ID#: D00178ALLCP00 1 DS/HD 3.5" 1.44 MB DOS diskette RSIC#: DLC178 CODE PKG NAME: SNLRML COMPUTER: All Computers PACKAGED: 07/11/94 MOST RECENT UPDATE: ***************************************************************************** FILENAME DESCRIPTION MODE SIZE ***************************************************************************** 1. README.RSI RSIC information file ASCII 313 2. SNLRML.LIB Sandia National Laboratory ASCII 874,933 Radiation Metrology Laboratory Cross Section Compendium ***************************************************************************** Note: SNLRML is designed for use with the PSR-345/SNL-SAND-II code (UNIX, esp. SUN workstations). This data file is also included in the P00345/SUN04/00 package as cstape/input/snlrml.lib *****************************************************************************