RSICC ID: DLC-213 (D213mnycp00) Code Package Name: DECDC 1.0 Computer: IBM PC, UNIX Workstation Packaged: 05/21 /2001 Most Recent Update: ************************************************************************** Transmitted on one CD ROM as a self-extracting compressed Windows file. ************************************************************************** contents of diskette for PC users: 05/21/2001 3.37pm 11,010KB D213DOS0.EXE self-extracting file You may expand the files by clicking on D213DOS0.EXE. Alternately, you may open a DOS window and type the commands below. Assume your hard drive is c: and your CD ROM is e: (After typing the following commands, a directory called 'DECDC' will be created and the following subdirectories will be extracted. c: e:\D213mnycp00.exe Directory DECDC 05/21/2001 03:54p