ID# : P00530MNYCP02 RSIC# : PSR-530 PACKAGE NAME : BOT3P 5.3 COMPUTER : x86PC / Linux DATE : 10/03/2005 MOST RECENT UPDATE: 06/23/2009 NEA PACKAGE-ID: NEA-1678/09 *********************************************************************** Transmitted on one CD-R Disc with Documentation in PDF format: - p530.pdf 12/09/2008 06:57 AM 272,766,464 N1678009.tar *********************************************************************** Directory of \NEA-1678.009 05/28/2009 02:32 PM bin 10/22/2008 07:32 AM 26,104 BOT3P-INFO.FIL 12/03/2008 01:27 PM 22,032 BOT3P5_3_absNEADB.txt 05/28/2009 02:32 PM doc 02/20/2007 10:29 AM 2,728 install_BOT3P 10/22/2008 08:11 AM 3,740 README 02/20/2007 12:42 PM 11,237 run_BOT3P 05/28/2009 02:33 PM src 05/28/2009 02:33 PM test Directory of \NEA-1678.009\bin 01/08/2007 10:32 AM 2,184,168 dec_librscors.a 01/08/2007 10:32 AM 237,568 dec_poppst 02/19/2007 11:57 AM 871,282 linux_librscors.a 02/19/2007 11:57 AM 169,644 linux_poppst Directory of \NEA-1678.009\doc 10/22/2008 04:21 AM 13,307,439 FPN-P9H6-011_rev0.pdf Total Files: 408 File(s) 272,458,774 bytes *********************************************************************** The package contains makefiles created by the developer for linux, and includes the Fortran 77 source for recompilation. An f77 compiler is required. This release was recompiled and tested at RSICC on a Pentium PC running the Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) Linux kernel 2.6.20 with g77 3.4.6-5 BOT3P5.3 consists of 14 programs. 7 of them (RVARSCL, GGDM, GGTM, COMPARE, MKSRC, CATSM, PDTM) are quite independent whereas the four plot programs DDM, DTM2, DTM3, DTET) must be linked with the RSCORS Graphics System subroutines. See BOT3P-INFO.FIL.txt for a description of CR25_2, CR25_3 & MKTAC.