ID#: P00448IBMPC00
PACKAGED: 03/27/01
Transmitted on one DS/HD 3.5 inch diskette
README TXT 03-27-2001 Readme information file
INSTALL BAT 255 07-12-93 4:16a INSTALL File
INSTALLX BAT 284 08-10-93 3:35p INSTALL Continued
HALOZIP EXE 319,240 07-12-93 4:16a Self-extracting file
DEMOZIP EXE 42,723 07-12-93 4:16a Self-extracting file
ZIPFILE EXE 726,557 07-12-93 4:16a Self-extracting file
6 files 1,091,143 bytes
INSTALL.BAT loads the MAR-D software and data onto your hard disk.
The following three directories are created:
DEMO Contains MAR-D Program
14 files 885 bytes
PRATOOLS.B1 Contains Sample Data
12 files 1,529,244 bytes
HALO88 Contains Graphics Package
47 files 520,198 bytes
To install MAR-D, type the following commands where a: is your
floppy drive, c: is your hard drive, and d: is where you want the
program installed:
c:\a:\INSTALL d:
To execute the code simply change directories to PRADATA.B1, type
MARD and press . See the documentation for further details
on program execution.
MAR-D was developed at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory and
was contributed to the Energy Science and Technology Software Center
It was transferred to RSICC and released in March 2001. The code was
executed on a Dell Pentium 100 PC in a DOS window of Windows 95 at RSICC.
The source code was written in MODULA-2 and is not included
in this distribution. The included executables were created
under DOS 5.0.