ID#: D00144IBMPC01 RSIC# DLC-144B MICRO DATA PKG NAME: DOSDAT-DOE COMPUTER: IBM PC PACKAGED: 11/7/88 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 10/10/89 ************************************************************************** NO. OF NO. OF DISKETTE (1) MODE FILES BYTES ************************************************************************** The package requires one DS/DD diskette for transmittal. FILES: 1. DOSDAT.EXE (compressed files) (9/89) binary 1 175K 2. README.DOC (notes) ASCII 1 1.7K File 1 will decompress to the following files: 1. DOSDAT (Dose factor data) (9/89) ASCII 1 500K 2. READ.EXE (Retrieval program) binary 1 33K 3. READ.FOR (Fortran source) ASCII 1 3K 4. READ.OUT (Sample output) ASCII 1 12K 5. DOS.DAT (Sample input) ASCII 1 9K ************************************************************************** NOTE 1: The files must be decompressed. Place the distribution diskette on drive A and from a hard disk directory or a 360KB diskette, issue the DOS command: C> a:dosdat NOTE 2: Executable module was tested on an IBM PC with 640K memory and 8087 co-processor; a co-processor is required The program was compiled by a Ryan-McFarland compiler Rev. 2.42. (see README.DOC). NOTE 3: DOSDAT-DOE was generated by CCC-536/DOSFACTER-DOE using DLC-80/DRALIST as input. An error in DOSFACTER-DOE necessitated the October 1989 replacement of DOSDAT-DOE.