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Package NameAbstractRSICC TapelistTitle
ACTIV-PCAbstractP00287 IBMPC 00A Program to Process Gamma or X-ray Spectra.
AMUSEAbstractP00028 C6600 00Gamma-Ray Spectra Unfolding Code.
BONAbstractP00173 I0360 00A Code System for Unfolding Multisphere Spectrometer Neutron Measurements.
CALOR95AbstractC00610 MNYWS 00Monte Carlo Code System for Design and Analysis of Calorimeter Systems, Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Target Systems, etc.
CASTHYAbstractP00316 FM000 00Statistical Model Calculation for Neutron Cross Sections and Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra.
CEAR-PPUAbstractP00528 PC586 00Code System for Monte Carlo Simulation of Detector Pulse Pile Up.
CERPI-CERELAbstractP00147 I0360 00Code Systems for Automatic Analysis of Gamma-Ray Spectra Obtained with Ge(Li) Detectors.
CONFOLDAbstractP00053 C6600 00Least-Structure Unfolding Code System for Measured Neutron and Gamma-Ray Spectra.
CONFOLDAbstractP00053 I0360 00Least-Structure Unfolding Code System for Measured Neutron and Gamma-Ray Spectra.
COOL-CAbstractP00017 I0360 00Spectra Unfolding Codes.
CRYSTAL BALLAbstractC00233 C6600 00Code System for Determining Neutron Spectra from Activation Measurements.
CRYSTAL BALLAbstractC00233 I0360 00Code System for Determining Neutron Spectra from Activation Measurements.
CUPEDAbstractP00032 I3675 00Scintillation Spectrometer Polyenergetic Gamma Photon Experimental Distributions Unfolding Code.
DANTEAbstractP00185 I0370 00Unfolding Code System for Energy Spectra Evaluation for Dosimetry Purposes.
DENISAbstractP00082 I0360 00Monte Carlo Simulation of the Capture and Detection of Neutrons with Large Liquid Scintillators.
DETAN 95AbstractP00361 MNYCP 00Code System to Calculate Spectrum-Averaged Cross Sections and Detector Responses in Neutron Spectra.
DIFBASAbstractP00334 MNYCP 00A Bayesian Approach to Unfolding a Neutron Spectrum from a Spectrum of Recoiled Protons.
DUFOLDAbstractP00042 I0360 00Derivative Unfolding Code - Determination of Neutron Spectra from NE-213 Pulse Height Data.
FANTOMAbstractC00375 BESM6 00Monte Carlo Calculation of the Response of an External Detector to a Photon Source in the Lungs of a Heterogeneous Phantom.
FATDUDAbstractP00080 I0360 00Foil Activation Data Unfolding Code System.
FERDO/FERDAbstractP00102 I3033 00Multichannel Neutron and Gamma-Ray Spectrum Matrix Unfolding Code Systems.
FERDORAbstractP00017 I7090 00Spectra Unfolding Codes.
FERDORAbstractP00017 U1108 00Spectra Unfolding Codes.
FERD-PCAbstractP00273 IBMPC 00Interactive Multichannel Neutron and Gamma-Ray Spectrum Matrix Unfolding Code System.
FLYSPEC-SHORTSAbstractP00196 C7600 00Neutron Unfolding Code System for Reducing Proton-Recoil Pulse-Height Obtained with NE-213 Liquid Scintillator.
FORISTAbstractP00092 C0000 00Neutron Spectrum Unfolding Code System - Iterative Smoothing Technique.
FORISTAbstractP00092 I0360 00Neutron Spectrum Unfolding Code System - Iterative Smoothing Technique.
GABASAbstractP00175 U1108 00A Code System for Generating Composite Time-Dependent Fission Produce Spectra.
GAINCALBAbstractP00056 I0360 00Determination of the Gain Used with Organic Scintillation Detect.
GAMANAbstractP00083 DP010 00Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Ge(Li) Gamma-Ray Spectra.
GAMANALAbstractP00506 D0VAX 00Code System for Computerized Quantitative Analysis By Gamma-Ray Spectrometry.
GAMMAAbstractP00095 I0360 00Monte Carlo Code System for Calculating Efficiencies and Response Functions of NaI(Tl) Crystals for Gamma Rays from Thick Disk Sources.
GAUSS VAbstractP00045 I0360 00A Code system for Analysis of Gamma-Ray Spectra from Ge(Li) Spectrometers.
GAUSS VIIAbstractP00045 C0000 00A Code system for Analysis of Gamma-Ray Spectra from Ge(Li) Spectrometers.
GELI2/SPAN2AbstractP00094 I0360 00Calculation of Nuclide Abundaces from Multichannel Gamma-ray Spectra.
GRETELAbstractP00100 I0370 00Analyzer and Processor of Ge(Li) Gamma-Ray Spectrometric Data.
GRPANLAbstractP00321 D0VAX 00Code System for Analyzing Ge and Alpha-Particle Detector Spectra.
HYPERMETAbstractP00101 C3800 00Gamma-Ray Spectra Analyzer Germanium Detector.
