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Packages with Keyword: COMPLEX GEOMETRY
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
3DDTAbstractC00605 C6600 00Multigroup Diffusion Code System for Use in Fast Reactor Analysis.
ACOHAbstractC00191 I3675 00Aerojet COHORT Monte Carlo Code System.
AIRTRANSAbstractC00110 I3675 00Monte Carlo Time and Energy-Dependent Three-Dimensional Radiation Transport Code.
AKERNAbstractC00190 C0000 00Aerojet Point Kernel Integration Calculational System.
AKERNAbstractC00190 U1108 00Aerojet Point Kernel Integration Calculational System.
ALBEMOAbstractC00268 C6600 00Albedo Monte Carlo Code System.
ARCAbstractC00224 C6600 00Aircraft Radiation Transport Code System, Crew Dose Calculation.
AT123DAbstractC00417 I0360 00Analytical Transient One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Simulation of Waste Transport in an Aquifer System.
BERMUDAAbstractC00616 FV260 03Discrete Ordinates Code System for Shielding Analysis for Use with Fusion and Fission Reactors.
BETA IIAbstractC00117 C6600 00Monte Carlo Bremsstrahlung and Electron Transport Analysis in Geometry.
BETA IIAbstractC00117 I0360 00Monte Carlo Bremsstrahlung and Electron Transport Analysis in Geometry.
BMC-MGAbstractC00291 C6600 00Multigroup Monte Carlo Neutron and Gamma-Ray Shielding Code System for Plutonium.
BOLD VENTURE IVAbstractC00459 I3033 00A Reactor Analysis Code System.
BOT3P-5.3AbstractP00530 MNYCP 02Code System for 2D and 3D Mesh Generation and Graphical Display of Geometry and Results for Radiation Transport Codes.
CAFDATSAbstractP00549 MNYCP 00Converter of Angular Fluxes of DORT, ANISN and TORT Systems.
CALOR95AbstractC00610 MNYWS 00Monte Carlo Code System for Design and Analysis of Calorimeter Systems, Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Target Systems, etc.
CAVEATAbstractC00169 I3675 00General Purpose Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Radiation Transport Code in Complex Geometry.
CGS 11.4AbstractP00243 MFMWS 03Common Graphics System.
CITATION-LDI 2AbstractC00643 PC386 02Nuclear Reactor Core Analysis Code System.
CNCSN 2009AbstractC00726 PCX86 01One, Two- and Three-Dimensional Coupled Neutral and Charged Particle SN Parallel Multi-Threaded Code System.
COG11.1AbstractC00829 MNYCP 00Multiparticle Monte Carlo Code System for Shielding and Criticality Use.
COHORT-IIAbstractC00198 I7094 00General Purpose Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code System.
CONDOS-IIAbstractC00416 I0360 00Code for Estimating Radiation Doses from Radionuclide-Containing Consumer Products.
DANTSYS 3.0AbstractC00547 MFMWS 01One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional, Multigroup, Discrete-Ordinates Transport Code System.
DDXCODESAbstractC00583 FM380 00One-, Two- and Three-Dimensional Transport Codes Using Multigroup Double-Differential Form Cross Sections.
DIF3D 11.2892
AbstractC00784 MNYCP 02Code System Using Variational Nodal Methods and Finite Difference Methods to Solve Neutron Diffusion and Transport Theory Problems.
DOORS 3.2AAbstractC00650 MFMWS 04One, Two- and Three-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Neutron/Photon Transport Code System.
DOSE 1AbstractC00165 I3675 00Gamma-Radiation Dosimetry for Arbitrary Source and Target Geometry.
DRAGON3.05DAbstractC00647 MNYWS 03Lattice Cell Code System.
EASY-QAD 2.0.1AbstractC00744 PC586 02A Visualization Code System for Gamma and Neutron Shielding Calculations.
EGS4AbstractC00331 MNYCP 00Monte Carlo Simulation of the Coupled Transport of Electrons and Photons.
ELPHOAbstractC00301 I0360 00Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Electromagnetic Transport Code System.
ESPAbstractC00193 I0360 00General Purpose Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System.
