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Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ACDOS3AbstractC00442 C7600 00Calculation of Activities and Dose Rates Produced by Neutron Activation.
ACFAAbstractC00478 I3033 00A Versatile Activation Code for Coolant and Structural Materials.
ACT-ARAAbstractC00372 CYXMP 00Code System for the Calculation of Changes in Radiological Source Terms with Time.
ACTIV87AbstractD00169 ALLCP 00Fast Neutron Activation Cross Section File.
AKTIVAbstractC00339 I0360 00An Evaluation of Activity, Afterheat and Biological Hazard Potential of Stainless Steel Structures in Fusion Reactor Blankets.
ANITA-2000AbstractC00693 MNYCP 00Analysis of Neutron Induced Transmutation and Activation.
BISON-CAbstractC00659 MNYWS 00One-Dimensional Discrete Ordinate Transport and Burnup Calculation Code System.
BURP-2AbstractC00237 C6600 00Calculation of Buildup and Decay of Radioactive Fission Products.
CACA-2AbstractC00302 I0360 00Heavy Isotope and Fission-Product Concentration Calculation Code System.
CHAINS-PCAbstractC00604 IBMPC 00Code System to Compute Atom Density of Members of a Single Decay Chain.
CINDER 1.05AbstractC00755 PC586 00Code System for Actinide Transmutation Calculations
CRYSTAL BALLAbstractC00233 C6600 00Code System for Determining Neutron Spectra from Activation Measurements.
CRYSTAL BALLAbstractC00233 I0360 00Code System for Determining Neutron Spectra from Activation Measurements.
DANTEAbstractP00185 I0370 00Unfolding Code System for Energy Spectra Evaluation for Dosimetry Purposes.
DCHAIN 1.3AbstractC00640 MNYCP 01Code System for Radioactive Decay and Reaction Chain Calculations.
DECAYREMAbstractD00030 I0360 02Radioactive Decay Spectra in EXREM Format.
DECDC 1.0AbstractD00213 MNYCP 00Nucear Decay Data Files for Radiation Dosimetry Calculations.
DEPLETORAbstractP00523 MNYCP 00Code System to Provide Depletion Capability to the U.S. NRC PARCS Code
DIMENAbstractP00341 IBMPC 00Code System for Isotope Identification by Gamma-Ray Analysis.
ELECSPECAbstractD00100 DP010 00Electron Spectra from Decay of Fission Products.
EMERALD-NORMALAbstractC00250 I0370 00Calculation of Activity Releases and Potential Doses from the Normal Operation of a Pressurized Water Reactor Plant.
EPRI-CINDERAbstractC00309 C6600 00General Point-Depletion and Fission Product Code System and Four-Group Fission Product Neutron Absorption Chain Data Library Generated from ENDF/B-IV for Thermal Reactors.
FASTGRASSAbstractP00479 MNYCP 00Code System to Predict Fission Product Release in Ubase Fuels.
FDKRAbstractC00541 I4381 00Radioactivity and Dose Rate Calculation Code for Fission, Fusion and Hybrid Reactors.
FIPDIGAbstractC00251 I0360 00One-Dimensional Time-Dependent Fission Product Diffusion Code System.
FISP-6AbstractC00538 I3090 00An Enhanced Code for the Evaluation of Fission Product Inventories and Decay Heat.
FISPINAbstractC00413 ICL00 00Nuclide Inventory Calculation System.
FPGAMAbstractC00386 F2307 00Calculation of Fission-Product Gamma-Ray Spectra.
FPIPAbstractC00162 C6600 00Fission Product Inventory Code System.
FRCRL2AbstractC00231 C6400 00Calculation of Fission-Product Release in Reactor Accident Analyses.
GAMIDENTAbstractP00154 C0000 00A Program to Aid in the Identification of Unknown Materials by Gamma-ray Spectroscopy.
GAMTABAbstractD00032 I0360 00Radioactive-Decay Gamma-Rays Ordered by Energy and Nuclide.
GAMTOT78AbstractD00109 CY00I 00Compilation of Radioactive Decay and Capture Gamma Rays.
GETOUTAbstractC00461 C0176 00A Computer Code System for Predicting One-Dimensional Radionuclide Decay Chain Transport through Geologic Media.
GIRAFFEAbstractP00304 I3033 00General Isotope Release Analysis For Failed Elements.
HARADAbstractC00387 I0360 00Calculation of Daughter Concentrations in Air Following the Atmospheric Release of a Parent Radionuclide.
INAPAbstractC00235 U1108 00Improved Neutron Activation Prediction Code Systems.
INVENTAbstractC00540 D8810 00A Radionuclide Inventory and Hazard Index Code.
IONMIGAbstractC00526 ALLMF 00Code System for Radionuclide Migration Calculations.
ISOGEN IIAbstractC00055 I3675 00Radioisotope Generator Code.
ISO-PC 2.1AbstractC00636 IBMPC 01Kernel Integration Code System for General Purpose Isotope Shielding Analyses.
ITER-2AbstractP00148 C0000 00Codes for Unfolding Activation Detector Data and Pulse Height Spectra.
LEAFAbstractC00312 C6600 00Fission Product Release Calculator-From a Reactor Containment Building for Arbitrary Radioactive Decay Chains.
LIONSAbstractC00247 I0360 00Calculation of Fission Product Inventory, Gamma-Ray Dose Rates and Gamma-Ray Doses by Kernel Integration.
MAGIKAbstractC00359 I0360 00A Monte Carlo Code System for Computing Induced Residual Activation Dose Rates.
