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Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
1DB-2DB-3DBAbstractC00741 PC586 00One-Dimensional Diffusion Code System for Nuclear Reactor.
ALPHNAbstractC00612 IBMPC 00Code System for Calculating (alpha,n) Neutron Production in Canisters of High-Level Waste.
AT123DAbstractC00417 I0360 00Analytical Transient One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Simulation of Waste Transport in an Aquifer System.
BOLD VENTURE IVAbstractC00459 I3033 00A Reactor Analysis Code System.
BOXERAbstractC00766 MNYWS 00Fine-flux Cross Section Condensation, 2D Few Group Diffusion and Transport Burnup Calculations
BUCORSTAbstractP00339 PC386 00A Code to Prepare Burnup-Dependent Multigroup Nuclear Reactor Source Terms.
CANDULIB-AECLAbstractD00210 MNYCP 00Burnup-Dependent ORIGEN-S Cross Section Libraries for CANDU Reactor Fuel Characterization.
CARL 2.3AbstractC00743 PC586 01Code System to Calculate Radiotoxicity, Activity, Dose and Decay Power Calculations for Spent Fuel.
CASKAbstractD00023 I3691 0422 Neutron, 18 Gamma-Ray Group, P3, Cross Sections for Shipping Cask Analysis.
CASK-81AbstractD00023 I0370 0522 Neutron, 18 Gamma-Ray Group, P3, Cross Sections for Shipping Cask Analysis.
CASK-81AbstractD00023 IBMPC 0622 Neutron, 18 Gamma-Ray Group, P3, Cross Sections for Shipping Cask Analysis.
COBRA-ENAbstractP00507 MNYCP 01Thermal-Hydraulic Transient Analysis of Reactor Cores.
COBRA-SFS VERSION 6.0AbstractP00614 MNYCP 02COBRA-SFS Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Multi-Assembly Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Systems.
AbstractP00555 MNYCP 00Dynamic Analysis of Nuclear Energy System Strategies.
DEISAbstractC00455 C6600 00Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste.
DIFMODAbstractC00572 I3083 00A Computer Program To Calculate The Leaching of Radionuclides and the Corrosion of Cemented Waste Forms in Water or Brine.
DPCTAbstractC00580 CYXMP 00A Deterministic-Probabilistic Model For Contaminant Transport.
DUST-BNLAbstractC00634 PC386 00Disposal Unit Source Term by One-Dimensional, Transient, Finite-Difference, Subsurface Release and Transport of Contaminants.
AbstractC00745 MNYWS 00Modular Code and Data System for Fast Reactor Neutronics Analyses
FAMRECAbstractP00167 C7600 01Fuel Assembly Mechanical Response Code System.
FASTGRASSAbstractP00479 MNYCP 00Code System to Predict Fission Product Release in Ubase Fuels.
FCXSECAbstractD00085 PC386 0122 Neutron, 21 Gamma-Ray Group Cross Section Libraries in ANISN Format for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Shielding Calculations.
FEMAXI 6 VER.1AbstractP00536 IBMPC 00Code System for Light Water Reactor Fuel Analysis.
FPICAbstractC00028 I3675 00Fission Product Inventory Code.
FPZDAbstractC00603 PC386 00Code System for Multigroup Neutron Diffusion/Depletion Calculations.
FRANCOAbstractP00363 MNYCP 00Finite Element Fuel Rod Analysis Code System.
FUELSDATAAbstractP00446 C7600 00Code System to Model Verification Fuel Rod Data.
GAPCON-THERMALAbstractP00499 C7600 00Code System to Calculate Fuel Steady State & Transient Behavior.
GRASS-SSTAbstractP00489 MNYCP 00Code System to Predict Fission-Gas Release & Fuel Swelling.
INTRUDE-ANSAbstractC00539 D8810 00A Repository Intrusion Risk Evaluation Code.
AbstractD00194 ALLCP 00Las Cruces Trench Site Database, Vadose Model.
LEOPARDAbstractC00343 C0000 00A Spectrum-Dependent Non-Spatial Fuel Depletion Code System.
LEOPARDAbstractC00343 IBMPC 00A Spectrum-Dependent Non-Spatial Fuel Depletion Code System.
MCB1CAbstractC00719 MNYWS 00Monte-Carlo Continuous Energy Burnup Code System.
MONTEBURNS 2.0AbstractP00455 MNYCP 02Automated, Multi-Step Monte Carlo Burnup Code System.
MURE V2-SMUREAbstractC00764 MNYWS 01Serpent - MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution.
MYRAAbstractC00056 C0000 00Calculation of Shipping Costs and Cask Designs for Irradiated Fuel Elements.
MYRAAbstractC00056 I7090 00Calculation of Shipping Costs and Cask Designs for Irradiated Fuel Elements.
NCSP-DATAbstractM00002 MNYCP 01Nuclear Data in Support of the Nuclear Criticality Safety Program.
NUTRANAbstractC00675 I0370 00Code System for Long-Term Repository Safety Analysis.
ORIGEN2.2AbstractC00371 ALLCP 03Isotope Generation and Depletion Code - Matrix Exponential Method.
ORIGEN-JENDL32AbstractC00703 MNYWS 00Isotope Generation and Depletion Code - Matrix Exponential Method.
PAGANAbstractC00621 IBMPC 00Code System for Performance Assessment Ground-water Analysis for Low-level Nuclear Waste.
PART61AbstractC00499 IBMPC 01Low-Level Radioactive Waste Impacts Analysis System.
PWR-AXBUPRO-GKNAbstractD00209 MNYCP 00Measured Axial Burnup Profiles for NeckarWesthiem PWR Reactors.
PWR-AXBUPRO-SNLAbstractD00201 MNYCP 00Axial Burnup Profile Database for Pressurized Water Reactors.
QBFAbstractC00617 PC386 00Code System to Calculate Radiation Dose Rates Relative to Spent Fuel Shipping Casks.
RADSYSAbstractC00530 I3033 00Code System for Radioactivity Buildup and Radioactive Waste Generation Calculations.
RATAFAbstractC00681 IMFPC 01Code System for the Radioactive Liquid Tank Failure Study.
REBUS3/VARIANT8AbstractC00653 MNYWS 01Code System for Analysis of Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles.
REBUS-PC 1.4AbstractC00708 PC586 00Code System for Analysis of Research Reactor Fuel Cycles.
REPRISK PC 1.02AbstractC00586 PC386 01Repository Risk Assessment Software for Personal Computers.
SACHETAbstractC00571 D8810 00A Computer Program To Evaluate The Dynamic Fission Product Inventories in the Multiple Compartment System of PWR's.
SCANS 1AAbstractP00373 PC386 01Shipping Cask Design Review Analysis.
SRAC95AbstractC00716 MNYWS 00Thermal Reactor Code System for Reactor Design and Analysis.
SWATAbstractC00714 MNYCP 01Step-Wise Burnup Analysis Code System to Combine SRAC-95 Cell Calculation Code and ORIGEN2.
SYVAC-D/2AbstractC00690 D0VAX 00Code System For Risk Assessment From Underground Radioactive Waste Disposal In the United Kingdom.
TRIGLAVAbstractP00495 PC586 00Code System to Calculate Mixed Cores in TRIGA Mark II Research Reactor.
VENTEASYAbstractC00776 PCX86 00Criticality search for a desired Keffective by adjusting dimensions, nuclide concentrations, or buckling
VENTURE-PCAbstractC00654 PC586 02A Reactor Analysis Code System.
WREM-TOODEE2AbstractP00469 ALLMF 002-D Time-Dependent Fuel Element, Thermal Analysis Code System.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.