FSXJ32: A Continuous Energy Cross Section MCNP Nuclear Data Library Based on JENDL-3.2.
The nuclear data processing system NJOY-97 was used. Reliability was confirmed by solving several benchmark problems.
Nuclear Data Center Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Tokai-mura, Ibaraki-ken 319-1195, Japan, through the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Data Bank, Issy‑les‑Moulineaux, France.
The general purpose Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library Version 3 Revision 1 (JENDL-3.1) was released in 1990. Many cross section libraries for various transport calculation codes derived from JENDL-3.1, including FSXLIB-3, were prepared and used for various applications. After releasing JENDL-3.1, some problems were pointed out, such as data inconsistency and insufficient data accuracy. Thus, re-evaluation of JENDL-3 was carried out in order to solve the above problems by adding new evaluations and improving data accuracy. At the end of June 1994, JENDL-3.2 (JENDL-3 Revision 2) was released for public use. In JENDL-3.2, the cross section data of 340 nuclides are stored and the associated gamma-ray data are given for 66 nuclides. In addition to the re-evaluation work of JENDL-3.2, the continuous energy cross section library for MCNP based on JENDL-3.2, FSXLIB-J3R2, was produced. Preliminary tests of JENDL-3.2 benchmark data performed using MCNP and FSXLIB-J3R2 revealed several problems. The problems were subsequently solved improving the accuracy of JENDL-3.2.
In Japan, the FSXLIB-J3 library produced from JENDL-3.1 has been used as a standard continuous energy cross section library for MCNP.
Temperature |
Library Name |
xsdir File Name |
Nuclide id* |
293 K |
FSXJ32A1 |
xsdir.FSXJ32A1 |
80 (81) |
600 K |
FSXJ32B1 |
xsdir.FSXJ32B1 |
82 (83) |
900 K |
FSXJ32C1 |
xsdir.FSXJ32C1 |
84 (85) |
1200 K |
FSXJ32D1 |
xsdir.FSXJ32D1 |
86 (87) |
1500 K |
FSXJ32E1 |
xsdir.FSXJ32E1 |
88 (89) |
2000 K |
FSXJ32F1 |
xsdir.FSXJ32F1 |
90 (91) |
* ID numbers in parentheses indicates nuclides in the meta-stable state. |
A few minutes was needed to convert the library to binary (using the makxsf code). The nuclear data processing system NJOY-97 was used.
(RSICC ID: D00244MNYCP00; NEA-14247/06)
Run times vary depending on a number of factors.
K. Kosako et al., FSXLIB-J3R2: A Continuous Energy Cross Section Library for MCNP based on JENDL-3.2 JAERI-Data/Code 94-020 (December 1994).
Pintai ZHAO and Hideki TAKANO, Sensitivity Analysis of JENDL-3.2 Based on Benchmark Calculations for Fast Reactors JAERI Research 96-010 (March 1996).
The data libraries and electronic document are transmitted on DVD in a WinZIP file. Uncompressed ASCII files require about 3GBytes.
August 2010.