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Packages with Keyword: MONTE CARLO
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ACATAbstractP00257 FM380 00Monte Carlo Simulation of Atomic Collisions in Amorphous Targets in the Binary Collision Approximation.
ACOHAbstractC00191 I3675 00Aerojet COHORT Monte Carlo Code System.
ADS-LIB/V2.0AbstractD00250 MNYCP 00Test Library for Accelerator Driven Systems V2.0
AIRTRANSAbstractC00110 I3675 00Monte Carlo Time and Energy-Dependent Three-Dimensional Radiation Transport Code.
ALBEMOAbstractC00268 C6600 00Albedo Monte Carlo Code System.
ALGAM-97AbstractC00152 I3675 00Monte Carlo Estimation of Internal Dose from Gamma-Ray Sources in a Phantom Man.
AMCAbstractC00090 I3675 00Monte Carlo Albedo Code for Neutron and Capture Gamma-Ray Distributions in Rectangular Concrete Ducts.
ANTE 2AbstractC00131 I3675 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Code in Combinatorial Geometry.
BALTOROAbstractC00479 C6600 00Code for Coupling of Monte Carlo and Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Calculations.
BETA IIAbstractC00117 C6600 00Monte Carlo Bremsstrahlung and Electron Transport Analysis in Geometry.
BETA IIAbstractC00117 I0360 00Monte Carlo Bremsstrahlung and Electron Transport Analysis in Geometry.
BRHGAMAbstractC00350 I3033 00Monte Carlo Estimation of Absorbed Dose from X-Ray Sources in Phantom Man.
CALOR95AbstractC00610 MNYWS 00Monte Carlo Code System for Design and Analysis of Calorimeter Systems, Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Target Systems, etc.
CASCADEAbstractC00176 C6600 00Monte Carlo Simulation of the Transport of High Energy Electrons and Photons in Matter.
CASCADEAbstractC00176 I0360 00Monte Carlo Simulation of the Transport of High Energy Electrons and Photons in Matter.
CASIMAbstractC00265 I0360 00Monte Carlo Simulation of Transport of Hadron Cascades in Bulk Matter.
CAVEATAbstractC00169 I3675 00General Purpose Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Radiation Transport Code in Complex Geometry.
CEAR-PPUAbstractP00528 PC586 00Code System for Monte Carlo Simulation of Detector Pulse Pile Up.
CEM03.03AbstractP00532 MNYCP 01Monte-Carlo Code System to Calculate Nuclear Reactions in the Framework of Improved Cascade-Exciton Model.
COG11.1AbstractC00829 MNYCP 00Multiparticle Monte Carlo Code System for Shielding and Criticality Use.
COHORT-IIAbstractC00198 I7094 00General Purpose Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code System.
COLLIMATORAbstractC00136 I7090 00Monte Carlo Calculation of the Spectrum of Gamma Radiation from a Collimated Co-60 Source.
CYGNUS-C SPHEREAbstractC00232 I0360 00Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System in Spherical Geometry.
DAVEAbstractC00166 I3675 00Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Transport Code System in One-Dimensional Spherical Geometry.
DDXCODESAbstractC00583 FM380 00One-, Two- and Three-Dimensional Transport Codes Using Multigroup Double-Differential Form Cross Sections.
DEMON & DEMON RAbstractC00181 I3675 00Demonstration Monte Carlo Code System in Slab Geometry.
DIPHOAbstractC00140 I3675 00Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Code System-Infinite Medium, Mono-energetic and Isotropic Point Source.
DUSTAbstractC00453 I3033 00Albedo Monte Carlo Simulation of Neutron Streaming Through Multilegged Ducts.
EGS4AbstractC00331 MNYCP 00Monte Carlo Simulation of the Coupled Transport of Electrons and Photons.
ELFAbstractC00167 I0360 00Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System for Cylinders and Spheres.
ELPHOAbstractC00301 I0360 00Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Electromagnetic Transport Code System.
ELTRANAbstractC00155 C3600 00One-Dimensional Monte Carlo Electron Transport Code System.
ERPEXAbstractC00305 C0073 00Monte Carlo Distributions of Energetic Proton Ranges in Silicon.
ESPAbstractC00193 I0360 00General Purpose Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System.
ETRANAbstractC00107 I0360 00Monte Carlo Code System for Electron and Photon Through Extended Media.
FANACAbstractP00179 I3033 00A Shape Analysis Code Package for Resonance Parameter Extraction from Neutron Capture Data for Light- and Medium-Weight Nuclei.