FASTER IIIAbstractC00168 U1108 00Monte Carlo Neutron and Photon Transport Code System in Complex Geometries.
FASTER-IIIAbstractC00168 I3675 00Monte Carlo Neutron and Photon Transport Code System in Complex Geometries.
FE3DGWAbstractC00531 D0780 00Code System for Finite-Element, Three-Dimensional Ground-Water Flow Analysis.
FINELMAbstractC00483 MFMWS 00Multigroup Finite Element Diffusion Code System.
FOCUSAbstractC00390 I3033 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System.
FOTELP-2014AbstractC00581 MNYCP 04Monte Carlo Simulation of Photons, Electrons and Positrons Transport.
G3-6EDAbstractC00075 C6600 00Kernel Integration Code System - Multigroup Gamma Ray Scattering.
G3-6EDAbstractC00075 I3033 00Kernel Integration Code System - Multigroup Gamma Ray Scattering.
GADJETAbstractC00115 C6600 00Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Adjoint Energy Transport Code in Complex Three-Dimensional Geometry.
GGG-GPAbstractC00564 IBMPC 00Kernel Integration Code System - Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering Using the GP Buildup Factor.
GNOMERAbstractC00625 MNYCP 01Multigroup 3-Dimensional Neutron Diffusion Nodal Code System with Thermohydraulic Feedbacks.
GREAT-GRASSAbstractC00143 I3675 00Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code Systems for Fallout Shielding.
GRENADEAbstractC00516 C1787 00Green's Function Nodal Algorithm for the Diffusion Equation.
GRENADEAbstractC00516 D0780 00Green's Function Nodal Algorithm for the Diffusion Equation.
GUI2QAD-3DAbstractC00697 PC586 01A Graphical User Interface for QAD-CGPIC, a Point Kernal Code for Neutron and Gamma-Ray Shielding Calculations in Complex Geometry.
HAMAbstractC00267 U1108 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Photon High Altitude Transport Code System.
HEATING 7.3AbstractP00199 MNYCP 06Multidimensional, Finite-Difference Heat Conduction Analysis Code System.
HERADAbstractC00444 CY00I 00Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Computer Code System for Calculating Radiation Damage from Ion Beams.
HERMES-KFAAbstractC00687 MNYWS 00Monte Carlo Code System for High-Energy Radiation Transport Calculations.
HEXAB-3DAbstractC00593 I0370 00Three-Dimensional Few-Group Coarse Mesh Diffusion Code for Neutron Physics Calculation of Reactor Core in Hexagonal Geometry.
INAPAbstractC00235 U1108 00Improved Neutron Activation Prediction Code Systems.
ISO-PC 2.1AbstractC00636 IBMPC 01Kernel Integration Code System for General Purpose Isotope Shielding Analyses.
AbstractC00792 PCX86 00Integrated TIGER Series of Coupled Electron/Photon Monte Carlo Transport Codes System.
KAMCCOAbstractC00325 I0370 00Three-Dimensional Time Dependent Monte Carlo Code System for Fast Neutron Physics Problems.
KAP-VIAbstractC00094 U1108 00Kernel Integration Code System in Complex Geometry.
KERNELAbstractC00672 IBMPC 00Monte Carlo Code System for Electron (Positron) Dose Kernel Calculations.
LAHET 2.8AbstractC00696 MFMWS 00Code System for High Energy Particle Transport Calculations.
MAPAbstractC00150 I3675 00Kernel Integration Code System in Complex Geometry with Special Application to Surface Sources Determined by Discrete Ordinates Calculations.
MARC-PNAbstractC00311 D8810 00A Neutron Diffusion Code System with Spherical Harmonics Option.
MARMERAbstractC00579 D8350 00A Flexible Point-Kernel Shielding Code System.
MARMERAbstractC00579 PC486 00A Flexible Point-Kernel Shielding Code System.
AbstractC00870 MNYCP 01Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System.
AbstractC00699 MNYCP 01Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System with Digital Signal Processing based on MCNP4A.
AbstractC00791 MNYCP 01Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System To Simulate Time-Analysis Quantities.