MATADORAbstractC00689 CDCMF 00Radionuclide Behavior in Containments.
NACAbstractC00164 C0000 00Neutron Activation Analysis and Product Isotope Inventory Code System.
NACAbstractC00164 IBMMF 00Neutron Activation Analysis and Product Isotope Inventory Code System.
NAC-PCAbstractC00164 IBMPC 00Neutron Activation Analysis and Product Isotope Inventory Code System.
NACTAbstractC00502 U1100 00Screening Program for Neutron Activation Products.
NAPAbstractC00101 I7090 00Multigroup Time-Dependent Neutron Activation Prediction Code.
NRCPAGEAbstractP00491 DVX11 00Code System to Detect Recurring Loss of Special Nuclear Materials.
NUCCONAbstractC00439 S7800 00A Code System for Calculation of Time-Dependent Nuclide Concentrations, Activity, Gamma-Ray Dose Rate and Biological Hazard Potential of Fusion Reactor Materials Due to Neutron Irradiation.
ORIGEN2.2AbstractC00371 ALLCP 03Isotope Generation and Depletion Code - Matrix Exponential Method.
ORIP_XXIAbstractC00731 PC586 02Computer Programs for Isotope Transmutation Simulations.
ORYX-EAbstractD00038 I0360 00ORIGEN Yields and Cross Sections Nuclear Transmutation and Decay Data from ENDF/B-IV.
ORYX-EAbstractD00038 I0360 01ORIGEN Yields and Cross Sections Nuclear Transmutation and Decay Data from ENDF/B-IV.
OZMAAbstractC00406 I0370 00Calculation of Resonance Reaction Rates in Reactor Lattices Using Resonance Profile Tabulations.
PADLOCAbstractC00330 U0000 00A One-Dimensional, Time-Dependent Program for Calculating Coolant and Plateout Fission Product Concentrations in a Network of Pipes.
PATCH-7AbstractC00243 C0074 00Three-Dimensional Kernel Integration Code-Explicit Single Scattering Option.
PEFPYDAbstractD00096 ALLMF 02Aggregate Fission-Product Decay Data Based on ENDF/B-IV and -V.
PICFEEAbstractC00175 I3675 00Fission Product Inventory Code System.
PREMORAbstractC00369 I0360 00A Point Reactor Exposure Code System for Survey Nuclear Analysis of Power Plant Performance.
PURSEAbstractC00338 C6600 00A Plutonium Radiation Source Code System.
PWR-AXBUPRO-SNLAbstractD00201 MNYCP 00Axial Burnup Profile Database for Pressurized Water Reactors.
RACCAbstractC00388 CY000 00A Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems.
RACCAbstractC00388 I3033 00A Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems.
RACC-PULSEAbstractC00639 MNYWS 00RACC Code System for Computing Radioactivity-Related Parameters for Fusion Reactor Systems Modified for Pulsed/Intermittent Activation Analysis.
RAD 2AbstractC00122 I7090 00Fission Product Radioactivities Calculation.
RADACAbstractC00627 PC486 02Code System for Calculating Radioactive Decay and Accumulation of Decayed Products Using Integer-Array Arithmetic for Precise Evaluation of the Bateman Equations.
RASPAAbstractC00352 C7600 00A Code for the Calculation of Buildup and Decay of Fission Products and Actinides.
REAC*3AbstractC00443 IBMPC 00Computer Code System for Activation and Transmutation.
REAC*3AbstractC00443 MFMWS 00Computer Code System for Activation and Transmutation.
REST 1;2;3AbstractC00225 I0360 00Fission Product Inventory Code System with Fission Product Escape Model.
RIBD-IIAbstractC00137 C6600 00Radioisotope Buildup and Decay Code System.
RIBD-IIAbstractC00137 I0360 00Radioisotope Buildup and Decay Code System.
RIBD-IRTAbstractC00382 U1100 00Radioisotope Buildup and Decay Code System.
RICECCCAbstractC00348 I0360 00A Reactor Nuclide Inventory Code for Calculating Actinides and Fission Products.
SAIPSAbstractP00203 E1040 00Information Processing System for Calculating Neutron Spectra from Measured Reaction Rates.
SAMPO-LRCAbstractP00186 C6600 00Gamma-Ray Spectrum Analysis Code.
SAND-IIAbstractC00112 MNYCP 03Neutron Flux Spectra Determination by Multiple Foil Activation Method.
SCANSAbstractP00029 I3675 00Spectra Calculation from Activated Nuclide Sets.
SOSUMAbstractC00109 I3675 00Multigroup Beta and Gamma-Ray Energy Sources from Activities.
SPECTRAAbstractC00108 C0000 00Determination of Neutron Spectra from Activation.
SPECTRAAbstractC00108 C0073 00Determination of Neutron Spectra from Activation.
SPECTRAAbstractC00108 C3600 00Determination of Neutron Spectra from Activation.
THIDA-2AbstractC00410 FM380 00Code System for the Calculation of Transmutation, Activation, Decay Heat and Dose Rate in Fusion Reactors.
TIBSOAbstractC00512 MNYCP 00Code System to Calculate Production and Migration of Radionuclides in Nuclear Reactor Systems.
TPASGAM 85AbstractD00088 ALLCP 04Radioactive Decay Library of Gamma-Ray Energies, Branching Ratios, and Cross Sections.
WINDOWSAbstractP00136 I0360 00A Program for the Analysis of Spectral Data Foil Activation Measurements.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.