FANTOMAbstractC00375 BESM6 00Monte Carlo Calculation of the Response of an External Detector to a Photon Source in the Lungs of a Heterogeneous Phantom.
FASTER IIIAbstractC00168 U1108 00Monte Carlo Neutron and Photon Transport Code System in Complex Geometries.
FASTER-IIIAbstractC00168 I3675 00Monte Carlo Neutron and Photon Transport Code System in Complex Geometries.
FLUKA-TRANKAAbstractC00207 C6600 00Three-Dimensional High-Energy Extranuclear Hadron Cascade Monte Carlo System for Cylindrical Backstop Geometries.
FOCUSAbstractC00390 I3033 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System.
FOTELP-2014AbstractC00581 MNYCP 04Monte Carlo Simulation of Photons, Electrons and Positrons Transport.
FSXJ32AbstractD00244 MNYCP 00A Continuous Energy Cross Section MCNP Nuclear Data Library Based on JENDL-3.2.
GADJETAbstractC00115 C6600 00Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Adjoint Energy Transport Code in Complex Three-Dimensional Geometry.
GASSAbstractC00080 I7090 00Monte Carlo Calculation of Self Shielding by Encapsulated Gamma-Ray Sources.
GEFAbstractP00564 PCX86 03A GEneral description of the Fission process.
GEMAbstractP00540 PC586 00Monte-Carlo Code for Simulating a Decaying Process of an Excited Nucleus.
GES_MCAbstractC00742 PC586 00Gamma-electron Efficiency Simulator.
GREAT-GRASSAbstractC00143 I3675 00Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code Systems for Fallout Shielding.
HAMAbstractC00267 U1108 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Photon High Altitude Transport Code System.
HERADAbstractC00444 CY00I 00Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Computer Code System for Calculating Radiation Damage from Ion Beams.
HERMES-KFAAbstractC00687 MNYWS 00Monte Carlo Code System for High-Energy Radiation Transport Calculations.
HIC-1AbstractC00249 I0360 00Monte Carlo Code System for Calculating Heavy Ion Reactions at Energies > 50 MeV/Nucleon.
ICOMAbstractC00651 PC386 00Code System for Calculating Ion Track Condensed Collision Model.
AbstractC00792 PCX86 00Integrated TIGER Series of Coupled Electron/Photon Monte Carlo Transport Codes System.
KAMCCOAbstractC00325 I0370 00Three-Dimensional Time Dependent Monte Carlo Code System for Fast Neutron Physics Problems.
KERNELAbstractC00672 IBMPC 00Monte Carlo Code System for Electron (Positron) Dose Kernel Calculations.
KIMAbstractC00376 I3033 00A Two-Dimensional Monte Carlo Code System for Linear Neutron Transport Calculations.
LAHET 2.8AbstractC00696 MFMWS 00Code System for High Energy Particle Transport Calculations.
MAGIKAbstractC00359 I0360 00A Monte Carlo Code System for Computing Induced Residual Activation Dose Rates.
MARMERAbstractC00579 D8350 00A Flexible Point-Kernel Shielding Code System.
MARMERAbstractC00579 PC486 00A Flexible Point-Kernel Shielding Code System.
MCFLAREAbstractC00093 I7090 00Monte Carlo Code to Simulate Solar Flare Events and Estimate Probable Doses Encountered on Interplanetary Missions.
AbstractC00699 MNYCP 01Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System with Digital Signal Processing based on MCNP4A.
AbstractC00791 MNYCP 01Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System To Simulate Time-Analysis Quantities.
MCRTOFAbstractC00435 FM200 00Monte Carlo Code System for Calculation of Multiple Scattering of Neutrons in the Resonance Region.
MCRTOFAbstractC00435 I0360 00Monte Carlo Code System for Calculation of Multiple Scattering of Neutrons in the Resonance Region.
MCVIEWAbstractP00202 FM780 00View Factor Calculation for Three-Dimensional Geometries.
MICAPAbstractP00261 I3033 00A Monte Carlo Code System for Analysis of Ionization Chamber Responses.
MKENO-DARAbstractC00513 FM380 00Direct Angular Representation Monte Carlo Code for Criticality Safety Analysis
MMCRAbstractC00441 FM200 00Multigroup Monte Carlo Neutron and Photon Transport Code.
MOCAAbstractC00590 IPCAT 00Monte Carlo Criticality Code System for Hexagonal Geometries.
MOCUPAbstractP00365 DALPU 00MCNP/ORIGEN Coupling Utility Programs.
MONK 6.3
AbstractC00393 I3033 00A General Purpose Monte Carlo Neutronics Code System.