MERCURE 4-82AbstractC00142 I3033 00Three-Dimensional Code System for Integrating Multigroup Line-of-Sight Attenuation Kernels by Monte Carlo Techniques.
MEVDPAbstractC00157 C6600 00Primary Radiation Transport Code System - Complex Geometry - Computerized Anatomical Model Man.
MKENO-DARAbstractC00513 FM380 00Direct Angular Representation Monte Carlo Code for Criticality Safety Analysis
MOCAAbstractC00590 IPCAT 00Monte Carlo Criticality Code System for Hexagonal Geometries.
MONK 6.3
AbstractC00393 I3033 00A General Purpose Monte Carlo Neutronics Code System.
MORSE-ANSI STD.AbstractC00127 I3675 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-BAbstractC00368 I0370 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CAbstractC00431 C7600 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 C0000 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 CY000 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 D0VAX 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 I0360 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 U0000 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAAbstractC00474 ALLCP 03Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSEC-SP2AbstractP00142 H6000 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-EAbstractC00258 I0360 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-EMPAbstractC00588 IBMPC 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-HAbstractC00471 I3081 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-LAbstractC00261 C6600 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-SGCAbstractC00277 C7600 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MOSRA-LIGHTAbstractP00505 MNYWS 00High-Speed Three-Dimensional Nodal Diffusion Code System.
MULTI-KENO2AbstractC00492 FM380 00A Monte Carlo Code System for Criticality Safety Analysis.
NESTLE 5.2.1AbstractC00641 MNYCP 04Code System to Solve the Few-Group Neutron Diffusion Equation Utilizing the Nodal Expansion Method (NEM) for Eigenvalue, Adjoint, and Fixed-Source
NMTC/JAMAbstractC00717 PC586 00High Energy Particle Transport Code System.
O6RAbstractC00128 I3675 00A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Transport Code System.
OGREAbstractC00046 I3675 00A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
OMEGAAbstractC00433 BESM6 00Monte Carlo Criticality Code System.
PATCH-7AbstractC00243 C0074 00Three-Dimensional Kernel Integration Code-Explicit Single Scattering Option.
PF-COMPAbstractC00106 C3600 00Building Fallout Radiation Protection Factor Analysis.
PKIAbstractC00573 C0830 00A Point Kernel Integration Code For Radiation Shielding of Loop System.
POLYRESAbstractP00438 MNYCP 00Richards Equation Solver; Rectangular Finite Volume Flux Updating Solution.
PROCIVAbstractC00488 U1110 00A Code System for Calculating the Protection Factors Against Radioactive Fallout for Apartment Buildings.
PTRANAbstractC00618 PC386 00Proton Monte Carlo Transport Program for the PC.
PUSHLDAbstractC00271 C0074 00Gamma-Ray Three-Dimensional Calculation of Dose Rates from Plutonium in Various Geometries.
PUTZ 2.1AbstractC00595 IBMPC 00A Point-Kernel Photon Shielding Code.
QADAbstractC00048 I0360 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-BSAAbstractC00346 C0000 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-CGGP-AAbstractC00645 MNYCP 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QADMOD-GAbstractC00396 I3033 00Point Kernel Gamma-Ray Shielding Code With Geometric Progression Buildup Factors.
QADMOD-GPAbstractC00565 IBMPC 00Point Kernel Gamma-Ray Shielding Code With Geometric Progression Buildup Factors.
QAD-P5AbstractC00048 C6400 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-QCAbstractC00401 C0000 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-QCAbstractC00401 I0360 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-UEAbstractC00448 H6000 00Kernel Integration Code System.
RAFFLE/2AbstractC00279 C0176 00A General Purpose Monte Carlo Code System for Neutron Transport with Mixed Zone Geometry Option.
RAFFLE/2 MOD 2AbstractC00279 I0360 00A General Purpose Monte Carlo Code System for Neutron Transport with Mixed Zone Geometry Option.
REBEL 3AbstractC00299 I0360 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
REBEL-2AbstractC00299 C6600 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
REBEL-2AbstractC00299 ICL00 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
REBUS3/VARIANT8AbstractC00653 MNYWS 01Code System for Analysis of Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles.
