ID#: P00505MNYWS00 RSICC: PSR-505 Code Package Name: MOSRA-Light 98.7 Test Computer: SUN Solaris Packaged: 03/21/2001 ******************************************************************** Transmitted on 1 DS/HD diskette in GNU compressed UNIX format ******************************************************************** p00505mnyws00.tar.gz 223,794 bytes March 21 2001 User can enter the desired directory and type the following command to decompress the file. Typing the following command will create a directory called MOSRA-Light under the present working directory. gunzip -c p00505mnyws00.tar.gz | tar xvf - For installation instructions, see the readme.txt file which will be extracted to the MOSRA-Light subdirectory. See also the man1.txt files for input specifications. ******************************************************************** Pre-processor must be executed in the main menu of @PunchMe. The pre-processor will generate system-dependent source programs, and Makefile generates the load module of MOSRA-Light. The structure of the MOSRA-Light after the completion of the installation is described as below. MOSRA-Light : top directory -bin : directory for MOSRA-Light load modules -obj : directory for object modules and Makefile for MOSRA-Light -smpl : directory for sample problems -shr : directory for shell-script and input data -outp : directory for output data (text) -pds : directory for input/output data (binary) -src : directory for source programs -difxyz : directory for main part of MOSRA-Light -pdsacs : directory for binary data(PDS files) access programs -common : common programs to other codes -extnl : directory for system-dependent programs -inc : directory for include files -tmp : directory for temporary files (work directory) -tool : directory for installation tools -install : directory for MOSRA-Light installer -SysDpnd : directory for system-dependent pre-processors -{*}/ system(*)-dependent pre-processor *:system type = ews-hp, ews-sun, facom-vpp, nec-sx3 .. : Uninstaller for pre-processed data : Installer for load module : Uninstaller for objects and load modules : Uninstaller for calculated data -menu : directory for menu of installer : menu for pre-processor : menu for installer : menu for uninstaller : menu for help information : menu for pre-processor for PC/AT -custom : directory for custom-installation menu -help : directory for help information -help*.txt : help information -man*.txt : users input manual -permit : directory for tools to permit MOSRA-Light to other users -else : directory for other tools (source conversion, etc.) -F77conv : converter for FORTRAN compile driver and option -CCconv : converter for C compile driver and option -VPconv : converter for vector control statements -mkmk : directory for Makefile generator -more : directory for utility programs (More-MOSRA) ************************************************************************************** MOSRA-Light was tested at RSICC on a SUN UltraSparc 60 under SunOS 5.6 with f77 version 5 and C version 5.0. JAERI tested the code on several computers running Unix and Redhat Linux 4.2.