MONTEBURNS 2.0AbstractP00455 MNYCP 02Automated, Multi-Step Monte Carlo Burnup Code System.
MORSE-ALBAbstractC00394 FM200 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-ANSI STD.AbstractC00127 I3675 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-BAbstractC00368 I0370 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CAbstractC00431 C7600 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 C0000 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 CY000 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 D0VAX 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 I0360 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAbstractC00203 U0000 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CGAAbstractC00474 ALLCP 03Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-CVAbstractC00535 HM280 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-EAbstractC00258 I0360 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-EMPAbstractC00588 IBMPC 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-HAbstractC00471 I3081 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-LAbstractC00261 C6600 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
MORSE-SGCAbstractC00277 C7600 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
AbstractC00655 PC386 00Magnetic Resonance Image Phantom Code System to Calibrate in vivo Measurement Systems.
MULTI-KENO2AbstractC00492 FM380 00A Monte Carlo Code System for Criticality Safety Analysis.
MVP-GMVP IIAbstractC00739 MNYCP 00General Purpose Monte Carlo Codes for Neutron and Photon Transport Calculations based on Continuous Energy and Multigroup Methods.
NMTC/JAMAbstractC00717 PC586 00High Energy Particle Transport Code System.
NUCWIZAbstractP00616 PCX86 00NucWiz
NUGAM 2&3 SSLABAbstractC00210 I0360 00Monte Carlo Prediction of Photon Transport Distributions.
O5RAbstractC00017 I3675 00A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System.
O6RAbstractC00128 I3675 00A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Transport Code System.
OGREAbstractC00046 I3675 00A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
OGRE-MINAbstractC00409 DGECL 00A General-Purpose Monte Carlo Gamma-Ray Transport Code System for Minicomputers.
OMEGAAbstractC00433 BESM6 00Monte Carlo Criticality Code System.
OOSIIAbstractC00324 C0000 00Calculation of Isotropic Scattering by Particles for One-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Transport in Slabs by Invariant Imbedding, Orders-of-Scattering Method, Including Check Calculations by Integral Transport Theory and Monte Carlo.
ORMONTEAbstractP00275 IBMPC 00Uncertainty Analysis Code System for Use with User-Developed Systems Models.
PENELOPE2014AbstractC00782 PCX86 01Code System for Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport.
PENELOPE-MPIAbstractC00713 IBMSP 00Code System for Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport.
PENGEOMAbstractC00840 MNYCP 00Tools for Handling Complex Quadric Geometries in Monte Carlo Simulations of Radiation Transport
PHITS-2.88AbstractC00778 MNYCP 05Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System.
PHOEL-2AbstractC00327 I0360 00A Monte Carlo Calculation of Initial Energy of Photoelectrons and Compton Electrons Produced by Photons in Water.
PLACIDAbstractC00381 I0370 00Monte Carlo Simulation of Gamma Streaming Through Straight Cylindrical Ducts.
PREP/SPOPAbstractC00772 MNYCP 00Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Monte Carlo Program and Input Preparation.
PTRANAbstractC00618 PC386 00Proton Monte Carlo Transport Program for the PC.
RAFFLE/2AbstractC00279 C0176 00A General Purpose Monte Carlo Code System for Neutron Transport with Mixed Zone Geometry Option.
RAFFLE/2 MOD 2AbstractC00279 I0360 00A General Purpose Monte Carlo Code System for Neutron Transport with Mixed Zone Geometry Option.
RAIDAbstractC00083 I7090 00Monte Carlo Multibend Duct Shielding Code.
RASPAAbstractC00352 C7600 00A Code for the Calculation of Buildup and Decay of Fission Products and Actinides.
REBEL 3AbstractC00299 I0360 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
REBEL-2AbstractC00299 C6600 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
REBEL-2AbstractC00299 ICL00 00Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Doses to Human Organs in Dwelling Rooms.
REFERDOUAbstractP00249 FM380 00Code System for NE-213 Unfolding of Neutron Spectra up to 100 MeV with Response Function Error Propagation.
REPCAbstractP00195 C0000 00Estimation of Nuclear Reaction Effects in Proton-Tissue-Dose Calculations.
RSYSTAbstractC00269 I0360 00Integrated Modular Code System for Shielding and Reactor Physics Calculations.
SACALC3AbstractC00802 PCX86 00Calculates the Average Solid Angle Subtended by a Volume.
SAM-CEAbstractC00187 C6600 00Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Complex Geometry (Combinatorial) Code System for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and Forward and Adjoint Gamma-Ray Transport Equations.