REBUS-PC 1.4AbstractC00708 PC586 00Code System for Analysis of Research Reactor Fuel Cycles.
S3AbstractC00322 C6600 00Kernel Integration Code System--Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering.
S3AbstractC00322 DVX11 00Kernel Integration Code System--Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering.
S3AbstractC00322 IBMPC 00Kernel Integration Code System--Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering.
SALE3DAbstractP00443 CY000 00ICEd-ALE Treatment of 3-D Fluid Flow.
SAM-CEAbstractC00187 C6600 00Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Complex Geometry (Combinatorial) Code System for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and Forward and Adjoint Gamma-Ray Transport Equations.
SAM-CEAbstractC00187 I0360 00Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Complex Geometry (Combinatorial) Code System for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and Forward and Adjoint Gamma-Ray Transport Equations.
SAM-CEPAbstractC00192 C6600 00Monte Carlo Code System Correlated to the Simultaneous Solution of Multiple, Perturbed, Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Problems in Complex Three-Dimensional Geometry.
SANDYLAbstractC00361 C0000 00A Monte Carlo Three-Dimensional Code System for Calculating Combined Photon-Electron Transport in Complex Systems.
SCAP-82AbstractC00418 C7600 00Single Scatter, Albedo Scatter, or Point Kernel Analysis Code System in Complex Geometry.
SCORE-EVETAbstractP00442 C7600 00Code System for Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Reactor Core Analysis.
SERA-1C1AbstractC00729 MNYCP 01Simulation Environment for Radiotherapy Applications.
SHADRAC(G-30)AbstractC00084 I7090 00Kernel Integration Code - Shield Heating and Dose Rate Calculation in Complex Geometry.
SIGMA IIAbstractC00118 C6000 00Space Radiation Dose Analysis Within Complex Configurations.
SIGMA IIAbstractC00118 PC486 00Space Radiation Dose Analysis Within Complex Configurations.
SIXTUS-3AbstractC00609 MFMWS 00Three-Dimensional, Nodal, Neutron Diffusion Criticality Code System in Hex-Z Geometry.
SKYIII-PCAbstractC00289 IBMPC 01Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air.
SKYSHINE-IIIAbstractC00289 D0VAX 00Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air.
SNAP-3DAbstractC00434 MNYCP 01Multigroup Complex Geometry Neutron Diffusion Code System.
STREAMAbstractC00321 C7600 00A Three-Dimensional Cylindrical-Geometry Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Code for Computing Light Transmission.
TART2022AbstractC00638 MNYCP 09Coupled Neutron-Photon, 3-D, Combinatorial Geometry, Time Dependent, Monte Carlo Transport Code System.
THIDA-2AbstractC00410 FM380 00Code System for the Calculation of Transmutation, Activation, Decay Heat and Dose Rate in Fusion Reactors.
THTAbstractC00480 I0360 00Three-Dimensional Neutron Coarse Mesh Code System to Evaluate Average Bundle Fluxes and Power in Light Water Reactors.
TIMOC-72AbstractC00144 I0370 00Monte Carlo Three-Dimensional Neutron Transport Code System.
TITAN 1.29AbstractC00759 PCX86 04A Three-Dimensional Deterministic Radiation Transport Code System.
AbstractC00806 MNYCP 00Code System for Coupled Neutron, Photon, Electron, Positron, 3-D, Time Dependent, Monte-Carlo, Transport Calculations.
TRISTANAbstractC00511 HM280 00Multigroup Three-Dimensional Direct Integration Method Radiation Transport Analysis Code System.
TRITACAbstractC00560 D8810 00A Three-Dimensional Transport Code For Eigenvalue Problems Using The Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration Method.
TRUMPAbstractP00522 MNYCP 01Code System for Transient and Steady-State Temperature Distribution in Multidimensional Systems.
VCSAbstractC00262 I0360 00Coupled Discrete Ordinates-Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Protection Factors in Vehicles.
VENTURE-PCAbstractC00654 PC586 02A Reactor Analysis Code System.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.