ID#: P00313ALLCP00 RSIC #: PSR-313 1 DS/HD 5.25" diskette (1.2MB) CODE PKG NAME: INFLTB COMPUTER: PC 386; VAX PACKAGED: 07/03/92 MOST RECENT UPDATE: ********************************************************************* DESCRIPTION MODE File size bytes ********************************************************************* Contents of diskette 1 1. README.RSI - RSIC information ASCII 5664 2. NOTES.DOC - Informal notes ASCII 5069 3. INFLT_B.EXE - compressed file BINARY 839624 which contains the following files when de-compressed. To decompress, place diskette in A: drive and type A:INFLT_B ********************************************************************* DESCRIPTION ********************************************************************* Note: All files are in ASCII unless otherwise stated. 1. ELECTRON.YLD - S. Seltzer's radiation yield tables for elements and compounds. 2. POSITRON.YLD - S. Seltzer's radiation yield tables for elements and compounds. 3. SIGFINC.DAT - J. Hubbell's data files of the factor used in the calculation of Compton energy transfer to bound nuclei. 4. BIND_ENE.DAT - table of binding energies by element. 5. ZDAT.zzz - where 'zzz' ranges from 001 to 100. M. Berger's cross section tables by element (100 files). 6. LEADA.INN - sample input file for lead (absorption edges only). 7. LEADA.OUT - sample INFLTB output file corresponding to LEADA.INN. 8. LEADA.UEN - sample transfer and absorption coefficient files. 9. LEADA.BRM - sample 1 - G results. 10. LEADT.INN - sample input file for lead (complete set of energies). 11. LEADT.OUT - sample INFLTB output file corresponding to LEADT.INN. 12. LEADT.UEN - sample transfer and absorption coefficient files. 13. LEADT.BRM - sample 1 - G results. 14. INFLTB.FOR - FORTRAN 77 source for INFLTB (PC). 15. INFLTB1.FOR - FORTRAN 77 source for INFLTB subroutines (PC). 16. INFLT.EXE - Executable INFLTB for PC. 17. INFLTB.VAX - FORTRAN 77 source for INFLTB (VAX). 18. INFLTB.COM - Command file to run INFLTB on VAX. 19. LIST.DAT - List of elements and compounds available for input. ******************************************************************** Note: The code was tested at RSIC on a MS-DOS 386 PC using the Microsoft 5.0 Fortran compiler.