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Packages with Keyword: KERNEL
Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ACRA-IIAbstractC00213 I0360 00Kernel Integration Code System for Estimation of Radiation Doses Caused by a Hypothetical Reactor Accident.
ACRA-TRITAbstractC00283 I0360 00The Tritium Version of ACRA-II, Estimation of Radiation Doses Caused by a Hypothetical Reactor Accident.
AKERNAbstractC00190 C0000 00Aerojet Point Kernel Integration Calculational System.
AKERNAbstractC00190 U1108 00Aerojet Point Kernel Integration Calculational System.
ARCAbstractC00224 C6600 00Aircraft Radiation Transport Code System, Crew Dose Calculation.
CLOUD-MAbstractC00032 I3565 00Gamma-Ray Dose Rate from a Radioactive Cloud-Kernel Integration Code.
COMRADEX4AbstractC00332 I0360 00Evaluator of Potential Radiological Doses in the Near (< 10 km) Environment of Radioactive Release.
CONDOS-IIAbstractC00416 I0360 00Code for Estimating Radiation Doses from Radionuclide-Containing Consumer Products.
CYGASAbstractC00317 I3033 00A Gamma-Ray Attenuation Code System for Large Gamma-Ray Sources Shielded by Coaxial Cylinders.
CYLDOSAbstractC00389 I0360 00A Cylindrical Geometry Gamma-Ray Flux Attenuation Code System.
DINT-YAECAbstractC00306 ALLMF 00Evaluator of I1 and I2 Integrals as Used in Long-Term External Gamma-Ray Doses from Routine Atmospheric Releases.
DISKTRANAbstractC00533 CYXMP 00Dose Calculations at Detectors from the End of a Cylinder Using DOT IV Scalar Flux Data.
DISKTRANAbstractC00533 I3033 00Dose Calculations at Detectors from the End of a Cylinder Using DOT IV Scalar Flux Data.
DLSAbstractC00264 C6600 00Two-Dimensional Shielding Calculational System with Diffusion Theory and Line-of-Sight Method.
DOSE 1AbstractC00165 I3675 00Gamma-Radiation Dosimetry for Arbitrary Source and Target Geometry.
DOSFACTER IIAbstractC00400 D0750 00Calculation of Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for Exposure to Photons and Electrons.
DOSFACTER IIAbstractC00400 I0360 00Calculation of Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for Exposure to Photons and Electrons.
DOSFACTER-DOEAbstractC00536 I3033 00Calculation of Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for Exposure to Photons and Electrons.
EASY-QAD 2.0.1AbstractC00744 PC586 02A Visualization Code System for Gamma and Neutron Shielding Calculations.
EDNAAbstractC00104 I7090 00Electron Dose and Number Analysis Code by Kernel Integration.
EGADAbstractC00206 I0360 00Calculation of Dose from External Gamma-Ray Emitters.
ENEDEPAbstractC00227 GE400 00Energy Deposition Code System for GE 265 Time-Sharing System.
FISSP & CLOUDAbstractC00163 MNYCP 01Fission Product Inventory, Release, Transport and Dose Calculation.
G3-6EDAbstractC00075 C6600 00Kernel Integration Code System - Multigroup Gamma Ray Scattering.
G3-6EDAbstractC00075 I3033 00Kernel Integration Code System - Multigroup Gamma Ray Scattering.
GGG-GPAbstractC00564 IBMPC 00Kernel Integration Code System - Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering Using the GP Buildup Factor.
GRACE-IIAbstractC00026 I3675 00Gamma Ray Kernel Integration Dose Rate and Heating Code-Cylinders and Spheres.
GUI2QAD-3DAbstractC00697 PC586 01A Graphical User Interface for QAD-CGPIC, a Point Kernal Code for Neutron and Gamma-Ray Shielding Calculations in Complex Geometry.
ISO-PC 2.1AbstractC00636 IBMPC 01Kernel Integration Code System for General Purpose Isotope Shielding Analyses.
KAP-VIAbstractC00094 U1108 00Kernel Integration Code System in Complex Geometry.
KDLIBEAbstractC00124 I3675 00Kernel-Diffusion Shielding Analysis System.
KERNELAbstractC00672 IBMPC 00Monte Carlo Code System for Electron (Positron) Dose Kernel Calculations.
KRONICAbstractC00229 I0360 00Calculation of Annual Average External (Beta and Gamma Radiation) Doses from Chronic Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
KRONICAbstractC00229 U1108 00Calculation of Annual Average External (Beta and Gamma Radiation) Doses from Chronic Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
LG-HAbstractC00087 I7090 00Ray Analysis Cylindrical Duct Kernel Code for Neutrons and Gamma Rays.
LGH-GAbstractC00239 I0360 00Calculation of Gamma Radiation through Partially Shielded Gaps (Buildup Factor Method in Taylors Approximation).
LINEDOSEAbstractC00468 IBMPC 00A Line Source Shielding Code for Personal Computers.
MADONNAAbstractC00425 I0370 00Two-dimensional Neutron Streaming Coupled Removal-Diffusion-Albedo-Transport Code System.
MAGNAAbstractC00158 C3600 00Multi-Source Gamma-Ray Kernel Integration Code System.
MAPAbstractC00150 I3675 00Kernel Integration Code System in Complex Geometry with Special Application to Surface Sources Determined by Discrete Ordinates Calculations.
MARMERAbstractC00579 D8350 00A Flexible Point-Kernel Shielding Code System.
MARMERAbstractC00579 PC486 00A Flexible Point-Kernel Shielding Code System.
