ID# : P00455MNYCP02 RSIC# : PSR-455 PACKAGE NAME : MONTEBURNS 2.0 COMPUTER : PC-NT; SUN SparcStation DATE : 11/11/99 RECENT UPDATE: 07/11/2003 ***************************************************************************** Transmitted on CD in a GNU compressed UNIX tar file. ***************************************************************************** See for notes on installing Monteburns. Some additional info can be found in readrsic.txt and the LA-UR-99-4999 report, which is in P455.PDF on the distribution CD. 07/11/2003 01:30p 1,424,313 P455TAR2.TGZ %%%%% UNIX USERS %%%%%% Under Unix or Linux, mount the CD-ROM (called "cdrom" in this example) and issue the following command to extract files into a subdirectory called monteburns, which will be created under your present working directory. gunzip -c /cdrom/P455TAR2.TGZ | tar xf - ***************************************************************************** %%%%% PC USERS %%%%%% -WINDOWS NT/DOS- WinZIP 8.0 or later is required to expand the GZIP Unix tar file on Windows. ****************************************************************************** Directory of \monteburns 06/19/2003 11:22a 2,178 mbxs.inp (Input file - always required) 06/23/2003 01:12p 553,748 monteb (sun executable) 06/23/2003 01:15p 610,080 monteb.exe (Windows 2000 executable) 06/23/2003 01:12p 216,548 monteb.f (Fortran source) 06/23/2003 01:14p 467,153 monteb.hp (HP executable) 06/20/2003 10:24a 49,553 (Perl script; always required) 06/23/2003 12:55p 553,780 monteb_short 06/23/2003 01:00p 610,080 monteb_short.exe 06/23/2003 12:53p 216,588 monteb_short.f ("Short" version; no CINDER90) 06/23/2003 12:57p 467,151 monteb_short.hp 06/23/2003 01:01p 3,480 (Main info file) 07/11/2003 01:37p 4,985 readrsic.txt (Additional information) 07/11/2003 04:42p