abstract | C00768 PCX86 03 | Code System for Evaluating Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with a Windows Interface. |
NUCCON | Abstract | C00439 S7800 00 | A Code System for Calculation of Time-Dependent Nuclide Concentrations, Activity, Gamma-Ray Dose Rate and Biological Hazard Potential of Fusion Reactor Materials Due to Neutron Irradiation. |
NUCDECAY | Abstract | D00172 PC386 01 | Nuclear Decay Data for Radiation Dosimetry Calculations for ICRP and MIRD. |
NUCDECAYCALC | Abstract | D00202 PC586 00 | Nuclear Decay Data for Radiation Dosimetry Calculations for ICRP. |
NUCHART | Abstract | P00545 IBMPC 00 | Nuclear Properties and Decay Data Chart of Nuclides. |
ORION-II | Abstract | C00491 FM780 00 | A Computer Code to Estimate Environmental Concentration and Dose Due to Airborne Release of Radioactive Material. |
PABLM | Abstract | C00402 U1100 00 | Calculation of Accumulated Radiation Doses to Man from Radionuclides Found in Food Products and from Radionuclides in the Environment. |
PIEDEC | Abstract | C00566 FM380 00 | A Practical Internal Exposure Dose Evaluation Code. |
PLUDOS | Abstract | C00313 I0360 00 | Calculator of Ground Level External Gamma-Ray Dose from a Radioactive Plume. |
PLUMEX | Abstract | C00356 I0360 00 | A Computer Program to Evaluate External Exposures to a Gaussian Plume by Point Kernel Integration. |
PRESTO-II | Abstract | C00504 I0360 00 | Code System for Low-Level Waste Environmental Transport and Risk Assessment. |
PUSHLD | Abstract | C00271 C0074 00 | Gamma-Ray Three-Dimensional Calculation of Dose Rates from Plutonium in Various Geometries. |
QBF | Abstract | C00617 PC386 00 | Code System to Calculate Radiation Dose Rates Relative to Spent Fuel Shipping Casks. |
QUINCE-PC | Abstract | C00556 IBMPC 00 | Calculates Absorbed Dose From Skin Contamination. |
RABFIN PARTS | Abstract | C00668 IBMPC 00 | Code System for Calculating Gaseous Effluent Dose Parameters. |
RACER | Abstract | C00174 U1108 00 | Calculation of Potential External Dose from Airborne Fission Products Following Postulated Reactor Accident. |
RADOS | Abstract | C00088 I3675 00 | Gamma-Ray Dose Estimation from Cloud of Radioactive Gases by Kernel Integration. |
RADSHIP-2 | Abstract | C00523 FM200 00 | Code System To Analyze Radiological Impact From Radwaste Transportation. |
RADTRAD 3.03 | Abstract | C00800 IBMPC 00 | A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation. |
RADTRAD 3.03-EXE | Abstract | C00800 IBMPC 01 | A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation. |
RBD | Abstract | C00632 IBMPC 00 | U.S. Army Radiological Bioassay and Dosimetry. |
REBEL 3 | Abstract | C00299 I0360 00 | Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms. |
REBEL-2 | Abstract | C00299 C6600 00 | Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms. |
REBEL-2 | Abstract | C00299 ICL00 00 | Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms. |
REPC | Abstract | P00195 C0000 00 | Estimation of Nuclear Reaction Effects in Proton-Tissue-Dose Calculations. |
RISKIND 2.0 FEDC | Abstract | C00623 IBMPC 02 | Radiological Risk Assessment Code System for Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation. |
SCIP V1.1 | Abstract | C00749 PCX86 00 | Radioactive Surface Contamination Investigation Program. |
SFACTOR | Abstract | C00310 I0360 00 | Dose Equivalent to a Target Organ Calculator. |
SHADRAC(G-30) | Abstract | C00084 I7090 00 | Kernel Integration Code - Shield Heating and Dose Rate Calculation in Complex Geometry. |
SHIELDOSE | Abstract | C00379 ALLMF 00 | Code System for Space Shielding Radiation Dose Calculations. |
SHIELDOSE-PC | Abstract | C00379 IBMPC 00 | Code System for Space Shielding Radiation Dose Calculations. |
SKYIII-PC | Abstract | C00289 IBMPC 01 | Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air. |
SKYSHINE-III | Abstract | C00289 D0VAX 00 | Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air. |
SKYSHINE-KSU | Abstract | C00646 IBMPC 03 | Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air. |
SMART/MANYCASK | Abstract | C00482 FM200 00 | A Program for Calculating Radiation Dose Rates. |
SMAUG-13 | Abstract | C00194 C6600 00 | Calculation of Neutron and Prompt Gamma-Ray Doses Resulting from an Atmospheric Nuclear Detonation. |
SNLRML | Abstract | D00178 ALLCP 00 | Recommended Dosimetry Cross Section Compendium. |
SOURCES-4C | Abstract | C00661 MNYCP 04 | Code System for Calculating (alpha,n), Spontaneous Fission, and Delayed Neutron Sources and Spectra. |
SPACETRAN 1;2;3 | Abstract | C00120 I3675 00 | Dose Calculations at Detectors at Various Distances from the Surface of a Cylinder. |
STAY'SL | Abstract | P00113 DP010 00 | Least Squares Dosimetry Unfolding Code System. |
SUBDOSA-II | Abstract | C00270 U1100 00 | Calculation of External Gamma-Ray and Beta-Ray Doses from Accidental Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides. |
TIMED | Abstract | C00292 I0360 00 | Calculation of Cumulated Activity of a Radionuclide in the Organs of the Human Body at a Given Time After Deposition. |
TRG-SGD | Abstract | C00025 C0000 00 | Calculation of Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rate from a Nuclear Weapon Detonation-Monte Carlo Method. |
UDAD IX | Abstract | C00685 I0370 00 | Uranium Dispersion & Dosimetry Model. |
UMIBIO | Abstract | C00680 I3033 00 | Code System to Model Uranium Mills Bioassay Dosimetry. |
UNGER | Abstract | D00164 PC386 00 | Effective Dose Equivalent for Specific Radionuclides. |
WEERIE | Abstract | C00426 I3033 00 | Code System for Assessing the Radiological Consequences of Airborne Effluents from Nuclear Installations. |
WHATIF-AQ | Abstract | C00561 B7800 00 | A Computer Program For Speciation Calculation. |
WRAITH | Abstract | C00427 U1100 00 | Code System for Calculating Internal and External Doses Resulting from an Atmospheric Release of Radioactive Material. |
ZYLIND-PC | Abstract | C00557 IBMPC 00 | An Interactive Point Kernel Program For Photon Dose Rate Prediction of Cylindrical Source/Shield Arrangements. |