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Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ACAB-2008AbstractC00758 MNYCP 01Activation Abacus Inventory Code System for Nuclear Applications.
ACORNSAbstractP00264 IBMPC 01Analysis of Correlations Used in Neutron Spectrometry.
ALICE2017AbstractP00550 PCX86 06Statistical Model Code System to Calculate Particle Spectra from HMS Precompound Nucleus Decay.
ALPHA-MAbstractP00169 I0360 00Least-Squares Resolution of Gamma-Ray Spectra in Environmental Samples.
ANAAbstractP00356 IBMPC 00Code System for Gamma-Ray Spectra Analyses.
ANGELO-LAMBDAAbstractP00544 MNYCP 01Covariance Matrix Interpolation and Mathematical Verification.
BASACFAbstractP00285 IBMPC 00Bayesian Approach to Spectrum Adjustment with Covariance Filter.
CEM03.03AbstractP00532 MNYCP 01Monte-Carlo Code System to Calculate Nuclear Reactions in the Framework of Improved Cascade-Exciton Model.
COMNUC3BAbstractP00302 CYXMP 00A Compound Nucleus Analysis Program.
CONVERTAbstractP00036 C6600 00An IBM-to-CDC Program Conversion Code.
DANCOFF-MCAbstractP00509 MNYCP 00Code System for Monte Carlo Calculation of Dancoff Factors in Irregular Geometries.
DIMENAbstractP00341 IBMPC 00Code System for Isotope Identification by Gamma-Ray Analysis.
DWBA07/DWBB07AbstractP00338 MNYCP 01Code System for Inelastic and Elastic Scattering with Nucleon-Nucleon Potential
DWUCK-CHUCKAbstractP00546 MNYCP 00Nuclear Model Code System for Distorted Wave Born Approximation and Coupled Channel Calculations.
EQUIVA-2AbstractP00324 IMFPC 00Generation of Environment-Insensitive Equivalent Diffusion Theory Parameters for PWR Reflector Regions.
FANACAbstractP00179 I3033 00A Shape Analysis Code Package for Resonance Parameter Extraction from Neutron Capture Data for Light- and Medium-Weight Nuclei.
FANALAbstractP00178 I3033 00A Least-Squares Shape Analysis Code System.
FBSAMAbstractP00103 I0360 00User-Storage - Magnetic Disk Data Manipulator.
FEP 4.16AbstractP00440 IBMPC 00Fault-tree, Event tree, & P&ID Editors.
FESHAbstractC00676 CDCMF 00X-Y Multigroup Neutron Transport Code System.
FORSIM VIAbstractP00078 C6600 00A Fortran-Oriented Simulation Package for the Automated Solution of Partial and Ordinary Differential Equation Systems.
GRESS 3.0AbstractP00231 MFMWS 02Gradient Enhanced Software System.
IERAbstractP00024 I3675 00A Gauss-based Quadrature Formula Applied to Sievert's Integral. An Exponential Integral Routine.
INFLTBAbstractP00313 ALLCP 00Gamma-Ray Absorption Coefficient Calculation.
KAOS-VAbstractP00306 CY000 00An Evaluation Tool For Neutron Kerma Factors and Other Nuclear Responses.
AbstractP00395 PC586 02BWR Core Stability Measurements.
LEGENDRE FUNCTIAbstractP00108 I0360 00Legendre Functions of the First Kind and Legendre Polynomials.
LHSAbstractP00394 PC386 00Code System to Generate Latin Hypercube and Random Samples.
LHSAbstractP00394 SUN05 00Code System to Generate Latin Hypercube and Random Samples.
LPTAUAbstractP00340 MNYCP 00Quasi-Random Sequence Generators.
LSMOD-GLSMODAbstractP00342 IBMPC 00A Least-Squares Computational Tool Kit.
MARD 4.16AbstractP00448 IBMPC 00Models And Results Database System.
MATEXPAbstractP00059 I0360 00Matrix Exponential Method Applied to Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations.
MAX-XTREMEAbstractP00001 C0000 00Generalized Several-Constraint LaGrange Multiplier.
MESYSTAbstractC00706 MNYWS 00Code System to Simulate 3D Tracer Dispersion in Atmosphere.