SAM-CEAbstractC00187 I0360 00Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Complex Geometry (Combinatorial) Code System for the Solution of the Forward Neutron and Forward and Adjoint Gamma-Ray Transport Equations.
SAM-CEPAbstractC00192 C6600 00Monte Carlo Code System Correlated to the Simultaneous Solution of Multiple, Perturbed, Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Problems in Complex Three-Dimensional Geometry.
SANDYLAbstractC00361 C0000 00A Monte Carlo Three-Dimensional Code System for Calculating Combined Photon-Electron Transport in Complex Systems.
SCINFULAbstractP00267 CY0MP 00Scintillator Full Response to Neutron Detection.
SCINFULAbstractP00267 D8600 00Scintillator Full Response to Neutron Detection.
SERA-1C1AbstractC00729 MNYCP 01Simulation Environment for Radiotherapy Applications.
SERPENT2.2.1AbstractC00872 MNYWS 01Continuous Energy Monte Carlo Reactor Physics Burnup Calculation Code.
SHIELDAbstractC00667 MNYCP 01Monte-Carlo Code System to Simulate Interaction of High Energy Hadrons with Complex Macroscopic Targets.
SKYIII-PCAbstractC00289 IBMPC 01Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air.
SKYSHINE-IIIAbstractC00289 D0VAX 00Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air.
SKYSHINE-KSUAbstractC00646 IBMPC 03Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air.
SPECTER-ANLAbstractP00263 D0VAX 00Neutron Damage Calculations for Materials Irradiations.
SPOORAbstractC00278 C7600 00Monte Carlo Simulation of the Turbulent Transport of Airborne Contaminants.
SRNA-2K5AbstractC00789 PCX86 00Proton Transport Simulation by Monte Carlo Techniques.
STREAMAbstractC00321 C7600 00A Three-Dimensional Cylindrical-Geometry Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Code for Computing Light Transmission.
SWORD 7.0AbstractC00767 MNYCP 07SoftWare for Optimization of Radiation Detectors.
TART2022AbstractC00638 MNYCP 09Coupled Neutron-Photon, 3-D, Combinatorial Geometry, Time Dependent, Monte Carlo Transport Code System.
TEMACAbstractP00468 D0VAX 00Top Event Matrix Analysis Code System.
THIDA-2AbstractC00410 FM380 00Code System for the Calculation of Transmutation, Activation, Decay Heat and Dose Rate in Fusion Reactors.
TIMOC-72AbstractC00144 I0370 00Monte Carlo Three-Dimensional Neutron Transport Code System.
TIMOC-ESPAbstractC00432 U1110 00System for Generating and Analyzing Time Dependent Radiation Transport Results by Monte Carlo.
TIMS-1AbstractP00163 D0780 00Processing Code System for Production of Group Constants of Heavy Resonant Nuclei.
TIMS-1AbstractP00163 FM200 00Processing Code System for Production of Group Constants of Heavy Resonant Nuclei.
TREEDEAbstractC00326 C0000 00Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code System Based on the Track Rotation Estimator.
TRG-SGDAbstractC00025 C0000 00Calculation of Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rate from a Nuclear Weapon Detonation-Monte Carlo Method.
AbstractC00806 MNYCP 00Code System for Coupled Neutron, Photon, Electron, Positron, 3-D, Time Dependent, Monte-Carlo, Transport Calculations.
AbstractC00815 MNYCP 00Code System for Coupled Neutron, Photon, Electron, Positron, 3-D, Time Dependent, Monte-Carlo, Transport Calculations.
TRIPOSAbstractC00537 CY00I 00Monte Carlo Ion Transport Analysis Code.
TSL-ACE/2013AbstractD00270 ALLCP 00TSL-ACE/2013
URRAbstractP00281 D6220 00Calculates Resonance Neutron Cross-Section Probability Tables, Bondarenko Self-Shielding Factors and Self-Indication Ratios for Fissile and Fertile Nuclides.
USRHYDAbstractC00197 I3675 00Electron and X-Ray Energy Deposition and Hydrodynamics Code System.
VCSAbstractC00262 I0360 00Coupled Discrete Ordinates-Adjoint Monte Carlo Calculation of Radiation Protection Factors in Vehicles.
VESTA 2.1.5-AURORA 1.0AbstractC00769 PCX86 01A Generic Monte Carlo Code and Depletion Module Interface.
VIM 5.1AbstractC00754 MNYWS 01Continuous Energy Neutron and Gamma-ray Transport Code System.
VIP-MANAbstractD00256 MNYCP 00Computational Phantom.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.