ID#: D00080IALLCP00 A subset of DLC-080 is available RSICC# DLC-080 on 3 DS/DD diskettes. See notes CODE PKG NAME: DRALIST at end of page for details. COMPUTER: IBM 360/370; VAX PACKAGED: 1-15-81 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 6-6-88 ************************************************************************ LOGICAL DCB DESCRIPTION MODE RECORDS PARAMETERS ************************************************************************ F01 MEDPRINT Source Program (FORTRAN IV) ASCII 240 FB 3200 80 (Edits the Decay Data on IBM) F02 DRALIST Radioactive Decay Data | 28237 | | | (MEDLIST Output Format) F03 JCL and Input Data for MEDPRINT Sample | 18 | | | Edit F04 MEDPRINT Sample Edit Output | 736 | 2660 133 F05 Listing of Titles of Isotopes in DRALIST | 563 | 3200 80 F06 Decay Branching Data for Isotopes in | 496 | | | DRALIST (9/28/87) F07 DRALIST Radioactive Decay Data (6/2/82) | 8201 | | | in Simplified Format (Kocher's Format) F08 MEDPRINT - Interactive Fortran program to | 245 | | | read and list radioactive decay data in file 2 on a Vax computer (6/6/88) ******* TOTAL 38,736 ************************************************************************ Files 5, 6, and 7 are available on diskette for use on a PC. Three DS/DD diskettes are required for transmittal. The following is a list of the READ.ME file included on diskette. These 3 dsdd diskettes contain a subset of the DRALIST package. Radioactive decay data for application to radiation dosimetry. Same data as in DOE/TIC-11026 by D. C. Kocher. Kocher format only (does not include ENDF-like MEDLIST format.) Table 1, nuclide-ordered data, is contained in 9 data files. Two other files contain the isotope list and the branching data. DLC-080 files 5 (titles of isotopes) and 6 (decay branching data for isotopes) are on diskette 1 of 3 and have filenames FILE.05 and FILE.06. DLC-080 file 7 (radioactive decay data in simplified format) has been split into 9 files. Diskette 2 of 3 contains the first 7 files named FILE.1 - FILE.7. Diskette 3 of 3 contains files named FILE.8 and FILE.9.