HYPERMETAbstractP00101 F150F 00Gamma-Ray Spectra Analyzer Germanium Detector.
HYPERMETAbstractP00101 I0360 00Gamma-Ray Spectra Analyzer Germanium Detector.
ITER-2AbstractP00148 C0000 00Codes for Unfolding Activation Detector Data and Pulse Height Spectra.
MATXUFAbstractP00130 I0360 00On-Line Derivative Method, Spectrum Unfolding Code System for NE-213 Liquid Fast Scintillation Proton Recoil Data.
AbstractC00699 MNYCP 01Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code System with Digital Signal Processing based on MCNP4A.
MESAAbstractP00223 I3033 00Non-Linear Least Squares Spectral Analysis.
MGA8AbstractP00542 MNYCP 00Code System to Determine Pu Isotope Abundances from Multichannel Analyzer Gamma Spectra.
MICAPAbstractP00261 I3033 00A Monte Carlo Code System for Analysis of Ionization Chamber Responses.
MORNAbstractP00062 I0360 00Calculation of the Response of Sodium Iodide Crystals to Gamma Rays.
NAAPROAbstractC00722 PC586 00Neutron Activation Analysis PRognosis and Optimization Code System.
NAISAPAbstractP00085 F2306 00Theory and Use of Gamma-Ray Spectrum Analysis Codes for NaI(Tl) Detectors.
NEUPACAbstractP00177 FM200 00Neutron Unfolding Code System for Calculating Neutron Flux Spectra from Activation Data of Dosimeter Foils.
PAPER 1AbstractP00097 C6600 00Monte Carlo Calculation of Solid Angle and Self-Absorption Factors for an Inclined Cylindrical Source Viewed by a Cylindrical Detector.
RADAKAbstractP00122 I0360 00Flux Spectra Unfolding Code System - Neutron or Gamma-Ray Detectors.
RADCOMPT 2.10LAbstractP00348 IBMPC 00Sample Analysis Code System for the Dual Channel Counter.
REFERDOUAbstractP00249 FM380 00Code System for NE-213 Unfolding of Neutron Spectra up to 100 MeV with Response Function Error Propagation.
REFUM-BROADAbstractP00039 F2307 00Monte Carlo Codes for Calculating Efficiencies and Response Functions of NaI(Tl) Crystals for Thick Disk Gamma-Ray Sources.
RESPMGAbstractP00060 I0360 00Response Matrix Generation Code System.
RFSP-JULAbstractP00126 I0360 00Unfolding Code System for Neutron Spectra Evaluation from Activation Data.
RFUNCAbstractP00312 D0VAX 00Code System to Analyze Differential Scattering Data.
SAIPSAbstractP00203 E1040 00Information Processing System for Calculating Neutron Spectra from Measured Reaction Rates.
SAND-IIAbstractC00112 MNYCP 03Neutron Flux Spectra Determination by Multiple Foil Activation Method.
SCANSAbstractP00029 I3675 00Spectra Calculation from Activated Nuclide Sets.
SCINFULAbstractP00267 CY0MP 00Scintillator Full Response to Neutron Detection.
SCINFULAbstractP00267 D8600 00Scintillator Full Response to Neutron Detection.
SELFS-3AbstractP00551 C6600 00Self-Shielding Correlation of Foil Activation Neutron Spectra Analysis by SAND-II.
SKEWGAUSAbstractP00089 I0360 00Skewed-Gaussian Line Peak Fitting Code - Multichannel Analyzer (MCA) Spectra - Ge(Li) and Semiconductor Detectors.
SORAAbstractP00174 I0360 00A Code System for Storage and Retrieval of Data from Radionuclide Analyses.
SPACETRAN 1;2;3AbstractC00120 I3675 00Dose Calculations at Detectors at Various Distances from the Surface of a Cylinder.
SPEC-4AbstractP00099 I0360 00Calculated Recoil Proton Energy Distributions from Monoenergetic and Continuous Spectrum Neutrons.
SPECTRAAbstractC00108 C0000 00Determination of Neutron Spectra from Activation.
SPECTRAAbstractC00108 C0073 00Determination of Neutron Spectra from Activation.
SPECTRAAbstractC00108 C3600 00Determination of Neutron Spectra from Activation.
SPECTRANS-2AbstractP00071 ICL00 00Neutron Spectrum Library Generation.
SPUNITAbstractP00266 D8600 00Spectrum Unfolding Using Information Theory.
SWORD 7.0AbstractC00767 MNYCP 07SoftWare for Optimization of Radiation Detectors.
UMG 3.3AbstractP00529 PC586 00Unfolding with Maxed and Gravel.
WINDOWSAbstractP00136 I0360 00A Program for the Analysis of Spectral Data Foil Activation Measurements.
XG-IAEAAbstractD00163 IBMPC 00X-ray and Gamma-ray Standards For Detector Calibration.
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) collects, analyzes, maintains, and distributes software in the areas of radiation transport and safety. RSICC resides in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division (NEFCD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.