MERCURE 4-82AbstractC00142 I3033 00Three-Dimensional Code System for Integrating Multigroup Line-of-Sight Attenuation Kernels by Monte Carlo Techniques.
MORSEC-SP2AbstractP00142 H6000 00Monte Carlo Multigroup Neutron and Gamma-Ray Transport Code System.
NITRANAbstractC00582 FM380 00Neutron Transport Code System Based On Anisotropic Scattering.
ORPHEE VIAbstractC00159 I3675 00Kernel Integration Code System - Attenuation of Fast Neutrons in Cylindrical Layers of Water and Dense Material.
PELSHIEAbstractC00202 C0000 00General Purpose Kernel Integration Shielding Code System-Point and Extended Gamma-Ray Sources.
PELSHIE3AbstractC00202 IBMMF 00General Purpose Kernel Integration Shielding Code System-Point and Extended Gamma-Ray Sources.
PKIAbstractC00573 C0830 00A Point Kernel Integration Code For Radiation Shielding of Loop System.
PLUMEXAbstractC00356 I0360 00A Computer Program to Evaluate External Exposures to a Gaussian Plume by Point Kernel Integration.
PRESTOAbstractC00549 D8810 00Point Kernel Calculation for Complex and Time-Dependent Gamma-Ray Source Spectra.
PROCIVAbstractC00488 U1110 00A Code System for Calculating the Protection Factors Against Radioactive Fallout for Apartment Buildings.
PUSHLDAbstractC00271 C0074 00Gamma-Ray Three-Dimensional Calculation of Dose Rates from Plutonium in Various Geometries.
PUTZ 2.1AbstractC00595 IBMPC 00A Point-Kernel Photon Shielding Code.
QADAbstractC00048 I0360 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-BSAAbstractC00346 C0000 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-CGGP-AAbstractC00645 MNYCP 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QADMOD-GAbstractC00396 I3033 00Point Kernel Gamma-Ray Shielding Code With Geometric Progression Buildup Factors.
QADMOD-GPAbstractC00565 IBMPC 00Point Kernel Gamma-Ray Shielding Code With Geometric Progression Buildup Factors.
QAD-P5AbstractC00048 C6400 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-QCAbstractC00401 C0000 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-QCAbstractC00401 I0360 00Kernel Integration Code System.
QAD-UEAbstractC00448 H6000 00Kernel Integration Code System.
RADOSAbstractC00088 I3675 00Gamma-Ray Dose Estimation from Cloud of Radioactive Gases by Kernel Integration.
RADSHIP-2AbstractC00523 FM200 00Code System To Analyze Radiological Impact From Radwaste Transportation.
REDIFFUSIONAbstractC00347 I0360 00One-Dimensional Neutron Removal-Diffusion and Gamma-Ray Kernel Integration or Diffusion Theory Calculator.
RSAC-7.2AbstractC00761 PC586 01Radiological Safety Analysis.
S3AbstractC00322 C6600 00Kernel Integration Code System--Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering.
S3AbstractC00322 DVX11 00Kernel Integration Code System--Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering.
S3AbstractC00322 IBMPC 00Kernel Integration Code System--Multigroup Gamma-Ray Scattering.
SAMSYAbstractC00315 C0073 00A One-Dimensional Multilayer Multigroup Neutron Removal-Diffusion and Gamma-Ray Point Kernel Calculator.
SCAP-82AbstractC00418 C7600 00Single Scatter, Albedo Scatter, or Point Kernel Analysis Code System in Complex Geometry.
SDCAbstractC00060 I3675 00Kernel Integration Shield Design Code for Radioactive Fuel Handling Facilities.
SFAKAbstractC00437 I3033 00Code System for Calculation of the Self-Absorption of Unscattered Gamma Radiation from Fuel Assemblies.
SHADRAC(G-30)AbstractC00084 I7090 00Kernel Integration Code - Shield Heating and Dose Rate Calculation in Complex Geometry.
SHIELDOSEAbstractC00379 ALLMF 00Code System for Space Shielding Radiation Dose Calculations.
SHIELDOSE-PCAbstractC00379 IBMPC 00Code System for Space Shielding Radiation Dose Calculations.
SKYIII-PCAbstractC00289 IBMPC 01Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air.
SKYSHINE-IIIAbstractC00289 D0VAX 00Calculation of the Effects of Structure Design on Neutron, Primary Gamma-Ray and Secondary Gamma-Ray Dose Rates in Air.
SPACETRAN 1;2;3AbstractC00120 I3675 00Dose Calculations at Detectors at Various Distances from the Surface of a Cylinder.
SPOT1AbstractC00460 I3033 00Shielding Problem Code Based on Methods of Ono and Tsuruo.
STERNOAbstractC00057 C0000 00Two Dimensional Gamma-Ray Heating Kernel Integration Code.
SUBDOSA-IIAbstractC00270 U1100 00Calculation of External Gamma-Ray and Beta-Ray Doses from Accidental Atmospheric Releases of Radionuclides.
TIRION 4AbstractC00395 I3033 00A Program for Calculating Consequences of a Release of Radioactive Material to the Atmosphere.
VARSKIN 4AbstractC00781 PCX86 00Code System for Assessing Skin Dose from Skin Contamination.
WRAITHAbstractC00427 U1100 00Code System for Calculating Internal and External Doses Resulting from an Atmospheric Release of Radioactive Material.
ZYLIND-PCAbstractC00557 IBMPC 00An Interactive Point Kernel Program For Photon Dose Rate Prediction of Cylindrical Source/Shield Arrangements.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.