ID#: P00443CY00000 RSICC#: PSR-443 CODE PKG NAME: SALE3D COMPUTER: CRAY PACKAGED: 09/13/99 ********************************************************************** Transmitted on one DS/HD 3.5 inch diskette in DOS format. ********************************************************************** README 1,173 09-13-99 11:09a Readme CONTROL 4,510 09-07-99 1:13p UNICOS Script SALE3D OUT 378,550 09-07-99 1:13p Sample Problem Output SALE3D FOR 393,026 09-07-99 1:13p FORTRAN Source SALE3D INP 4,592 09-07-99 1:13p Sample Problem Input UPDATE 320,948 09-07-99 1:13p Update Source 6 file(s) 1,102,799 bytes ********************************************************************** SALE3D was developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory to run on a CRAY and was received through the Energy Science and Technology Software Center. See the reference document for details on package execution. SALE3D was not tested at RSICC. Although it is distributed on diskette for convenience, SALE3D has been run only on Cray computers. See NESC Note 90-35 included in the hardcopy documentation for implementation information.