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RSICC Package MIS-002


Nuclear Data in Support of the Nuclear Criticality Safety Program (NCSP)

The Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board (DNFSB) Recommendation 93-2 has motivated the US Department of Energy (DOE) to develop a comprehensive criticality safety program to maintain and to ensure the subcriticality of nuclear systems located throughout the DOE complex. To implement the response to the DNFSB 93-2 recommendation, a Nuclear Criticality Safety Program (NCSP) was created including the following task groups: Critical Experiments, Criticality Benchmarks, Training, Analytical Methods, and Nuclear Data. Elements of the Nuclear Data task consist of a variety of differential measurements performed at the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator (ORELA) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL); data analysis and evaluation using the generalized least-squares fitting code SAMMY in the resolved, unresolved, and high energy ranges; cross section processing using the NJOY99.24 and/or AMPX2000 codes; and the development and benchmark testing of complete evaluations for inclusion in the Evaluated Nuclear Data Files (ENDF/B). Users should be advised that the data are preliminary. Extensive benchmark testing has not yet been performed.

Cross section evaluations and processed library data produced at ORNL under the auspices of the NCSP are available to the criticality safety community. These data are provided in several formats, including: MCNP cross section libraries, KENO cross section libraries in the 238-group AMPX master library format, and the ENDF/B evaluated data libraries. Data are included for Al-27, O-16, Si-28, Si-29, Si-30, U-233 and U-235. The package contains no retrieval codes. (RSICC Package ID M00002MNYCP01).