ID#: P00249FM38000 RSIC# PSR-249 Transmitted on 1 DS/HD 3.5 DISKETTE CODE PKG NAME: REFERDOU COMPUTER: FACOM M380 PACKAGED: 9/30/87 UPDATED: DOWNLOADED TO DISKETTE: 11/93 ************************************************************************ LOGICAL DCB DESCRIPTION MODE RECORDS PARAMETERS ************************************************************************ 1. RESU Source (FORTRAN IV) EBCDIC 936 FB 3200 80 2. RESU Sample Problem JCL | 8 | | | 3. RESU Sample Problem Input | 770 | | | 4. RESU Sample Problem Output (FT07F001) | 16 | | | 5. RESU Sample Problem Output (FT06F001) | 159 | 3425 137 6. INTER Source (FORTRAN IV) This code processes the output in FT07F001 of the RESU code for use in FERDO/FERDOU Unfolding Code | 437 | 3200 80 7. INTER Sample Problem JCL | 8 | | | 8. INTER Sample Input for FT05F001 219 | | | 9. INTER Sample Problem Output from FT07F001 This response function matrix can be used in the FERDO/FERDOU Unfolding Code | 31 | | | 10. INTER Sample Problem Output from FT06F001 | 151 | | | 11. FERDOU Source (FORTRAN IV) | 1083 | | | 12. FERDOU Sample Problem JCL | 10 | | | 13. FERDOU Sample Problem Input from FT05F001, Response Function | 354 | | | 14. FERDOU Sample Problem Input for FT05F001, Pulse height distribution data which is for the next entry to the response function card deck | 107 | | | 15. FERDOU Sample Problem Output from FT07F001 | 25 | | | 16. FERDOU Sample Problem Output from FT06F001 | 221 | 3425 137 ****** Total 4535 This package was assembled and tested by the contributor. It was not retested by RSIC.