METDAbstractP00197 DGMV1 00Computer Code Systems for Use with Meteorological Data.
METDAbstractP00197 I3033 00Computer Code Systems for Use with Meteorological Data.
MISSIONARYAbstractP00114 I0360 00ENDF/B to NDL Data Format Converter.
OMCOSTAbstractP00381 I3033 00Code System for Non-fuel O & M Cost Estimation for Large Steam-Electric Power Plants.
ORMONTEAbstractP00275 IBMPC 00Uncertainty Analysis Code System for Use with User-Developed Systems Models.
PCC/SRCAbstractP00456 D0VAX 00Code System to Calculate Correlation & Regression Coefficients.
POLYRESAbstractP00438 MNYCP 00Richards Equation Solver; Rectangular Finite Volume Flux Updating Solution.
PREANGAbstractP00166 C0175 00Calculation of Pre-equilibrium Angular Distributions with the Exciton Model.
PREMAbstractP00224 I0360 00Code System for Pre-equilibrium Process with Multiple Nucleon Emission.
PSDRECAbstractP00441 DP011 00Code System for Power Spectral Density Recognition Continuous On-line Reactor Surveillance.
REACTIONAbstractP00347 AL000 00Code System to Calculate Integral Parameters with Reaction Rates from WIMS Output.
REACTIONAbstractP00347 IBMPC 00Code System to Calculate Integral Parameters with Reaction Rates from WIMS Output.
REGNAbstractP00165 I0360 00Code System for Solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations via the Gauss-Newton Method.
RESENDDAbstractP00215 C0740 00A Code System for Reconstruction of Resonance Cross Sections from Evaluated Nuclear Data in ENDF/B Format.
RESENDDAbstractP00215 D0780 00A Code System for Reconstruction of Resonance Cross Sections from Evaluated Nuclear Data in ENDF/B Format.
RFUNCAbstractP00312 D0VAX 00Code System to Analyze Differential Scattering Data.
RNGPAbstractP00066 I3675 00Random Number Generator Package.
SCAT-2AbstractP00294 MNYCP 03Code System for Calculating Total and Elastic Scattering Cross Sections Based on an Optical Model of the Spherical Nucleus.
SECAAbstractP00104 I0360 00Evaluator of Angular Bounds for a Two-Dimensional Symmetric Gaussian Quadrature Set.
SETSAbstractP00380 CDCMF 00Set Equation Transformation System.
AbstractP00493 CY000 00Seismic/Hazard Characterization in the Eastern U.S.
SIR-3AbstractP00055 C6400 00Sievert's Integral Routine-Computer Evaluation.
SIR-3AbstractP00055 I3675 00Sievert's Integral Routine-Computer Evaluation.
SNAKEAbstractP00135 I0360 00A Solid Angle Calculational System.
SORAAbstractP00174 I0360 00A Code System for Storage and Retrieval of Data from Radionuclide Analyses.
AbstractP00467 I3033 00Stock-Recruitment Model Validation Code System.
STAR CODESAbstractP00330 IBMPC 00Code System for Calculating Stopping-Power and Range Tables for Electrons, Protons, and Helium Ions.
SUGGELAbstractP00508 MNYWS 00Program Suggesting the Orbital Angular Momentum of a Neutron Resonance From the Magnitude Of Its Neutron Width.
SUSD3DAbstractC00695 MNYCP 01Multi-Dimensional, Discrete-Ordinates Based Cross Section Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Code System.
TAM3AbstractP00308 IBMPC 00Demonstrates Monte Carlo Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis.
TNG1AbstractP00298 D6220 00A Multistep Statistical Model Based on the Hauser-Feshbach Theory For The Evaluation Of Neutron Data.
UMG 3.3AbstractP00529 PC586 00Unfolding with Maxed and Gravel.
UPDATEAbstractP00270 DGMV1 00Program to Update Fortran Source Files.
UPDATEAbstractP00270 I3081 00Program to Update Fortran Source Files.
WILITAbstractP00344 MNYCP 00A Utility Program for WIMS Libraries.
ZOTT99AbstractP00272 ALLCP 02Zero-in On The Truth; Evaluation of Correlated Data Using Partitioned Least Squares.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.